25. Scars and Their Secrets

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A/n: The moment you've all been waiting for. I hope it's up to your expectations and you gain some enjoyment out of it, cause I know I did~


It's dark.

That's the first thing Katakuri registers when he stepped out of the portal. Fortunately without feeling nauseated.

The land you transported to is dark, quiet, and isolated from civilization, with tall birch trees and unkempt plantlife. If Katakuri didn't know you, he would suspect you'll try to murder him and dump his body here.

You quietly made a simple hand gesture, guiding him down a small trail through the trees.

The walk is silent. Not too awkward and neither too overwhelming like back at the infirmary. Just peaceful silence. With crickets and other bugs creating a soothing ambiance, along with the ruffling of the tree foliage above.

Katakuri assumes this must be a place you frequent, maneuvering through the island with familiarity, jumping over every fallen tree trunk and sidestepping any rock he would've tripped over.

The walk ended when you reached a clearing near a cliffside, the foliage opening up to let the moon illuminate the area around you two. There are a couple tree logs and chopped stumps with an ax still embedded in the wood, you went up to one of the stumps as a seat.

Katakuri imitated you, resting on a fallen log.

"I'm listening." he said calmly.

This is a civil chit chat after all.

"Well, I may have lied a few times to you when first met," you start off quite cheeky.

"You don't say?" he remarks sarcastically,

You respond with a brief laugh.

"Due to my profession, I should hide as much of myself as I can, but now I wanna be completely honest with you," you held your legs crisscross applesauce.

"Sounds good to me." Katakuri nods in agreement.

"Oh man, where do I start? I don't wanna bore with a sob story or something like that," you wave a hand. "Ah I know! you probably wanna know what I was doing in Toto Land right?"

Katakuri nods, trying to adjust himself comfortably on the log. The sooner he lets you talk the sooner he can go to bed.

"It's nothing personal against your mom, my crew needed an accurate map of the sky islands that just happened to be above your guy's territory, but of course money is necessary to fund such a project as large as that. Hence why we intercepted the cargo ships." there wasn't any animosity in your tone, you treated it like any other job instead of purposely trying to anger big mom.

"I'm just impressed you went on for so long without being captured," Judging by his voice, he didn't seem to hold a grudge against you either. "Why the bakery then?"

"Ah, good question sweet commander! that's the main meal of the night," you wave an knowing index finger at him. "Because I heard there was this flawless, and intimidating warrior within the Big Mom high ranks, and I was dying to get to know him before and during a fight!"

Katakuri's pride swelled a little when he heard this, the fact that he caught your attention because of his strength was doing wonders to his ego and confidence.

"And his name is Charlotte Daifuku~" you sigh dreamily.

A vein popped up on Katakuri's forehead, one of his crimson eyes twitching in annoyance.

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