Fucking reporters

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Hizashi's p.o.v
Aizawa and I cuddle on the couch watching a few shows when we flick to the news and see our hero names on it.
"Shouta go back to the news channel."
"Oh?" He goes back and we watched it.
"Pro heros Present Mic and Eraser Head are rumoured to be engaged. After their public display of affection In last weeks events."
"God this was a mistake."
"It's all a surprise after just finding about the Eraser Mic truth."
"I hate being the center of attention."
"Then why did you become a pro hero?"
"Because if I didn't you wouldn't have had enough time for me and you would stop paying attention to me."
"I could never ignore you."
"You'd be too busy even if you didn't want to ignore me." I hold his face in my hands and he nuzzles into my hands.
"I could never be too busy for you my dear."
"You could.. you'd be too busy hanging out with your hero friends while I'd be trying to avoid acting like a crazy fan."
"I'm not memorable unless I'm with someone. Nobody knows my name unless I'm with other heros. How would you remember me if I wasn't a hero?"
"I would Aizawa. I don't just do stuff for you. You help me. I wouldn't be a hero with out you. I've almost just up and quit many times but I didn't because you were there for me."
"You don't get it Hizashi if I didn't become a hero I would be just another civilian you'd have to protect. I'd be nothing more. That's just how things go."
"It's not Shouta."
"How would you know?"
"I just do."
"Remember all our friends from elementary that didn't become heros? Where are they now? Who are they to us now?"
"Exactly my point Hizashi. If I didn't become a hero you would have forgotten me like we did with our friends. I'd like to say We are better then that but we aren't we are just like all the other heros out there."
"The whole reason I convinced you was because I wasn't going to be a hero. No matter how bad I wanted to be one of you said you didn't want to and that was final I wouldn't have gone to UA. I would never leave you like that."
"But you left your other friends."
"Because they didn't support you. They kept trying to tear you down. I didn't care for it. I stuck with you because I had feelings for you." He lays me down on the couch my mind goes naughty. He just snuggles into me. I should have taken care of that earlier. We hear a knocking on the door. Aizawa groans as he gets up. Unexpectedly he answers the door shirtless which shocks me.
"Welcome to the Aizawa-Yamada residence what's the issue?"
"Guys I'm so sorry! I didn't think it would blow up like this. I was with Inku."
"Izuku's mom."
"She asked why I seemed so happy. I told her I was happy Aizawa was opening his mind to love. She asked what I meant. So I told her you said yes to Yamada's proposals. She must of told Mydoria and Mydoria must of told his friends and it spread like wild fire."
"Don't you dare blame my students for your mistake."
"I swear I never said anything to reporters!"
"You still let it slip you over-grown rat!"
"I never signed up for my relationship being spread everywhere for simply being a hero. I'm just as much of a civilian as I am a hero. Privacy is still important."
"I get it but-."
"Don't make me rip you apart and feed you to my non existent cats!"
"It just slipped out I didn't mean to say it."
"Then tape your mouth shut! It's our life to share not your!"
"Come here my love." He snuggles me like a child.
"It's our life Hizashi. I don't want that on blast."
"Neither do I but unfortunately it happens."
"How does she even know our names?"
"I tell her all of your guy's names so she knows who I'm talking about."
"I bet you describe me as the emo heartless hero."
"I don't. I swear. I just described you as the dark depressed one." He barries his face in my neck. He's crying. I hold his head in my hands. He's crying quietly but I can feel the tears on my neck. "Is he okay? Why didn't he talk back?"
"He doesn't like being known as the depressed one. He is anything but. I've known him his whole life. In UA he was depressed but was bullied because of it."
"I didn't know."
"It hurts him to think others don't see the progress he's made."
"Well Aizawa you wanna explain?" He shakes his head? "Do I have permission to explain?" He nods. "Well Aizawa's dad was drunk and not the depressed mope around kind the violent angry kind. Unfortunately Aizawa's mom wasn't around so he was the next best thing. His dad would beat him and insult him. Then kids started bullying him about his quirk and his constant injuries. I encouraged him to be a hero. We had other friends who encouraged him to be a teacher or work with kids but the positive wasn't enough and he got to a very dark place. You could tell. Then Oboro started really helping us with getting Aizawa to smile even if it was just with us. It was something. The problems still lingered. Aizawa soon became distant. I knew what was going on and I wasn't going to let it happen. Not on the last year of UA. Not before he got the chance to help people. So I stuck with him everywhere he went. Unfortunately that meant I saw everything that happened at home. His father didn't care in fact it made it worse. I was not letting my boyfriend get pumbled by his own father. In my attempt to help Aizawa I had stopped focusing on him. After that day I decided we were gonna move in together. I wasn't gonna let him stay there constantly in danger."
"Was this that house you guys moved into originally?"
"No. It got demolished recently for the apartments being built."
"How much did you guys move?"
"Two times. Out of our childhood homes and back to Aizawa's child hood home."
"Aizawa was his dads only living relative so he got everything. The really uneven paint is from holes his dad put in the wall."
"Why don't you move?"
"Aizawa is fine with it. We've made memories here that out weigh the old ones." I notice Toshinori rub a big rough patch on the wall.
"What's this one from?" Aizawa looks up.
"My head."
"Your what?"
"My head. My dad slammed my head against the wall if I had spoken up. The marks are all over the walls. The smaller ones are his fists."
"How do you get when you're drunk." We start laughing.
"Hizashi nooooo."
"Hizashi yes."
"Cockman is dead."
"Cockman is alive his favorite drink is an immortality potion."
"Oh you bastard!"
"No need to yell my love."
"Are you sure about that?"
"I can't hear you when you whisper I can hear you when you talk."
"Are you going deaf?"
"Slowly. Most people think my quirk doesn't affect me but it doesn't hence the headphones it muffles it on my end causing less damage to my ears."
"What's that huge thing you normally wear?"
"A directional speaker. I used to use megaphones to boost my quirk but then I eventually upgraded to the directional speaker."
"Your quirk isn't always active?"
"No. Imagine how deaf I'd be if it was. Jesus I wouldn't be able to hear a villain if the had my quirk and they were screaming in my ear. My poor ears are suffering enough."
"Oh. Does it ever kick in when you don't want to?"
"Toshinori you are being suspicious why do you want to know so much about Hizashi's quirk?"
"It's a puzzle to me much like yours."
"It has once or twice and I can guarantee Aizawa wanted to murder me."
"Once or twice?"
"Yeah once or twice. I've learnt how to control it since I was a student in UA."
"I keep forgetting you two were students in UA. Aizawa? Why do you wear the goggles?"
"Hides my eyes. Nobody can see who I'm looking at and it makes it extremely difficult to figure out who to protect unless when they use their quirk it shows like Endevor's. Everyone knew something was up when his flames went away."
"Huh. Does your quirk have limitations?"
"No blinking or looking away."
"Is that why you were sporadically looking around that one day?"
"Yeah. As long is I looked around I was nullifying everyone making it literally impossible to do anything against me. Except for the fact that you were behind me and Yamada was hiding behind the wall trying not to cry."
"You saw me?"
"I'm tired not blind."
"Why did you keep nullifying everyone?"
"Against people with quirks like the other teachers I stood no chance but if I kept looking around everyone wouldn't bother try anything."
"Oh. Why did you block Endevor when he was going against Dabi?"
"He was the higher risk. Dabi maybe strong but he isn't trained or rational. While Endevor wasn't rational he was pissed but also trained. He know how to control his quirk but also how to let it spiral out of control and he would have no issue doing that so block his until dabi knocked him out then block dabi's quirk."
"Is that your normal tactics?"
"You really think I'd be telling you that? I'm a planning machine I plan for the worst hope for the best. I could change how I do things in the blink of an eye because I think about it that often. Thankfully I've never had to change anything yet."
"Do you guys work together a lot?"
"Well yeah. We are disposable they send us first then send the big guns when they feel is a good time."
"Yeah... we are just thrown in to weaken them so you guys can jump in and take the victory. Yeah we are pro heros but sometimes we feel more like sidekicks."
"I'll switch places with you guys for the next call you guys get."
"Take the roll of two people?"
"Two people who sit their running around making the villain tired until the big guys arrive?"
"I want to know what it would feel like to be in your positions for a day."
"A whole day?"
"As both of us?"
"Not both of you in one day but it would be nice to live a day in the life of you two. Separately."
"Aizawa what time is it?"
