“Hey Carl are you sure you want us to-” Elliot said as he opened the door of the toilets. 

Carly couldn’t be bothered trying to move around the small compact space of the tiny toilet stall and instead had braved the choice of getting dressed outside in the open.  Now she sincerely wished she hadn’t as she saw Elliot’s eyes widen at the sight of the bra she was wearing.

Thinking back on it at the end of the day Carly couldn’t really explain why she said the next words, “I’m gay okay!”  She cried shrilly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Shit!”  Elliot shouted as he covered his eyes, “I’m sorry!”

He turned and ran out of the toilets, not stopping until he had made a safe distance from it and Carl.  Aw shit man!  He’s probably going to think I’m some kind of pervert!  I didn’t know that gay guys liked to wear women clothes.  Well, actually thinking on it I have seen a fair few gay men who like to look a little feminine.  Maybe Carl was like that?

Great just great, Carly groaned to herself as she curled up into a ball on the toilet floor, he not only thinks I’m gay but now the possibility of me being a cross dresser is probably circling his brain at this very moment.  Freaking fantastic. 


To say Carly was depressed was an understatement, in fact Callum, Liam and Jasper – who sat with her in History – could practically feel the waves of dark emotions radiating off of her.    

It was a surprising and exciting revelation to the four friends when they had found out that they shared the same history lesson.  It soon turned to a horrifying experience for their history teacher when he realized just how diabolical Callum, Jasper and Liam could be when Carly was not around.  It was made certain for him when she had missed a day to take care of her sick Dad.  He had literally begged her to never miss one of his lessons again when she had eventually ventured back to class.  It should be mentioned that he still had chicken feathers stuck in his hair, which was probably the aftermath of the boy’s last prank.

They all sat in a group of four in the corner of the room, only because the boys had staged a small revolution due to the injustice of being separated far away from each other at the beginning of the year.  Never had the teacher been more scared in his life, and so it was an unspoken agreement with him, and the rest of the class, that they would stay together in the corner of the room where they had situated themselves in their second lesson of the year.  However, they had to let Carly sit somewhere else in order to eradicate suspicion that she was anything but a boy. 

Callum and Liam exchanged a look with each other, as they sat side by side, before turning their heads to the right to take another peek at Carly.  They grimaced when they saw Carly’s face completely planted into the desk in front of her, her arms dangling down lifelessly under the desk.        

Jasper leaned forward and placed a torn piece of paper on Callum’s desk.  Callum frowned down at the note and turned to raise a single eyebrow at Jasper seated behind him, he only nodded towards the paper.  Callum sighed and opened the folded paper, he stilled at the two words written in clear bold writing.  His mouth formed a smirk before turning again in his seat and giving a simple nod towards Jasper.  He sated Liam’s curiosity by passing the small note to him and watching his reaction.   

Liam read the words and couldn’t contain the giddy smile that stretched across his lips.  He gave a consented nod to his two friends, allowing the paper to slip from his fingers and litter onto the floor.  There on that white paper read the words Bohemian Rhapsody.

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