21. Temporary Alliance.

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A/n: I liked writing this chapter and the one that follows this one. See ya next weekend. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


An hour ago you had a simple plan.

Sneak in a human trafficking side base, place some homemade explosives and let them go off. Undetected and untraceable, it's the perfect job for you. If Doflamingo finds out you've been messing with his allies and a source of his income, you'll lose some credibility points with him and your warlord chances will lower.

The first bomb was in place, but before you could set the timer...

"Let go of me! Do you have any idea who I am?!" a feminine voice rang through the dark hallways.

Oh no, They aren't supposed to bring any prisoners here.

"Once my brother Katakuri comes for me he's gonna kill all of you!" Poire shouted at the top of her lungs.

You froze.

Abandoning the bomb, you carefully crawl your way across the steel beams built over the corridors, getting a good view of a pink-haired girl struggling between two men.

"Knock her out, she's pissing me off." one of the men mumble.

You grimace at the whack given to the teenager, watching them lock her unconscious body inside a small cell, standing on either side of the entrance.

This is supposed to be a destructive mission, not a rescue one. It would be easy to knock out the guards, blow your cover, and take the girl. But that would mean risking everything you built up to this point with Doflamingo. However, you can't simply blow up the base if this girl is here.

Hence why you came to seek Katakuri's help in the present.

"An alliance?" Katakuri repeated your words. "Don't make me laugh moonlight thief. Just give me the information and I'll spare your life."

"Even if I give you the location, they'll relocate her the second they detect someones after them," you reason with the man. "You need me to go unnoticed, but I can't do that if you're gonna try to kill my ass every five seconds."

Katakuri took a step forward, unwilling to cooperate with you.

"I have an array of subordinates under my command, with enough numbers I can take down the entire operation."

"It's not that easy, that's why you nedd to solve things undetected and I have the right ability for it."

Katakuri narrowed his eyes. "So does my sister Brulee. All she has to do is find a mirror within the base and-"

"Would you just listen to me?!" you snap all of the sudden. "By the time you gather your men it will be too late for her, good luck finding her when she could be sent anywhere in the world!" you pause to calm down, but there was still urgency in your voice. "I know how these guys work, that's why I'm offering you an easy escape route."

You readjust the umbrella in hand, hovering it over Katakuri as a good sign.

"Can't you just trust me on this?" you ask in a lower tone, almost a plead.

He wants to believe you, but logically speaking he knows how good of a liar you are. The combination between his pride and mixed feelings unable to fully trust your story.

His silence said it all.

You took a moment to ease yourself. Sabaody has the ability to magically work up more than usual.

"My eyesight," you said all of a sudden.


"That's my natural weakness, I need to see to know where I am going and create portals. Even if it's just for a few meters within my eyesight. If I wanna go longer distances I need to know the exact coordinates of the location or it has to be a place I've already been to, that's how I can sneak into places," you explain.

Pocket Thief [Katakuri x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें