S1 Episode 9: My Sister and Brother's Keeper

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Lancer turns to the Jazz and told her, "Jazz, Dr. Spectra is a highly respected motivational speaker and teen therapist. She's agreed to help pump up the volume on that old Casper High spirit this week."

A small man walks up to her holding a sheet of paper. The teacher tells the red head with a smile telling her, "And this is my assistant, Bertrand."

Jazz waves nervously waves at him as he just seems to sniff. Making the Fenton girl falter, looking at him awkwardly as the women called to her, "Jazz, we're gonna have a super week! Wait'll you see what we have planned for the Spirit-a-thon! Right after your speech, show her, Bertrand."

She pointing to the card that Bertrand holds up, showing 'Casper High' written in dominoes and continues to explain, "We'll set off this domino chain that says "Casper Spirit". Dominoes represent how each person's spirit affects the next person they touch. Slammin', huh?"

"If by slammin', you mean weird, then yes." Jazz answers looking away from the plan.

Lancer smiled and asks her, "And the spirit sparklers go off afterwards...right?"

Spectra pulls a pair of sparklers out of her desk, she leaps up onto it, brandishing them enthusiastically, "After all, what's spirit week without spirit sparklers?"

Jazz said with a sigh and looks down, "You know, you're a little over-peppy, but my siblings might benefit from talking to you. But their so mad right now and even scary at each other, that they will never listen to me."

"Yes, well, they'll listen to me." The teacher smiled at the red haired Fenton telling her.


The twins both still refusing to look at each other sit side by side outside Spectra's office, under Danny's chair was a sign declaring 'Happy Chairs!' They both looks up as the door opens to see Paulina and Spectra walk out as the girl asks clearly with a frown, "So, you're saying my popularity is, like, completely dependent on my beauty?"

Spectra gently told the girl as if trying to lift her spirits before turning to the Fentons, "I'm not saying it's fair, sweetie. But if you feel like you need something, like, a lot of makeup, I say go for it! You're the only you you've got! Danny, come on in! Your next alright sweetie."

She goes back into the office and Danny follows her, closing the door behind him leaving Dess alone on the chair. Paulina stands there despondently for a moment, then turns and walks away making the younger Fenton twin look at her with a raised eyebrow. She seemed to sigh thinking, 'Why are we fighting again? We've done worst damage before and we have never been like thi...'

Before she could finish her train Danny come out to her office and glares right at her making the her jump in surprise. Spectra stood at the door and said, "I'm ready Dess, sweet heart."

She turns back to the adult and her brother noticing he was acting strange. Dess reaches out her hand towards his as he turns to walk away as the women sweet voice calls, "I'm waiting for you Ms. Fenton. You can always talk to him later."

With that she walked into the office as she shuts the door following behind Spectra who goes and sits at her desk and Dess is shivering in the chair across from her saying with a growl seeming to become angry, "Sorry about your office... Have you ever thought of turn up the heat in here!? I can see my own breath you know!"

"You truly are twins. Your brother Danny said the exactly the same thing... Though he did say that he hates being twins with you and he would be much better without a no-it all like you." She tells the girl with a shrug of her shoulder.

Danny and Dess Phantom! OC InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora