Yamada for a day

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Aizawa's p.o.v
"Hey wake up. We got a job to do." He just rolls over. I grab my pillow and smack him with it. "One try I don't give a fuck we have a scouting mission!"
"Why did you hit me with the pillow!" He hits me with his pillow we get into a small pillow fight before I remember I have to wake up All-might. God I hope the man wears clothes when he sleeps. Or at least has some type of brain in the morning. I go to the guest room after getting dressed. I grab one of the pillows All-might isn't cuddling and smack him with it.
"What the fuck!" He jolts up exposing any decency this man had left.
"Oh god not what I wanted to see at five in the morning!" I throw the pillow at him. "Get up and get ready we have to go soon."
"Why did you wake me up like that!"
"Cause that's how Hizashi woke up and it's your day as him!"
"Is he regretting his choice already?"
"I think so." Yamada pulls me close to him and kisses my cheek.
"I love you my dear."
"I love you too."
"Did your elbow ever heal?"
"Yeah he needed a skin graft though."
"Oh god. How did that go?"
"Eh. I got a tattoo to cover it."
"The scar?"
"Yeah. Where they took a part of my skin to grow more skin for the elbow."
"Weird. What did you get on the scar?"
"I drew a calico cat he used to feed before it passed away to remind him that no matter what happens he is a genuinely a good person. Now let's head out." We head to the building that got destroyed when bakugo got kidnapped. We follow a tunnel system underneath it for hours until we hear shuffling. We  duck into the shadows. Unfortunately Shigaraki was there. He holds Yamada by the neck one finger hanging up.
"Now who do we have here? A few sidekicks huh? What a joke they think we are." I block his quirk. Before he makes contact with his final finger. He pulls his hand away confused. Yamada puts his headphones on and yells. All-might tackles Shigaraki. "Well surprise surprise I never saw you there." He grabs All-mights arm quick enough to get him off and run.
"Let's go we can't take them on just the three of us we just got to report to Nezu."
"Wait why?"
"We've already drawn attention with him yelling but we had to stun him." We get out of there as quickly as possible. The sun is out.
"Damn it's bright."
"What time is it?" We get home and it's roughly noon.
"Damn. I'll order lunch."
"Sounds good. You should get stuffed crust pizza."
"Got it handsome. After we eat me and Toshinori are going out and getting groceries."
"Well I just sent in the report to Nezu. How is your neck?"
"Safe thanks to you."
Hizashi's p.o.v
Aizawa checks Toshinori's arm.
"I'll be right back."
"What is he getting?"
"His Shigaraki kit. He's had a couple run ins with him." Aizawa comes back. He applies cream to the arm Shigaraki got. He wraps it up.
"All good."
"You're me today so expect a bit more kind Aizawa today."
"Oh okay." Aizawa sits on my lap and really nuzzles into me. "He seems off?"
"He is a little stressed with everything going on right now."
"What's going on?"
"Endevor, engagement, the whole news thing, and opening up to you cause he still doesn't like you."
"Oh." Aizawa go gets the food. We eat and I take Toshinori grocery shopping. "What are we grabbing?"
"Chocolates, scarf dont ask why, some meat, eggs, bread, and a few extra stuff."
"What are those?"
"They are at another store."
"Okay." We get the stuff from the grocery store then head to the other store.
"Um would I stay out here?"
"You don't want to go in?"
"What would they think if they say pro hero's in there?"
"They don't know since you don't look like your hero and I'm not wearing my hero get up and I look like everyone else." We go in and I grab somethings I think Aizawa would like.
"How do these work with the male body?"
"Instead of compressing it forms to the package per say. It works with what you have making it more comfortable and natural fitting."
"Just don't explore please I don't need you calling out my name asking questions." I look up and Toshinori is looking around petrified but intrigued.
"What is that?"
"A vibrator."
"Why does it look like a..."
"Penis? To stimulate sex but with extra pizazz."
"And those?"
"Dildos, anal beads, ropes, gimp suits, more kinky shit, here is all the lingerie, over there is lube and condoms, there is the batteries for the toys, edible sex items. The candles are actually pretty good. You can rub em on your favorite places to use your mouth on your partner and if you light it, it makes the room smell nice. Flavoured lube is not recommended for penetration it causes reactions and you don't want a itchy or sore partner. It's more of a head thing just make sure you're not allergic to anything in them. Over there is just kinda what ever the theme is this month."
"Yeah. Last month is was bdsm. I didn't go there I'm not comfortable with that. This month looks like red. The themes very between colours and items or people..."
"What do you mean people?"
"They sometimes theme it after heros. There was one after Present Mic and Eraser head at one point. That was something." I take what I'm buying up to pay. We finally finish up and get home. "Hey my love I'm back!" He grabs the kitchen stuff and puts the stuff away.
"What's in that bag?"
"What kind of stuff?"
"Interesting stuff. Oh remember the time we were a theme in our go to store?"
"I do. I felt very awkward but Relieved that like ninety percent of my face is normally hidden by my hair when I'm doing my job."
"And why are you just running around in your underwear?"
"I heard you opening the door and I do the putting away or else you don't do it right and everything gets lost. So I didn't have time to even get pants on."
"Okay good enough for me at least it's boxers."
"Eh. I was thinking on really traumatizing All-might but I don't traumatize you and he's also you today so I can't do that."
"Fair enough I'm taking this to our room but I picked up a lingerie thing of your hero costume and I'm kinda... curious."
"Well we can figure that out later. Well just finish our pizza for dinner I don't feel like cooking today."
"That's alright Zawa."
"Okay good. I'll finish getting dressed."
"Hold up!"
"Is that my underwear?"
"You weren't home to tell me no!"
"This is why I normally take you with me so you can't steal my clothes."
"If you want I can take them off right now?"
"Nope it's fine just keep em on."
"Please! It's bad enough I touched your sex clothes."
"You ever touch one of my scarves?"
"Yamada uses them to muffle my moans if I'm too loud or to tie my hands behind my back if I keep touching him after he stated he's trying to focus."
"I don't need details."
"Well you wanted to be Yamada right?"
"So what did you get up to when we were gone?"
"Got bored turned on the TV didn't watch anything though I was preoccupied."
"Thank god I didn't open that message in the grocery's store."
"That's why it didn't say read?"
"Yeah I got a photo message from you and I'm just like eh I'll look at it later. What are you listening to?"
"Runaway baby."
"Oh that song. Get your ass dressed."
"There's only one carrot and they all gotta share it!!"
"Birds don't run around in underwear singing about carrots now get dressed!" I feel him pretty much attack hug me. "Aizawa!"
"Jesus calm down you scared me."
"I'm sorry." I turn to face him and I see him. All of him.
"Aizawa! Clothes on now!"
"Then fucking pay attention to me!"
"I am. Get dressed and we can do something together." I grab the small fluffy blanket and wrap it around his waist so he can stand up.
"Thank you!"
"He's needy."
"Not usually. That means he's starting to get sick or tired."
"Yeah. He gets really clingy if he's tired or not feeling the greatest. Well find out which one it is soon."
"I brought our switch out we can play Mario cart. Me and your switch each round."
"Okay. I'll let you go first against him." Aizawa sets up the dock and switch.
"There you go."
"How much was that?"
"The animal crossing switch?"
"Like four hundred dollars."
"Holy shit!"
"I wanted it and Aizawa got it for me when it came out."
"What's your guys island look like?"
"When Yamada got the terraforming tool he split the island in half so we each had a half to decorate. When getting villagers he got five he likes and five I like and put them on our respective sides. My side had a Halloween theme and his is I don't actually know I haven't seen it yet I've been too busy on my side."
"I'm going for a natural theme but also very welcoming."
"Who gets what stores on each side?"
"We have a central area. That's where our shops and museum is. It's like town square."
"What's the island called?"
"Mood ring."
"We are supposed to be playing Mario kart." Aizawa gets through two full rounds before passing out on me. He feels a little warmer then usual.
"He's tired and getting sick."
"Is that a bad mix?"
"You noticed how whenever I called in he called I or when he called in I called in?"
"That's because when Aizawa is sick he needs a lot of care and attention because to him being sick is the worst thing. It's makes him panic. He returns the favour for when I'm sick so he doesn't feel bad."
"I thought Aizawa was less panicky."
"He is less panicky then me but he has his moments."
"Why are you panicky?"
"I have anxiety. Surprising right? I hide it by being as social as possible but I've also am anxious of crowded places or large groups closing me in. Me and Reporters don't mix well. I don't get how Aizawa is so good with them but he's like a natural."
"Maybe he's just numbed himself to the anxiety."
"That's not it. He's just really well thought out and plans everything ahead of time. He doesn't give himself the chance to be anxious."
"Why do you think that is?"
"He was in a long long spiral of anxiety through out school. He decided enough was enough and started planning a response to every situation he could think of. Kidnapper? Scream and squirm. Bullies? Bully them back. Tests? Study and never leave a piece of school work unfinished. Training go wrong? Run away. He even planned out of his dad killed him what would happen to his stuff and how his dad would get caught. He was able to read every situation he was in flawlessly because he planned it out. He can't plan being sick and can't think of a plan to get better besides become useless for a few days and he's always gotta be doing something or sleeping."
"Why does he do that?"
"Not having control or a plan and things going horrible. Unfortunately it's impossible to plan for everything. We lost a very important person to us and that just made his planning habits worse in hopes to protect anyone and everyone."
*a few hours later.*
"It's too hot!"
"Aizawa no!" Aizawa strips and Toshinori's face is priceless as Aizawa passes back out.
"Um how do I-."
"Give me a blanket or something."
"Just do it."
"Okay here." I slip the blanket under his body and fold it over just enough for his jewels to be covered. "How is that going to help?"
"His dick and shit is hidden but I'm not covering his ass or he will over heat again." Toshinori answers the knock.
"Hey I heard something's up with Aizawa!"
"Shhhh. He's not feeling too great."
"Ooou sick boi!"
"Has he stripped yet?"
"Look at him."
"Oo! Thank you for calling me Toshi!" He groans.
"Guys shush."
"We have a sick Zawa!"
"No Zawa. Zawa bad."
"Okay Zawa bad." I feel him only getting hotter.
"Toshinori you're me today get the ice pack."
"Where do you think?"
"Toshinori the freezer is above the fridge!" Aizawa stirs a little the blanket falls and I don't feel like fixing it. Toshinori hands me the ice pack.
"Thank you Toshinori." I put the ice pack on his forehead hoping to cool him down even a little.
"Why are you so worried about him?"
"He goes from being willing to remain decent to completely stripping nude saying it's too hot in a matter of minutes. He's not doing okay." I play with his hair. His hair is drenched in sweat.
"How much ice is in the freezer?"
"I'll check." Nemuri checks the freezer. "A decent amount."
"Enough to at least make an ice bath?"
"I'm not sure about that one."
"Damn. Toshinori how fast can you get ice?"
"I'll be right back."
"What is he doing?"
"He's dating Inku and he helped Izuku with his quirk so he has both of their numbers so either way Izuku can get tenya to get ice."
"Iida will be right here."
"Give this to him to pay him back and a thanks for doing this on such short notice."
"You needed ice Mr. Yagi?"
"Thank you. Yamada wants me to give this to you."
"Present Mic."
"Oh okay can I come in and thank him?"
"Noooo!" They block the entrance.
"Thank you Iida. I'd give you more but honestly I'll need it right now."
"That's fine. Thank you for paying me back even though you didn't have to." They close the door after Iida leaves. I help Aizawa stand up. He is not looking good.
"I'm going gently put you in the tub put some ice in it along with cool water okay?" He gently squeezes my shoulder. I pick him up and gently place him in the tub. I fill it with the ice and cool water. I hold Aizawa's hand the entire time. He's shivering but feels like lava to the touch.
"What happened?"
"The only thing that could have affected him was the path we took when we ran into Shigaraki but we all would have gotten sick."
"Maybe just the change of the temperature is too much for him."
"He's starting to cool down but he still is exhausted." I feel the water after about two hours the water has gone room temperature. "I'll help him out you guys drain the tub."
"Yama they are talking about you."
"Honey you're sick and hearing things. Save your strength."
"Do you think I'd really say that if I was in my head?"
"No but you're tired and sick so you can't tell the difference." I tuck him in and my gut tells me listen to Aizawa. I listen to them.
"Why is Yamada so anxious?"
"Just happened to be an unfortunate soul to develop it."
"Did anything trigger it?"
"I think it was almost losing Aizawa definitely didn't help it at all."
"What happened?"
"Aizawa lost all hope before they lived together. It got really dark everyday Aizawa was showing up late eventually Yamada started showing up late but always with Aizawa. That's because one day instead of late Aizawa didn't show up. At lunch Hizashi and I went looking for him. We saw him at the overpass. Yamada had saved his first person with out even graduating."
"Aizawa wasn't walking. He was standing there. You know thinking... Yamada stepped in and saved Aizawa. As Aizawa was about to do it Yamada used his quirk to knock Aizawa on his ass. From that day I had never seen Yamada not watching or with Aizawa. Poor guy seems like if he left him the world would end."
"Aizawa tried you know.... to die? Is that why Yamada is so worried?"
"Could be. Yamada loves Aizawa he always had. Heros or not they are meant to be."
"Aizawa what are you doing! Get back to bed!"
"No I'm fine." Aizawa falls but I catch him before he hits the ground.
"No you're not!"
"I am. I'm fine."
"Aizawa look me in the eyes and tell me you are okay. Genuinely." He nuzzles into me he's heating up again. "God you feel like fire."
"I'm fine."
"You say as you proceed to take off clothes."
"It's a little toasty."
"Aizawa hun you're always complaining you're too cold and we don't have enough blankets even when the heat is on! There is no way you are sweating this much in a tea shirt and boxers."
"I'm not."
"Have you seen yourself?"

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