"Nine in the morning."
"Good. Aizawa will be your mentor for the day. Then tomorrow I'll be your mentor."
"Sounds good."
"Come with me. You'll be blonde Aizawa for the day." Aizawa puts his hair up and kisses my cheek. "We start with coffee and breakfast. Yamada likes his coffee very specific."
"It can't be that hard." I hear Aizawa scoff.
"You're gonna make it just off of instructions until you get it right."
"Where is your coffee machine?"
"The cabinet above you. Along with the coffee. Me and him drink different brands so you'll have to guess that one." I hear Toshinori try to find the words to protest.
"Isn't he intimidating?"
"Yeah!" I come out and watch Toshinori struggle with every instruction he is given.
"No! Did you not read the carton? It's almond milk not almond creamer."
"It's the same thing!"
"No it's not!"
"Yes it is!"
"One is thicker and it's a different type of flavour."
"That's the only difference!"
"Exactly! It's one Yamada notices! He doesn't like the thin texture of the milk in his coffee and he doesn't like the overwhelming taste of the almond in the almond milk."
"What's the fucking difference in the taste!?"
"It's a softer almond flavour. Almond milk is made with purely almonds and other things that make it milk like. While the things added in the creamer to make it well creamy has a different taste to it."
"Really! That's like the tiniest difference!"
"Still it's a difference you fucking tennis ball!"
"He's mean!"
"Take notes."
"Yamada help me here don't agree with him!"
"Now sweetener. He doesn't like sugar so find the right sweetener."
"How do your students know what to do?"
"They actually have brains.... well most of them."
"Chill hot topic!"
"Wrong person. That applies to Tokoyami or Dabi."
"I can't even insult you right."
"All-might focus! Choose a sweetener!"
"Do you have honey?"
"We do. What do you want to do with it?"
"I don't know it's sweet!"
"Pantry behind you top cabinet second row."
"Oh thanks." He adds it and Aizawa nods.
"Good. Now finally hot chocolate mix."
"What the fuck!"
"Pick the right mix."
"Ummm. Marshmallows?"
"Coffee crisp?"
"Mint chocolate?"
"Grab it and put one teaspoon in and mix."
"It's in the bag. Just one of those."
"Oh." He does as instructed.
"Good now give it to him."
"God how do you do that every morning?"
"I love him and it's routine. I even do it if he's sick."
"Now I'd normally start my coffee and breakfast. So make yourself whatever to drink I'll get the stuff we need for breakfast."
"What are we making?"
"Salted caramel pancakes with bacon."
"Fuck me."
"Hand made batter. I hate the boxed batter powder or pre made I hate it." He instructs a flustered Toshinori. "Okay. Step back count down to four."
"How is that going to help!"
"Start in your head if that doesn't help start saying it out loud. One. Two. Three. Four. Just like that."
"One, two, three, four...."
"Good. Better?"
"Actually yeah."
"Great now just add the cut up caramels and the sea salt."
"While you're doing that I'll work on the syrup."
"You meals are really tough."
"But they are amazing."
"How do you make the syrup?"
"I take pure maple syrup add Carmel a bit of water to thin it out and a two pinches of sea salt. Melt the Carmel just enough to mix it together with the water and syrup. Then I turn off the heat and add the sea salt."
"It's got a nice maple flavour mixed with a nice salty flavour."
"Oh." They finish breakfast and we sit down to eat. "These are really good!"
"See. Worth it."
"After this we have to do chores around the house after that- never mind we just relax until lunch or dinner."
"I want to know what it's truly like to be you for a day!"
"I'm not letting you have sex with my fiancé!"
"Tomorrow might be more eventful we have to go on a scouting mission but that's early in the morning so you're sleeping here."
"Fun." They do they get to the garbage then laundry.
"Why is there condoms in every trash can in this house?"
"Protection. Do you have sex with Inku unprotected?"
"How did you guys-?" Aizawa pokes a hickey on his neck. "Oh. No I don't."
"So why is it questioned when we do?"
"Well you're both men..."
"How do we know quirks are the only things that came up?"
"Exactly. Better safe then sorry."
"Well how do you know if it didn't if you don't you know try?"
"We are both pro heros. If we have a kid one of us had to retire."
"There are plenty of working parents."
"Heros and teachers. Plus we just aren't ready."
