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Hizashi's p.o.v
Shota's best friend volunteered to pick him up for me so I could get myself together before he gets here. All the kids are back home so I've got quite the mess to clean up.
"We told you if you're gonna have guys over and doing stuff you have to do your own laundry!"
"Whoops." I roll my eyes as I toss his stuff off his bed and replace it with fresh bedding.
"Put them in the washer. I'm not touching them anymore than I have. It's your responsibility."
"Thank you." I get to Lumi's room. A bunch of toys and empty toy boxes cover the floor. Enji's been spoiling her while crashing here so she's grown rather fond of him. I break down the boxes and put them in their respective bins before putting the toys in her new toy bins.
"You need help Mr. Yamada?"
"Oh Izuku, uh I'm good here do you think you could do the living room for me though?"
"Sure. You just look a little frazzled."
"I don't have much time before Sho gets home soon and I haven't done much cleaning while he was gone."
"Oh right. I forgot that was his name." Izuku laughs at himself as he heads to the living room. I gather the pillows Lumi has tossed in a random corner in her room and finish making her bed. I decide to organize her bookshelves knowing Shota wouldn't be too happy with how they are right now. Once I'm done that I check every room in the house to make sure it looks clean. Just as Izuku finishes the living room Shota walks in with his friend Sultan.
"Thank you for picking him up for me Sultan."
"No problem Zashi. He enjoyed the drive."
"Probably better than the drive to the hospital." Shota widens his eyes and nods. He walks up to me and hugs me without saying a word. I flinch and he pulls away.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize I scared you that much." I pull him back to me desperately as I begin to cry. "Zashi? Are you alright." I shake my head. He holds his hand in my hair gently rubbing the back of my head. "You wanna talk about it?" We sit down on the couch as I gather myself.
"While you were gone one night I decided to go to the new bar I told you about."
"How was it?" I feel my chest grow tight and I roll my eyes up hoping to hold back the tears.
"I had a few drinks. Not enough to get me plastered. A guy approached me. Said he knew us from high school." His face shifts to slight anger. "I wasn't at all interested in him or the conversation he had started with me. When I turned away or something he must have slipped something in my drink. When I decided to head home I couldn't even stand up so he offered to walk me home. I said no I'd find my own way home in a few minutes but he was really persistent even mentioned you by name and the fact we lived here so I thought it was safer to have him take me home than relying on my jello legs to get me even half home." He looks at the floor as he takes a deep breath and looks worried. "I don't exactly remember anything after that beyond me begging him to stop and walk back to the bar so I could pee desperately trying to get back to a public space where someone would catch what was happening and help me but he didn't. Next thing I remember I'm being woken up by Enji in his clothes asking me why I was in his apartment... naked next to his roommate. I didn't believe him at first until we walked out to his living room and it definitely wasn't ours. He took me home."
"He's been here while you've been gone. He's helped me with the kids-."
"Around the kids!?" Shota's mad. "After everything he put Shoto through? After what he did to me? You're telling me you had him in our house and around our kids?" I cover my ears as he yells at me crying like a child getting scolded. "You thought that was smart? What if something happened to them? What if Enji hurt them? You need to use your brain Hizashi!" Sultan stands in between Shota and I.
"Shota enough! The only reason Enji was here was because Zashi couldn't tell anyone! Remember the first time he was assaulted? Nobody believed him even with video evidence! You and Enji did. This time all he had was the man who woke him up and offered to take him to safety. That just so happened to be Enji. You can't blame him for putting his trust in him in a situation like that. He was vulnerable, scared, and essentially alone. Enji's a big buff guy who most people wouldn't dare go up against. It's a logical move."
"ENOUGH! We both know you would have done the same in his shoes because you have! Remember how badly I used to beat up Hizashi? Remember how much he hated my guts? He set that all aside because when your dad nearly killed you and you had nowhere else to stay I begged my parents to take you in and I helped you. I save you from yourself countless times. Hizashi probably still doesn't trust me as far as he can throw me but he puts up with it for you. So grow up and get over it. Enji helped him."
"You never tried to kill him!"
"Need I remind you about the time I got arrested?"
"Yeah aggravated assault with a deadly weapon." "That's because I stabbed Hizashi. I have that charge because I stabbed him after beating him senseless. So if he can get past all that I think it's only fair you quit yelling at him about Enji." Shota storms off to our room. "I'm sorry Zashi I tried."
"It's alright Sultan. I appreciate it regardless. Is it's seriously still on your record?"
"No my record was cleared when I became an adult because it was a one off offence. The point still stands though. I literally got charged for stabbing you. You got past that because Shota relied on me."
"I understand why he's mad. Enji's not the best person."
"But he's helped you Hizashi. You're allowed to accept help especially in that kind of situation." Enji comes in with Lumi. She holding a new doll in her arms.
"Before you say anything she started crying and I felt really bad so I couldn't not buy it. I mean look at- oh my god are you okay?" He rushes over to me looking me over to make sure I haven't tried to hurt myself. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did you do something to yourself?" I shake my head. "Where are your meds did you take them? Who's this did he hurt you? Do you want me to get him out of your house?"
"DADDY ZAWA!" I hear Lumi run towards Shota excitedly.
"Is it Aizawa?" I nod.
"He yelled at me when he found out I had you helping out with Lumi."
"It scared me. I didn't know what to do so I just started crying as he kept yelling." Enji pulls me into his arms his warmth soothing me.
"It's okay Hizashi. He's got every right to not trust me. I'm sure he'll forgive you and you guys will get past this. I'm glad he's home safe. He goes to release me from his hugs but I cling to him.
"What's up with all the new toys in-. Oh so now you're hugging him? First you let him in our home when I'm not here, then you let him near our kids, now you're hugging the fucker?" I push Enji away trying to fight more tears like a little bitch. Enji watches me with concern.
"He was just upset and I was trying to comfort him it really wasn't anything Shota. I apologize if I overstepped anywhere."
"I need you to stay out of this! It's bad enough you're in our home!" Lumi looks up at Shota with fear in her eyes.
"Daddy stop! Mr. Enji is nice! He bought me toys and would help papa Zashi sleep when he'd wake up screaming."
"He isn't nice Lumi. He's evil. Pure evil!"
"Stop it! You're scaring me!" Lumi says as she hides behind Sultan and Enji.
"He tried to kill me and he's hurt Shoto."
"Shoto's been okay with him here daddy! You're the only one mad."
"My dad's been really helping Hizashi. We aren't asking you to forgive him we're just asking that you understand why he's here. I definitely don't forgive my dad but I appreciate that he's genuinely helping someone. Was I happy at first? No but he made it clear very quickly that his intentions were nothing but help Hizashi feel comfortable and safe."
"Plus the rapist lives in my apartment with me and refuses to leave it. I'll leave. I promise."

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