"So.. how has it been teaching?" You questioned. You wished you could see Spencer teaching.

"Oh, it's been.. different, but fun. And you were wrong about the girls, they're all over Rossi not me." He laughed.

You joined in on his laughter. "Well good because then I'd have to turn into an unsub."

"Ah and we wouldn't want that now would we?"

"No, you wouldn't want that. You'd be my first victim lover boy."

"Nah. You love me, Y/N, you could never kill me." He joked.

You wanted to tell him. 'I do love you. I really really do.' But you were bought back to reality in a matter of seconds.

You huffed out a laugh. "In your dreams, Spence."

"Your right. You are in my dreams..."

You blushed, even though you couldn't see him, you could already tell he was smirking.

You guys talked for what felt like hours. You told him about Penelope and how she kicked you out. You  obviously didn't tell him that she kicked you  out because she wanted you to realize he was 'madly in love with you'.

He told you about how he told one of his jokes to the class and they actually laughed. He sounded so happy and cute. You could talk to him forever, but you felt your eyes getting heavy and glanced at the clock to see it was almost 11 at night.

"Spencer it's getting pretty late, we should get to bed." You sighed. You wished he was here, laying down with you.

"Yeah.. I'll call you tomorrow ok?"

"Ok. Goodnight Spence." ... Love you

"Goodnight Y/N."

You hung up clutching the phone to your chest. Feeling like a silly school girl with a bad crush.

You stood up so that you could get changed into some pajamas. You threw on one of Spencer's sweaters and a pair of pajama shorts. You hopped into bed and closed your eyes. Thinking of everything going on in not just your head.. but your heart.

You had to tell Spencer. The sooner, the better right?


You decided on telling him the day he got back. He would be back Saturday afternoon so you didn't have an awful lot of time.

You were... excited and scared all at the same time. Your stomach twisted with nerves at the thought of telling him, but the nerves eased away when you thought about him saying "I love you" back.

It was a scary feeling; love.

Your thoughts were drowned out by the wave of sleep that washed over you. You sighed, and felt your self drift.


*Slight time skip*

It had been almost 5 days since Spencer was gone. Tomorrow would be Saturday, and tomorrow would be when you 'confessed your love' as Penelope would say. She had been pressing the subject whenever you would talk on the phone. She had even asked you when she could finally tell the team.

You hadn't really thought about telling them. You didn't really care if they knew you were just scared about what Hotch would do.

You had a case and was currently driving to the house that the unsub was keeping young women in. You were riding with Morgan and JJ. Hotch, and Emily were on their way.

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