Grace stepped back and fell to the floor, she didn't know Franklin that well but she knew that he wanted to do so much with his life and find the love of his life. She could hear nothing but ringing in her ears. Everyone moved in slow motion and Grace couldn't tell if she was breathing or not. Hannibal was shaking me, trying to snap me out of it. I was so lost in my own world, everything almost melted around Me.

Saturday 15:02

Grace and Clarice were at the waterfall. To get there, you had to hop over a barbed wired fence and through the woods. It was so worth it though, there was a large rock that hovered over the waterfall and you had a view of almost the entire town. Grace discovered this place with Finn and kept it secret until Clarice came along.
"I feel blessed that I'm the first person that you showed this place to" said Clarice, she was laying on Grace, who had her arm around Clarice's stomach.
"Me and Finn found this place when we were like 9. Feels like an eternity ago" Grace chuckled about that fact that she feels old.
"I couldn't leave my front yard when I was 9!" Expressed Clarice.
"Sucks to be you" laughed Grace.
"Oh shut up, you!" Clarice looked up and using her hand, she pushed in Grace's cheeks to pout out her lips and kissed her. Grace always felt butterfly's when kissing Clarice. She always wanted to kiss boys until she met Clarice, her lips were always so soft unlike the other boys she kissed and she loved every bit and shape of her lips. Clarice pulled away and smiled.
"Shall we go swimming?" Suggested Clarice. Before Grace could say anything, she hopped off the rock and started to take off her clothes.
"Uh..I don't like getting in water." Exclaimed Grace, a little distracted that Clarice was changing in front of her.
"But you love the rain?" Laughed Clarice.
"Well, yeah!"
"Then jump in with me!"
"Naked! You have the nerve to punch Freddie in the face but not do a little skinny dipping? Chicken!" Teased Clarice. Grace gave into Clarice and started to undress. She sighed that she has to jump into dirty water.
"It'll be fun, I promise" Clarice pecked Grace's cheek and she waited for Grace to finish getting undressed. Once Grace finished changing, she stood by Clarice and held her hand.
"3..2..1!" Clarice screamed. They both jumped into the water, holding hands. The impact of the water hurt Grace's feet and startled her. Grace swam to the top and saw Clarice hadn't swam to the surface. She waited a few moments and there was still no sign of life, Grace started to worry.
"...Clarice?" She hollered out. All of a sudden, something grabbed Grace by the waist and it startled her.
"Boo" whispered Clarice in Grace's ear.
"You scared me!" Laughed Grace.
"Aww you care for me?" Teased Clarice while wrapping her legs around Grace.
"Don't phrase it like that!" Grace laid her head back on Clarice's shoulder and she saw she had a large grin around her mouth.
"You're, terrifying" smiled Grace. Clarice laughed at her comment and kissed her again. Grace pulled away because she didn't like kissing in water.
"No! You might suck the air out of me!" Joked Grace.
Clarice let go Grace and swam to face Grace.
"Shall we play Marco Polo?" Suggested Clarice.
"I'm getting cold, though." Moaned Grace.
"I said I will make this fun and I plan on making it fun!" Exclaimed Clarice.
"I can't keep up with you sometimes" whined Grace.
Clarice gave her a sarcastic smile.
"Fine" she said. She took in a gasp of air and dunked under the water. The water was dirty so Grace couldn't see where Clarice went. However, Grace felt her grab her leg, or her arm, or her waist, or her back, or her thigh, or her chest.
"Stop it!" Shouted Grace. Clarice rose out of the water and laughed, while taking in gasps of air.
"I would've payed to see your face!" Laughed Clarice.
"Can we get out now? It feels like Someone is watching us." Grace scanned the area.
"Okayyy" Clarice started swimming to shore. Once they were out, they raced back to the pile of clothes and changed back into their clothes. Grace watched Clarice change from the corner of her eye. She traced the outline of her body, her body was curvy and Grace was mesmerised by it.
"Are you looking?" Giggled Clarice. Grace put on her hoodie.
"...nope" she grinned while pulling her hair out of her hoodie.
"Cheeky" Clarice sat on the rock and took a sip of her water. Grace rummaged through her bag and pulled out a cigarette. She put it between her lips and lit it.
"Where'd you get that?" Asked Clarice.
"Mum left a pack out" grinned Grace, she inhaled and blew out a faint cloud.
"Little dare devil" Clarice held her hand out for the cigarette and Grace handed it to her. Grace watched her place the cigarette perfectly in between her sweet, soft lips, she let out a large, also faint cloud and the wind blew it back in her face, she smiled at the smell of it.
"I think I love you" whispered Grace. Clarice smiled and held out the cigarette to Grace. She picked it off her hand and smoked the rest.
"We should do a horror movie night" suggested Clarice.
"What films? Asked Grace, who was still smoking.
"Chucky and Halloween?" Clarice liked the feeling of being scared and it was soon Halloween anyway.
"Chucky, Halloween and... nightmare on elm street?" Negotiated Grace. "Only the first and second one though"
Clarice smiled at her idea.
"Okay, sure."

They were both excited for Halloween and they think they're falling in love with each other.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя