Sick day by a new quirk?

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Hizashi's p.o.v
"Oh hey Mydoria."
"Hi we heard Mr. Aizawa was sick. We wanted to stop by."
"Just me and Todoroki."
"Oh okay I guess it's fine." I let them in. "Please avoid entering any rooms. Shouta gets really really hot when he's sick."
"Um what kind of hot?"
"Sweaty, burning, gross type hot."
"That doesn't sound good. How warm is he?"
"His usual when he's sick. Aizawa!" I wrap a blanket around him and he shuffles to the bathroom.
"He looks like he made out with death."
"He feels like he jumped into a fire."
"Todoroki maybe you shouldn't say our teacher made out with death."
"I've done worse."
"God you sound worse."
"I bet he feels worse."
"He does."
"Hold on! I'll be right back." I go to my room to Aizawa sitting near the air conditioning. "Do you need to sit in the shower?"
"I'm so hot and nothing is helping!"
"Come on let's try the cold shower."
"Okay." I grab a thin robe and cover him with it as I get him to the shower.
"Sorry guys I'll get right to you."
"We'll help you Present Mic." Before I can object they are helping me. Todoroki had frozen some paper towel and places it on Aizawa as he's huddled on the ground burning up.  Mydoria is starting the shower.
"My god Mr. Aizawa do you not take care of yourself?"
"He does it's just our house is always so clean his body isn't really used to out side germs especially recently with the school being shut down and the winter coming quickly. Everything has a place and in that place it is. Dust and dirt has no place in the house. So it's a mix of outdoor germs, rapid temperature change, and overworking himself."
"If I'm not doing anything I'm useless."
"Shouta don't do this again. I'm not playing this game with you. And I'm definitely not now."
"I have many reasons on why you are anything but useless and two of em are in this room right now trying to help their teacher."
"He's like the dad I never had. He's dadzawa."
"He's been a better dad then mine has ever been." He groans.
"I'm gonna have to take the robe off is that okay Shouta?"
"I don't care I just want to cool down." He goes to stand up but I didn't support him enough and he fell.
"Oh god. You didn't hit anything did you?"
"Are you sure? You didn't hit your head?"
"Punch the counter with half your strength Hizashi. Nothing more then half."
"Do it." I do as he says and it breaks. "See. My head would have went right through it. This house is old and shitty."
"Okay. I've got you this time hun." Todoroki and Mydoria turn around as I remove his robe and sit him in the tub. "You all good?" He nods. "Okay we'll leave you here to chill." I put his phone on the side of the tub and kiss the top of his head. "If you really want to you could wash your hair maybe it'll make you feel a little less gross."
"I'll try if I'm feeling up to it."
"That's fine if not all is good. Might help get rid of the gross feeling."
"Okay I'm gonna go to the living room if you need me just call."
"Okay."  I join the students in the living room. "Sorry about that just had to make sure he was comfortable." They seem to jump at my voice.
"We brought a care package. Everyone chipped in for him. Even my mom."
"Oh thank you I bet he'll appreciate it."
"We brought one for you too. Todoroki thought it would be nice to give you one too since you're taking care of him."
"I didn't think you guys really remembered me after school hours."
"How could we forget? You stood up for the underdogs. You stood up against my dad. Nobody has had that kind of nerve before you." 
"I am an underdog but okay."
"You're a pro hero who stuck up for us students."
"That's my job as a teacher."
"Is your phone ringing?"
"Nope I can't really hear my phone so it's always on vibrate so I can feel it instead of having to shush everyone just to focus on smaller sounds."
"Yes I'm going deaf. Each quirk has its down fall mine depends on vocal cords but side affects are deafness and voice loss."
"That must suck."
"Mr. Aizawa is calling for you."
"Thank you." I get up and help Aizawa.
"I don't want to be alone."
"Well you can't strip in front of students. You promise to keep your clothes on?"
"Yes." I get him in a long t-shirt and just some boxers.
"Come on." I pick him up bridal style and bring him to the couch. He snuggles me. "Are you chilly?"
"No. I'm starting to feel like a fucking space heater."
"I burned myself on one of those as a kid. My moms room was always so cold so my dad got her one for Christmas. I was in there talking to her and was like it can't be that hot and I touched it." They look at me like I'm an idiot. "I wasn't the smartest bee in the hive."
"I'm hungry."
"Do you want to try eating something?"
"Well my mom made soup for you. Chicken noodle."
"I'll try that then." Izuku brings out the soup and Aizawa tries eating.
"How is it?"
"How is you stomach feeling?"
"Eh. I mean it's sore but it's probably from hunger."
"Just take it easy." He can barely lift the spoon. His body is too weak. I don't know how he is talking. "I got it. You look like you are going to drop it."
"Don't say it Shouta." I feed Aizawa with little protest.
"Normally his more stubborn."
"Too weak. He can't even hold his spoon completely."
"It's weird to see Mr. Aizawa like that. He's always so tough and well strong."
"Young Mydoria I was told I would find you here. Hey Hizashi how is he doing?"
"Too weak. He can't even hold his own spoon."
"What is wrong? What made him sick?"
"No idea. Probably stress, temperature change, and how often are in the house and the few times we get are can be brutal since he barely sleeps well."
"I need socks. My toes are cold." Toshinori gives me the face of no.
"Well the students can't."
"I don't-."
"You've already seen all of it what's your issue? Plus our drawers are labeled for times like this. Just look for the one that says socks. There will be four bins fluffy, ankle, long, and soft. Go for the fluffy."
"If you see anything you clearly didn't look at the labels and you did that to yourself." Toshinori looks hesitant.
"Oh my god I'll do it. What's the worst I could see?"
"I wouldn't be so confident Todoroki."
"I could literally find the freakiest shit and not care."
"You say that now."
"You know what I'll look at all the drawers on purpose." Aizawa wants to protest against it but doesn't. Todoroki comes back with the socks. "Big old All-might scared of some lingerie? I'm sure you've seen your fair share of sexy clothes."
"Yeah I have seen my moms laundry you would of had to seen something."
"I help out around the house."
"Oh." Aizawa refuses to eat anymore.
"Are you done?"
Aizawa's p.o.v
I lean my head back supported by Yamada's shoulder he looks worried sick.
"You didn't eat much at all."
"I don't know if I was hungry or not but it tasted good."
"Aizawa." He protectively holds me.
"Are heros always extra worried about sick partners?"
"No Your home room teacher here just has never really been strong enough to protect himself from sicknesses." I hear midnights voice.
"Mr. Aizawa? How are you?" I guess he notices me being huddled over gripping my stomach.
"Something isn't right." I get to the bathroom with what ever strength I have left. I get sick in the middle of the bathroom but it's just blood. "HIZASHI!!" I break down panicking.
"What's -.... holy fuck. I don't know what to do. Do you still feel sick?" I nod he hands me a bucket once again all that comes up is blood. "Oh god... I need my phone."
"No! Don't leave me alone!"
"Okay okay."
"What's Present Mic?"
"Blood! Lots of it too!"
"Oh okay I'll call someone!" Shortly after Iida arrives.
"He would be the one to get here the fastest and he knows how to get to the hospital the fastest way possible."
"I'll meet you guys there please make sure he gets there safe!"
"I will I promise." Iida picks me up and protects my face. "You're lighter then expected." I move the protector away from my face as I vomit more blood.
"We are almost there Mr." I hid my face in the shirt I'm wearing. We reach the hospital. Everything seems fuzzy. At some point I hear Hizashi panickly explaining.
"Aizawa!" I feel him squeeze my hand in his.
"We have wrapped him in cold water pack to try and bring down his temperature. Unfortunately he's still been vomiting blood. Could there be any possibility of internal injuries?"
"No. Not that I know of. We didn't do anything but scout yesterday then he just kinda went downhill fast. If he is bleeding internally then how is he so warm?"
"That's the issue. We don't know. We've been running tests since he got here and we can't find anything wrong besides his temperature and the vomiting."
"I just don't get it he wasn't doing this yesterday. I've been trying to keep him cool. It started off like every-time he has gotten sick. He became extra clingy and sleepy."
"We think it's a new Quirk all though it's normally heros that are affected. Everyone who comes in has had some contact with Shigaraki."
"Then All-might and I would have been affected. Aizawa never made contact."
