Chapter 19: Adrenaline Rush

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When this book was still in its beta, I was going to make Momo fall in love with Neito. However, I lost inspiration for that, and instead, I'll leave the interactions in Chapter 6, but the ship won't sail. Instead, she might fall for someone else you'll meet later. I still haven't made up my mind. Sorry! On with the book!

"Do you think Yaoyorozu, Ashi, and Todoroki are gonna win, Kero?" Tsuyu said as she stared at the monitors.

"Yeah! Of course, they will! That trio's got this in the bag!" Ochaco cheered.


M e a n w h i l e . . .

"I'm not helping."

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu stared dumbfounded at the tall girl.

"What? Why?" Momo managed to say, still shocked. Kumo merely glanced at her. "Because it wouldn't be fair if I was helping you! Besides, I wanna see your potential. I've got high expectations for you, y'know." Then, the shadows converged around her, and she was gone.

"Yaoyorozu. Leave this to me." Todoroki said, and then he walked off. Momo just looked astonished. 

"H-hey! Wait up!" She chased after the half and half haired boy.

"She's totally gonna win this," Kumo said, on top of one of the buildings. "And if she can't, Rush sure can."


"Man, how come UA is this super prestigious school, but they can't afford some SPEAKERS." Kaminari moaned, leaning back in his chair. Sero secretly turned up his hearing aids so that he could hear what they were saying, although he immediately regretted it.


"Bro! You're gonna blast out my eardrums!" Sero shouted, wincing as he turned the volume WAY down.


"Everyone, calm down! They've spotted Aizawa-sensei!" Iida said, doing the hand chop as everyone's eyes returned to the screen.

They watched as Todoroki tried to use his quirk on him, only to realize that Aizawa had stopped it at just the last second. As they began fighting, Yaoyorozu lingered in the background, looking left out.

"Huh? What's Yaoyorozu-san doing?" Deku said, seemingly confused, as Todoroki was so OBVIOUSLY losing the match. The camera then switched to Kumo, who they had somehow found, standing on top of a building, seemingly shouting something.

M e a n w h i l e . . .

"HAH! YOU SUCK TODOROKIDOKI!" Kumo taunted, using her two top hands as a mini megaphone, while her others rested on her hips. He might've not heard her, as Kumo couldn't really see expressions that well, but on the battlefield, Todoroki's eyes twitched and he paused for a split second, enough for Aizawa to knee him in the stomach.

"Eugh!" He let out a breath as Aizawa's scarf swiftly tied him up. However, Momo did not move. Her face had become shadowed, and her breaths turned ragged.

After their teacher was finished tying Todoroki up to a nearby lamppost, he turned back to Yaoyorozu. "So? Are you going to fight me, or run away and leave your teammate here like a coward?" Although it was a bit harsh, Aizawa specialized in what was known as 'tough love.'

"N-no, I-I'm j-just..." She stuttered as her voice became shaky. Aizawa raised an eyebrow. Was she okay?

"I-It f-f-f-feels s-s-so g-good." She was blushing heavily now, but her eyes were still shadowed. Aizawa was unnerved, the same feeling he felt when he was dealing with Ashi just before the Sports Festival. He took a step back.

"KYEHAHAHAHAHHA! Wow! It feels good to be out again!" Aizawa's eyes widened as the black-haired girl stared right at him, the edges of her eyes now watery.

Meanwhile, Kumo saw this exchange and sighed. "URBOSA'S FURY!" Lightning struck the ground, and it cut off the camera connection.

"Hey! Why aren't the cameras working anymore?" Mina said, looking confused. In fact, so was everyone else. A feeling of dread and anticipation filled the stomachs of Hanta and Ochaco as they waited for the time to be up.


Aizawa did indeed love his students, no matter how much he tried to deny it. However, when one of his smartest turned into what WHATEVER this was, he couldn't help but feel a deep hatred.

"Who are you, and what did you do with Yaoyorozu," Aizawa said, tightening the grip on his scarf.

"The name's Adrenaline Rush, but call me Rush for short. Yaoyorozu is a dumb name I was born with!" The girl, now named Rush, said, twirling what looked to be syringes filled with a cloudy liquid.

"So you're essentially an Alter Ego."

"YUP! But now, I need to defeat you. Bye! KYEHAHAHAHAH!" And then Rush charged at him, syringes in hand.

Aizawa barely managed to dodge the green needles as he leaped backward, opting to shoot his scarf out at the girl instead of fighting hand to hand, seeing as she was armed and he was not. However, Rush danced out of the way of the scarf and grabbed the end, pulling Aizawa closer to her. He dropped the scarf and jumped to the side, narrowly missing the syringes.

"Ugh. JUST DIE ALREADY!" Rush said, opting to throwing her syringes instead of running after the underground hero. Aizawa dodged one, but the other embedded itself into his left hand, the cloudy liquid soon sinking into his hands.

"Bye! Don't let the bed bugs bite. KYEHAHAHAHAH!" And then he was gone. Rush's heavy blush began fading away, and she looked around in confusion.


"Oh look! The cameras are back on!" Kaminari said, bringing everyone's attention back to the screen, where they could see Yaomomo and Todoroki handcuffing up an unconscious Aizawa, although Todoroki looked awfully startled.

"So they did win!" Mina said, cheering on the duo.

"But where's Ashi?" Deku pondered.

"Don't get your hair in a twist. I'm right here!" Kumo said, appearing out of the shadows.

"Are you sure you're going to even pass? You didn't help them at all!" Kirishima proclaimed.

"Who knows? Maybe I helped them offscreen! It's all a mystery! A dark, impenetrable fog!"

"What does that even mean?!"

As the group began recapping the whole fight and praising the duo who had just arrived, Tenya sat in the background, his eyes swirling.

"What deadication."

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