Chapter 6: Code Lafayette

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Kamino Shinsou was furious. Not only did she just finish a United Nations meeting, but now her Nii-san had just exposed America. To call her angry was an understatement; The youngest Shinsou was LIVID. So as soon as she popped up on that holo screen, her eyes locked onto the two boys.

"Explain." She said unwaveringly.

"Well I was just on my merry way-"

"NO! Shut up! This isn't your time to speak!"

"Well, she never asked you." 

"Uno reverse card!"


The two boys began bickering once again. Kumo looked at them solemnly before gazing back up at the digitalized girl.

Kamino took in a deep breath. "Boys, not the time for arguing."

They both turned to her exasperated before seeing her death glare. It made them wither like a patch of grass in winter.

"You 3 OBVIOUSLY can't be trusted on your own, so I'll have to transfer," Kamino said while pulling out a book. From where they weren't sure, but Kami always seemed to have a book near her at all times.


"Wow, relax. If you were here, do you know what Oji-san would say?" Kamino said, not looking up from her book.

Kamino's older brother groaned. "Yes, yes. Bring Honor to Us All. We know."

"Right! So I'm transferring. I hope to see you at 6:00 pm EST to come to pick me up. Bye." Kami cut the connection, and they were left staring at the screen that held the options once again.

"Wasn't that intriguing?" Monoma said to break the silence. But what they didn't know is that a familiar Pomeranian-haired boy was spying on them the entire time...


Kamino rubbed her eyes as she continued reading her book. It was a simple book, with black binding and cover, fairly short, and contained the title, Tyler Borealis.

"So sad that he had to die early. Such a useful cryokinetic quirk, and what smarts." Kamino muttered before shutting the book and storing it back on her massive shelf. She took another one before immediately putting it back. It was covered in orange glitter and seemed to glow in the room.

"I will never read Amaterasu Saibu's book again." She muttered before storing that on a separate shelf that was labeled with a DO NOT READ.

Kamino surveyed her room and smiled. Every empty space was filled with books of people, and she's read every single one. She's never lost them, and they've never been ruined, although some do have writing in them from an outside source. She picks up another book. It squirms and writhes in her hands. The cover is strange. It's a circle made of these spires that come to meet in the center, as well as this small silver circle in the center. As well as the odd circle, there's a title.


Kamino sighs. "I don't understand why Ojisan would want me to release this man. All I know is that he's dangerous."

The youngest Shinsou then plucks a strand of her long lavender hair and sets it in the book. She puts it on the ground and waits. Simply waits.

M e a n w h i l e . . .

Muscular had never felt afraid, but as soon as he made eye contact with his capturer, he paled significantly. Kamino Shinsou was an absolute mastermind when it came to strategy.

"Muscular. I'm aware we didn't get off on amazing terms-" The lavender haired girl said before getting cut off.

"AMAZING TERMS? YOU TRAPPED ME IN THAT STUPID BOOK!" Muscular all but shouted. But the girl remained calm. She slowly but surely began to draw a rectangular object, way longer than it is wide.

"All For One has requested your appearance. Since I'm the only one that can control the books, he's entrusted me to keep an eye on you." Kamino responds. "I trapped you in the book simply because I needed to get you out of Tartarus. If I wanted you gone, you'd already be halfway across the galaxy. What do you say then, Muscular?"

The one-eyed male gulped before responding. "Right then. Where do I start?"


Bakugou wasn't a runner. He liked to stand and fight, or even pick the fights himself. But as he walked onto the field and saw the transfer student, in her dark-skinned five eyed glory, he couldn't help but feel anxious. As the match started, he planned for a quick right hook, but Kumo just ducked. She simply did a backbend with her head touching the ground, and his punch sailed right over her. Kumo then placed her hands on the ground and kicked up, sufficiently hitting Bakugou in the jaw and getting her back on her feet.

Bakugou stumbled back before grumbling and charging forth once more, hand crackling. Kumo used one of her hands to bat away the explosion. She twisted her body like a corkscrew and swept him right off his feet.

The red-eyed male growled before charging again. Kumo swung at him, and Bakugou, believing he could take it, let her hit him

Worst. Mistake. Of. His. Life.

Pain bloomed across his shoulder, and he could've sworn that it was broken. Kumo grinned before swinging again. Since his right arm was currently out of commission, his only options were to dodge or run. Running was out of the question, because he had seen how fast she had ran during the Obstacle Course. So he dodged, but it was getting increasingly harder the more he moved.

Meanwhile, Kumo was having a blast. She hadn't had a good match in months, so it was an easy way to stretch out her joints and get in some quick practice.

The white-haired girl aimed a solid kick, super charged by her insane speed, and it made contact with Bakugou's chest.


A sickening sound erupted out of his torso as he went flying.

"And Katsuki Bakugou is out of bounds. That means..." Midnight announced. "KUMO ASHI WINS THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" On the huge screen appeared a huge picture of Kumo grinning with 3 hands on her hips and the other with a thumbs up.

The last thing Bakugou heard before blacking out was a chilling sentence.

"I hate spies."

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