"It's linked to using their quirk against them."
"But all three of us used our quirks against Shigaraki. It's not him! If it's a quirk it has to be someone else. I didn't see anyone behind us though so that has to rule it out."
"Quirks are only getting more complex the more people have kids. You get quirks like Decay and cremation from mixing. It's incredibly difficult to know if we know about every quirk."
"What's happened to the others?"
"The others who have been hit with this quirk?"
"Well more often then once it was the first one to use their quirk against Shigaraki. We have a feeling it's a new type of a protective quirk. A dangerous one. One of the heros that got affected was here way too late no matter how much blood we pumped back in then they just wouldn't take it. A few others came here as soon as they felt violently ill but I'm assuming that is normal for him if he's sick. So we were able to help them. Two of them came in just like Aizawa. One of them made it the other one died." Hizashi goes silent trying to search for words to say I think.
"Shouta if you die on me I will resuscitate you just to kill you again!"
"I won't die. I'll be fine."
"Did you not just hear what she said!"
"I got here right after I started vomiting I'll be fine."
"How do you know that?"
"I've heard of this new quirk. I didn't think I would ever encounter it. Since it's not the direct user I should be fine. The deaths may have ran into Shigaraki but they also mentioned a second person."
"They were probably just going loopy from blood loss!"
"The whole reason I went with you was to see if I could see the quirk owner. Whoever they are they are small, long hair, really knows how to maximize use of their quirk. One thing about the people affected much like me it was never in brightly lit places. So either the quirk is useless in the sun or the quirk has made the user look sick. Much like Shigaraki his quirk affects him. Maybe each time they use their quirk some of the affect goes to the user."
"How do you?"
"They were behind Shigaraki. I locked eyes with them. They were pure white. They seemed scared yet sorry. I don't think they want to help the league of villains but people have said their quirk would be too dangerous for being a hero."
"They were definitely young. Once I get better I'm going back. I'm going alone too."
"If I go alone they will see me as harmless but if I bring someone they know that quirk could do damage."
"You could too but not with your quirk."
"I'm not known to fight though. I'm known for staying just hidden enough so I can block a quirk but no matter where a villain looks they can't find me. Plus if it is a young child we have to help it. If things do go wrong I'll call you or All-might."
"I'm not letting you do that! It's a suicide mission!"
"A lot of the jobs we are sent on would be a suicide mission for me on my own but this one is different. The only two ever really seen in that link between bases is Shigaraki and the new quirk."
"Aizawa I'm not going to let you do it!"
"I would listen to your fiancé. Let the pro Heros deal with it." I can feel myself getting mad.
"I'm not a child! I'm a pro hero! Just because my quirk blocks others doesn't make me any less of a pro hero then the others!"
Hizashi's p.o.v
Aizawa seems to be bouncing back but why now?
Why right after he is told to let a pro hero handle it.
"I have saved many civilians with my quirk! If I didn't block quirks many people would have died! Yeah maybe I have sidekick quirk but I know how to use it to my advantage!"
"Aizawa calm down you body needs to relax."
"That's the second one to come back but in a fit of rage."
"Well in total as of right now we've had four people come back. Two were crying and two were angry."
"Of course I'm angry! 'Let the pro heros deal with it.' I am a pro hero!"
"I meant like the top ten they have the fighting skills to deal with it."
"What if 'it' is a child? Why would you need fighting skills against a child!" I can see Aizawa getting anxious. His temperature is normal. I forgot that hospitals remind him a lot of his childhood..
"If you could check him out and see if he's okay to leave I can take care of him from here."
"Well he hasn't vomited blood again, his temperature is lower but maybe a bit too low, but he does seem healthy."
"He is always freezing if he isn't that's when I worry."
"But his temperature isn't safe for his body to sustain."
"He's been doing well for his entire life. I don't see how that would come into play now."
"Fine I'll get you the paperwork but this is going against medical advice meaning if you leave and something related to this happens to him we are not liable."
"I get that." I hand Aizawa his clothes.
"Thank you Yamada."
"I'm against you doing this but if you find the user and it's a kid then we'll take care of it. Just no using your quirk."
"Fine. But! If a villain is using theirs against me I have all right to use it. Just make sure to piss my off."

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