"There garbage complete. Finally laundry. The easiest yet longest task. Definitely my favourite. White bin is clean and needs to be folded. Black is dirty."
"Oh god the black basket is full."
"Yamada is a messy dork and if I'm being completely honest I get my fair share of spills and slips."
"I am a messy man." I hug Aizawa from behind. "I'm gonna make a grocery list any special snacks you want my love?"
"Can you get a few bags of chocolates?"
"Yup. Any kind you want most?"
"Milk and white chocolate. Dark chocolate is way too bitter and you know that."
"Got it."
"Are you going today?"
"No. Aizawa does a lot around the house so I normally stay here so when he is done he can snuggle and relax until he feels something is off."
"Toshinori you're folding them wrong."
"Breathe and count." Aizawa shows him how to fold the way he likes it. "There. Not that big a deal."
"Why don't you have me do that?"
"Oh I'm not letting you fold this basket either. The one behind this one you will be doing."
"Why not that one?"
"You don't want to know." He looks at me puzzled. "What? I'm just saying you don't want to know why."
"But I do want to know."
"Come here then All-might." He gets up and follows Aizawa's voice. I follow him. "Start putting them in the washer you'll see why."
"I mean we are all men I'm sure it's nothing I haven't see-.... Oh. OH! What the fuck! Who's body has this touched!"
"But I thought it was nothing you haven't seen before?"
"Who the fuck put that on their naked body?"
"Does it really matter? We've both touched it if it's in the basket."
"I touched it!"
"Dude! You wanted to know why!"
"I wasn't expecting fucking panties!"
"It's just underwear! Why is that so weird!"
"Lacy, spicy, women's underwear!"
"Actually I got that from a sex shop for gay men so it was made with the male body in mind."
"Who's balls did this touch!"
"I thought we were friends." Aizawa grabs them and puts them in the wash. Toshinori spots the skimpy outfit that goes with them.
"Who the fuck dressed as a maid and why! How is that sexy!?"
"It shows a bit of cheek but leaves the other one wanting more. Now quit questioning our shit."
"Who did I just indirectly touch!"
"Aizawa wears the sexy stuff but most of the stains are probably my fault."
"I just-...."
"Why is it so weird to you? I'm literally an adult. Some adults have needs."
"I thought you were asexual."
"Everyone thought I was unloveable."
"I mean fair."
"What is this?"
"The top of a lingerie piece."
"Oh my god."
"Small basket is things I wear. Big basket is less sexy."
"Why is there panties with a tail!"
"There are the bottoms." I laugh at Toshinori's mortified face.
"Are you a-."
"No I'm not a furry. Even if I was it wouldn't be sexual."
"It's just roleplay kind of."
"I dress up and depending on what I'm wearing and if we actually speak is what the nicknames are gonna be."
"I'm intrigued but scared."
"Usually maid style outfit is sir, cat is master, and nothing is just Yamada or Hizashi."
"Oh. Where is the most risky place you two have fucked?" Aizawa looks at me a little worried.
"Risky? Probably after work. Which one? Not gonna say."
"Oh. Makes me a little worried I've been in both of your class rooms and of not there then you guys either have done some really public shit."
"Why are you worried about our classrooms? Where do you think we would do it in our classrooms?"
"Well Mydoria and a few of his friends have said there were hand prints on the chalk board but never really anything else anywhere else."
"Well what does Mydoria think it is?"
"He just thought it was weird but ignored it."
"Do you really want to know?"
"Yes! I need to know what to avoid in your classrooms!"
"Yamada's room is fine. My room on the other hand... Mydoria's desk, Todoroki's desk, my desk, chalkboard, back of the class room, in general even if we didn't fuck in my class Mineta's desk is a definite avoid, my locker in my class, and my chair."
"Where haven't you fucked?"
"Ummmm most of the other students desks, the floor, and against any of the walls leading to the hallway."
"That's it?"
"Oh and Yamada's class." They finish the laundry. Aizawa and I snuggle on the couch as Yagi chooses the show.
"Is he normally this snuggly?"
"Yup he can't get enough. Usually right now we wouldn't be snuggling."
"Oh okay." We finish the day as usual with dinner, Aizawa doing dishes, and finally bed. Tomorrow is gonna be fun...

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