Dadzawa and dadmada

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Aizawa's p.o.v
After we get out of the hospital Hizashi walks with me to the original villain hideout.
"I heard about what happened. I know the culprit. She just a little one. Shigaraki has her scared for her life. She protects him in exchange of living. He's already almost taken one of her arms."
"Do you know her name?"
"Kiken'na Yoru. It means dangerous night. Don't let her touch you. Not in the dark."
"When I was working with them they never figured out exactly how her quirk works but we know it only is affective in the dark. You'll want a light. Especially if you're going in Eraser Head." Dabi lights a lamp with his flame. "Last I was here I told her I'd help her out looks like I'm not the only one who had the same idea. Just be careful avoid making her use her quirk. It's not just dangerous for you but also her. We call it Parasite. The first villain she used it on vomited blood until he died. It wasn't normal blood either. It never seemed to dry. It acts like a parasite. Attacks the affected to eventually kill them if not treated."
"Got it."
"Be safe Aizawa."
"I will Hizashi."
"Also don't worry about Shigaraki being down there. She is alone down there at night. As long as you don't scream you'll be fine. They are sleeping around this hour."
"Yeah." I hop down the hole the lantern giving me enough light to see one corridor. Against my greater judgment I go down it. Sure enough it's the kid. I get on one knee. And put my hands up.
"Put the light down. Near me."
"Okay." I push the light towards her. She seems surprised.
"Did dabi help you?"
"In a way. Just keep whispering."
"You can hold the light but I'm here to get you out of here."
"I can't see anything except the light."
"I'll help you then okay? Just work with me."
"Can you see in light?"
"Okay. I'm going to grab your hand okay? Do you trust me?"
"Let's go I'll hold the light." We sneak through the maze of tunnels. Thankfully I love mazes and puzzles so I remember the way no problem. I support her out of the hole before jumping out.
"We need to change your name."
"Kiken'na Yoru is slightly.. intimidating. You're infatuated with light so do you mind if I call you Lumi?"
"Okay." Hizashi looks her over.
"Shigaraki definitely did decay your arm huh. Not off but it looks pretty close."
"He did it to my dad too."
"Do want me to go back and look for him?"
"My entire dad. Not just his arm. He grabbed my dads neck. My dad told me to refuse to matter what he did to him but the pain when he did it to me was too much." I pick up the youngster. Dabi comes home with us as well. Poor girl seems exhausted. She can't be older then five.
"Mr. Aizawa you're okay." I shush them pointing to the sleeping Lumi.
"You were just vomiting blood where did you get a child?"
"I refused to leave her in the villain tunnels. She has a parasite quirk Dabi said they called it."
"It attacks the affected killing them in two to three days depending on when they are affected and if they were directly affected by her or by using their quirk against a protected person. Unfortunately using her quirk also causes her harm. Kind of."
"Kind of?" Dabi gently runs his hands through her long hair.
"Well every time she uses her quirk she vomits blood for like thirty minutes after. It doesn't affect her how it would us though. Her body is used to it because it's her quirk. Much like Bakugo's explosions. They don't hurt affect him to an extent because it's his quirk. Him and Yamada's quirk will lead to their inevitable hearing loss but it doesn't technically cause any physical harm to the user."
"What about your quirk?"
"It may have been my fire that burnt me but it's not directly from my hands. I was an pyromaniac. I'm not anymore but I used to play with fire just to watch shit burn. I got too close and burnt myself. My hair is just singed from my quirk. If I were to stop using it my hair would go back to red. But a quirk doesn't directly affect the user how it would the opponent."
"Only ones I've seen no direct weakness is one for all. The weird part about it is that people who have no direct relation to eachother all have it. Deku isn't biologically yours but he has your quirk."
"If you don't know how to use it I could break every bone in my body."
"Well that means the quirk is too powerful to actual be biological it's has to be scientifically made. Back to Lumi."
"She is sleeping."
"Why did you save the person who made you violently ill?" Everyone questions me.
"I knew as soon as the doctor said it was quirk related it had to be the small person I made eye contact with. The small shadow behind Shigaraki."
"What does she have to do with him?"
"Shigaraki killed her dad trying to get her to crack and protect him. She didn't cave because her dad told her not to. Unfortunately Shigaraki knew most kids can't handle pain too well. So he grabbed her arm she refused to help until he almost took off her arm with decay. The pain was unbearable and she couldn't take anymore. She gave in. I mean at the time she was four, lost her dad, and just had her arm slowly and painfully decayed. It's healed though which is shocking."
"Jesus. Villains are getting worse."
"Some of us are told are quirks could never do any good. Or we have bad experiences with heros. I had both. Plus daddy issues."
"Who are you staying with?"
"Of course." Hizashi laughs. The tiny girl is starting to rub off on me. "She could really pass as yours hun."
"You think?"
"The dark hair and everything."
"I mean she does have to look at the victim in order to attack them. Down falls of her quirk it can only be used in the dark and it's deadly."
"If I can properly train her she could learn to manage it so it's not deadly but more of an attack. I did it with Mydoria. He learned to channel it at the last second and now he's able to use it with minimal bodily harm."
"She's so tiny."
"She is."
"Do you know who the quirk was made?"
"Nope she was just born with it."
"Huh." Hizashi goes to pick her up but she jolts awake.
"I'm sorry!"
"I was just going to take you to bed."
"Oh. I'm not tired I sleep when My head hurts."
"Oh okay."
"Do you know how to do hair? You've got long hair maybe you could make mine look pretty? I've never looked pretty."
"Maybe we can bathe first then do your hair."
"Last time I had a bath was when my daddy was alive."
"Here let's see if we have any clothes that might work for tonight."
"She's so tiny I don't know if we'll find anything."
"I still have some clothes from her age. Mind you they are mostly Halloween themed but they might fit her it's better then nothing."
"True." The floor is stained from the blood.
"Is that my fault?"
"Nope. It's Shigaraki's."
"You were doing what you had to. I'm not going to blame you for what happened." I turn the bath to lukewarm. "Feel that." She reaches her tiny hand out to touch the water. "Good?" She nods.
"I found a box of your old clothes and a few toys." He pulls out a Teddy Bear I got from my grandma before she passed away.
"God I remember that. I used to cuddle that when I was scared."
"I remember that. Your first time sleeping over I heard you crying and saw you hugging this in fetal position." Lumi does grabby hands for it.
"Hizashi can you put that in the wash with the clothes so they'll be clean for her?"
"Of course." I get her out of her dirt covered outfit. I lift her up and put her in the tub along with a few of my old bath toys.
"What are these?"
"I played with rubber duckies in the bath when I was little."
"Why is this one a bee?" She laughs.
"I don't know maybe that's his quirk."
"Oou!" She figures out the ducks can squeeze out water. She sprays me with it. I grab a duck and spray her back. "No fair!" She giggles.
"Let's get that hair taken care of. Hizashi can I use you shampoo on her hair? It smells nicer and might help it a lot."
"Go ahead."
"What does it smell like?"
"Oou yummy!"
"Not edible."
"Awwe why not?"
"It's for washing your hair not your insides."
"How do I clean my insides?"
"Brushing your teeth and lots of water."
"Speaking of which we should probably get her somethings. Even if we just end up fostering her."
"I'll go get her a few things we can go clothes shopping tomorrow."
"Sounds good. What do you think Lumi?" She smiles. How could such a small young child know so much about her quirk already? I wash her hair and cover her eyes so the shampoo doesn't get in her eyes. "You want really soft hair?"
"Yeah!" I use a small amount of conditioner and let it sit in her hair. I hold it out of the water for a little. I rinse it out.
"Stand up I need to wash your body sweetie."
"I thought my name was Lumi?"
"Sweetie is a nickname."
"Ohhhh." I scrub her body clean of the dirt and grime. "Can I tell you something?"
"Of course."
"Parasite isn't my quirk it was my daddy's. My quirk let's me use any quirk I'm taught about."
"Well I can teach you about mine and Hizashi can teach you about his."
"Can you pull the plug out?"
"Yup." She pulls it out and hands it to me.
"Thank you Lumi." I wrap a towel around her before picking her up. I don't think she would appreciate my cold hands against her for too long. "Let's see if the clothes are done. The bath did take long." I check the washer it's empty and the dryer isn't running. I check it and the clothes are warm and dry. "Perfect." I put her right beside me as I put the clothes in the basket on top of the dryer. "Come one let's go pick out some jammies." She gets up and follows me to the guest room. I lay out her options and she picks my bat nightgown thing. I slip it on her and a pair of pajama shorts. She grabs the teddy bear and runs to show it off to everyone. I can't help but smile. She's so cute. "Maybe I am ready for kids." I put the rest of the clothes away. (This is not the guest room All-might was staying in. It's not clean yet and well it's Aizawa.) "What are you doing little lady?"
"Showing them the bear."
"Do you like it?"
"Then it's yours." I can see midnight who must of arrived while I was washing Lumi. She looks shocked.
"You're really giving that too her? Are you even adopting her?"
"If I can get Hizashi to agree."
"I thought you weren't ready for kids?"
"Maybe I was wrong." Everyone looks surprised with that statement. Hizashi gets back with a few treats and stuff for her.
"Look! Daddy Aizawa gave it to me!"
"He did? Did you say thank you?"
"I didn't get the chance. People started talking."
"If you are trying to say thank you just speak over them he'll hear you."
"Okay! Thank you!" She hugs me tightly.
"Even after I warned you about touching her you still are willing to. Why?"
"She has a mimic quirk. Apparently she can use any quirk she learns about. I was thinking maybe teaching her mine at some point."
"That would be nice. Plus she would have pro hero with that quirk to look up to. Give her hope." Hizashi hands her a thing of yoghurt.
"There it's something strawberry you can eat." She pretty much inhales it. "Slow down you'll make yourself sick."
"Sorry I'm really hungry and thirsty." Hizashi must of thought about this because he pulls out a cold water bottle and a sandwich from the bag.
"The sandwich probably won't taste too good but it's pre made and better then nothing."
"When is her birthday Dabi?"
"Her fifth birthday was the day Enji and I fought."
"Thank you Toya." She eats the sandwich pretty quickly. "What did I say about eating fast?"
"Sorry." She drinks slowly listening to me this time.
"Better." She gets up and runs to the bathroom.
"What's up Lumi?"
"I have to pee!!"
"Do you need help?"
"It's too big to get up on!"
"Alright I'm coming." Hizashi smiles. Maybe she is meant for this family. "There. All good. You can wipe on your own right?"
"Okay. Don't use too much toilet paper it'll clog the toilet and that's bad."
"Got it." I stand outside the bathroom door. "Help!"
"What's wrong?" I come in and she is hold her hands out away from her disgusted. "Need help washing your hands?"
"Yeah." I lift her up as she washes her hands.
"Good job." She runs back to the living room. I follow her close behind. "How is your eye sight?"
"I can see everything! The bear, you, Dabi, the other man that was there, blonde dude, half and half, Broccoli man, and dark haired pretty girl."
"Awe you think I'm pretty?"
"Yeah! My daddy did too. You were his favorite hero. He wanted to meet you one day."
"Did he?"
"Yeah. I don't think he can anymore though."
"Did he pass away?"
"Yeah but I tried my best to listen to his last rule."
"Well you did good you little Angel."
"I broke it. He told me to say no. No matter what happened to him. I wouldn't help Shigaraki. But he hurt me and I didn't want to die so I agreed."
"Sometimes rules have to be broken. If you didn't break that rule like you said you would die."
"I bet he's proud of me!"
"I think so too. What about you Aizawa?"
"He definitely is. He is proud of you for being the strong little lady you are." Everyone encourages her making her really happy.
"Hey Lumi you ready for me to do your hair?"
"Can I cut it a bit? It's way too long on you."
"Yeah!" Hizashi takes her to the bathroom to do her hair. Everyone gets talking about how cute she is. All I can think about is how amazing it would be to raise her with Hizashi by my side.
"Okay everyone now presenting Lumi!" She runs out smiling. Her hair is now about my length instead of Hizashi's. Her hair is in little piggy tails with bows on each side. She has a little All-might clip in her hair. A green bow for Mydoria, a blue one for Toya, my length hair, and big smile on her face.
"Look at how pretty she is!"
"Does everything in her hair represent someone here?"
"Yup. She refused for me to do matching on both sides for Todorki. She wanted the moon clip in her hair for Midnight. It had to be symmetrical yet different."
"Where is your thing?" He pulls out small headphones.
"Right here. She wanted to show you with and without them."
"Very pretty."
"She was dead set on shoulder length just like the man who came back without even promising to." She snuggles up to me smiling at me. Such a cute little smile.
"Did you brush your teeth?"
"He helped me."
"Me and Todoroki would like to stay the night just incase you guys need help tomorrow."
"You guys can go back home we got this."
"I have nothing back home for me. My mom lost her marbles. I love her but it's not safe hence why I opted for the dorms."
"I guess so. I don't see why not. That just means one of you are helping me with breakfast."
"Oh god that's not gonna end well."
"Unlike you they haven't offered to live as me for a day. I know how my days go that's why I left options open."
"You yelled at me over almond milk vs almond creamer!"
"I don't like almond milk in my coffee. I like it on its own but on coffee is a no. It's not thick enough and not a creamy enough flavour."
"It's the same thing." Yamada looks at me confused cause the words were muffled in All-mights hands.
"He said it's the same thing."
"Oh. It's not. Hold on." He brings out two small plastic shot cups. One with the milk and the other with creamer. "Taste them." He does as Yamada says.
"They do taste different..."
"Exactly. I like almond milk a lot but it's just not the right flavour for coffee. It's too strong. My coffee has two very strong flavours three would be a bit too much."
"Why do you drink almond milk? Normal milk is so much better."
"I'm allergic. I have to order from a special pizza place that makes allergy safe pizzas. I'm so allergic that if I smell cheese I feel nauseous. I notice the small difference between smells."
"So why did you buy her yoghurt?"
"I got the dairy free kind. Everything in this house is dairy free."
"I'm not allergic but I used to be so now my stomach is sensitive to it. So we just agreed substitute it. You barely notice the difference unless you're eating it on it's own. Almond milk as taste better. I've always preferred the taste of it."
"Isnt it sweet?"
"Eh. Can be depending on what one you buy." Lumi grabs for the milk one.
"Hizashi hold her real quick." I grab a cup put some milk in it and grab a straw. "Here you go sweetie."
"Thank you."
"What made you do that."
"She was trying to grab the cups you gave me to taste the difference."
"Oh okay. Is it yummy?" She nods. She almost falls trying to put the cup on the coffee table. She starts crying cause she dropped the cup.
"Awe it's okay Sweetie it's fine I can get you a little bit more."
"I'm sorry I dropped it don't be mad at me." I pick her up and hug her.
"I'm not mad accidents happen sweetie. All that matters is that you are okay and not hurt." Yamada gets back with paper towels as I comfort Lumi. "You'll be okay. I'm right here. Nothing will happen to you here."
"Mr. Aizawa?"
"This is from earlier when we were trying to get you in the shower how did you know your head would go through the counter thing on the sink?"
"We have the exact same one downstairs. The day I told my dad I was moving out he grabbed my head and slammed it into the sink breaking both the counter and sink. My head hurt like a bitch but other then that it was fine." Hizashi picks up Lumi sits her on the couch and gives her the switch. He teaches her how to play a game. "Here I'll show you a few things you two." I show them the one All-might was asking about. "This was made by my head. The ones in mine and Hizashi's bedroom is my head or my shoulder. The smaller one right next to this one is my dad's fist. I had begged him to stop. He didn't like that and punched right beside my head. The kitchen had entirely new cabinet and counters. Everything in here used to be destroyed. In here was the worst everything got. My dad would just walk up behind me and smash my head against the counters destroying them plus the cabinets because I'd fall through them. My dad was a tall tall man so when he ran out of counters he slammed me in to these." I point up to the upper cabinets. "We had to completely repair this entire wall separating the guest room All-might was in and the kitchen. My dad broke the bathtub up here by kicking me into it. The only time he didn't hit me was when he wasn't drunk but that was rare when my grandma came to visit. Then she died and it became constant."
"Even through all that you became a hero?"
"Yup. I swore to myself if being a hero helped kids in anyway I wouldn't give up on it. Hizashi, Nemuri, and Oboro helped me focus on that goal."
"Present Mic."
"Oh god."
"It was a villain attack. It hurts still but I've always got a part of him with me. Unfortunately people die in our line of work. It's a fate you learn to accept. It's never easy but it does hurt less over time. Hence why I have so much faith in you Todoroki. I've been in a shitty home but I had good friends that helped me along the way. Yeah at the start of the year I had no hope for you but that's because you refused to use your full abilities. No matter how bad things get you guys have friends to support you and if you really wish to call me dadzawa who am I to stop you. If you feel safe enough with me go ahead. I just want you two to know father or no father, Shitty father or good father, I still think you two would be the people you are today. I'm proud to call you two my students. I can't wait to see you two become pro heros. I can't wait to see you guys out shine the greats that walked before you."
Hizashi's p.o.v
I smile listening to Aizawa give them a pep talk. Those kids definitely deserve it. Todoroki has been through hell and back multiple times and Mydoria despite all his challenges and being quirkless for so long has definitely became one hell of a kid.
"Thank you two for coming by to help out Yamada. He really needed it. Thank you two for being such strong men."
"Mr. Aizawa?"
"Thank you." I look through the serving window thing into our kitchen and see Aizawa hugging them.
"And Todoroki of you need a place to stay me and Hizashi always have a free room."
"Thank you... dad.."
"Just dad?"
"Just dad."
"I'm fine with that."

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