Chapter 15: Back to School

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The sound of a bird's wings echoed through the bedroom of a particular black-haired male. Sero woke up with a groan. He immediately saw the silver bird, and got up, putting his hearing aids into his ears almost spontaneously. Hanta still remembered the exact events of what happened clearly in his mind. He was slammed twice against a piece of debris during the USJ attack. The paramedics dismissed it as some simple tissue damage and bandaged it up before going to more serious injuries. After that, his hearing began to fade, until it was the measly amount that it was today. But thanks to Kamino and AFO: HM, he could finally hear again, at the cost of being a real hero.

Sero was snapped back to reality as his bird, Arch, landed on his shoulder and nuzzled his cheek. Although Arch had extremely sharp talons that were as hard and durable as titanium, they strangely didn't hurt him that much.

"Heya birdie." He pet the head of his bird before getting changed for the first day back to school since internships began. Sero had to admit, his whole internship week was wack, from learning all about America and AFO: HM with Kamino, hanging out with the mutts in the Haus of Holbein, meeting Monoma, Shinsou, and the confusing specimen that is Tenya Iida, and seeing All For One without being afraid for his life. Honestly? A win in his book.

"Say, Arch, you keep on disappearing weirdly. Where do you even go?" Hanta asked his bird. It sounded stupid, but the bird muttation was exceptionally smart and seemed to understand both Japanese and English.

She let out a cry before glowing grey and turning into a silver band of what looked to be titanium. Sero stared dumbfounded at the newfound piece of jewelry before shrugging and putting it on his right ring finger.

"Now what time is it- Oh crap! 8:00 am? I'm going to be late!"

The black-haired male raced out the door, but not before grabbing his bag and a piece of toast that his mom had prepared for him.

"Oi! Mechanic!" He said, calling out to Iida who he saw on the way to school. A tick mark appeared on the navy-haired boy.

"I'm not a mechanic you degenerate male!"

"But you're also a-"

"Hey! Iida, Sero, I didn't know you lived around here!" Both their heads turned to see Ochako running towards them.

"Ohayo, Uraraka-san. How was your morning?" Iida said, returning to his hand chopping act. Sero merely waved while staring at Iida dumbfounded.

"I'm good, I'm good. Ooh! Sero, do you have any more toast? I didn't have breakfast..." Ochako said, rubbing the back of her head.

"No, sorry..."

"That reminds me! What's with those cool headphones you have! They're super stylish."

"Um, I got them at my internship."

"Both of you, we need to get to class! We're running late." Iida said before sprinting away, leaving the other two in the dust.

"Well, I learned a bunch of new battle techniques from Gunhead! What did you learn?" Ochako asked while running next to the black-haired male, trying to catch up to Iida.

"I'll tell you later. But for now, we need to get to class before Mr. Aizawa kills us!"


"It's almost time for Final Exams. I expect you to do your best. Like the entrance exams, there will be a written portion, and a practical portion." Aizawa said, blatantly glaring at Kumo, who glared back.

The class began muttering about the newfound information. Meanwhile, Momo, Kumo, and Tenya weren't worried. With all the training they've gotten over the months of being part of AFO: HM, they knew that they were set. Sero wasn't particularly worried either, although he hadn't gotten the training the others had.

"Hell yes! After I dominate the field in these exams, I can truly call myself the Super High School Level Powerhouse!" Kumo exclaimed to the trio made up of Momo, Sero, and Tenya.

"I don't know you guys... Using our specials during the Final Exams might make everyone distrust us..." Momo put in.

"Who cares? As long as I can whoop some ass, I'm ecstatic!" Tenya said, making an X with his forearms with his hands depicting the punk rock sign, tongue out.

"Stop that! Someone might see you, and as you can CLEARLY see, we're still in class." Sero said, pushing Tenya's hand down.

"Hey Yaoyorozu, Ashi, Iida! Can you help us with class? We wanna pass the Exams." Mina and Kaminari pleaded to the top three smartest in the class.

"This calls for a STUDY PARTY at my house at three on Saturday! Anyone coming?" Kumo asked, and almost everyone raised their hands.

"I'm going to tutor with Bakugou. Is that okay?" Kirishima said, gesturing to the angry boy. Iida's face switched into that eerie symmetrical smile of his for a split second before nodding in acceptance. No one noticed but the trio.

"I'm not coming."

"Oh come on Todorokidoki! It'll be fun, please?"


"Alright! Whatever you say, okay?"

"Shut up."

"So, your house on Saturday at 3, right? Alright, I'll be there." Kaminari said as Kumo began handing out slips with her address on them.

"Oh hey! Before you head to lunch, I need to talk with you Ochako. Alone."


"I kinda don't want to be a hero after what you told me..." Ochako said to Sero. They were currently in the janitors closet, and the male had explained a quick summary of the truth of All For One and AFO: HM, as well as a little tidbit on the odd person that is Tenya Iida.

"Well, you don't have to be. Just sit with Momo, Tenya, Kumo, Hitoshi, Neito, Kamino, and I during lunch, and we can discuss becoming a converter."

"I don't know... I'm still pretty unsure about this whole thing..."

"Think about it. We could really use your help."

L a t e r . . .

"Wait wait wait. You want Ochako Round Face to be a converter?" Neito asked, gesturing to the brown-haired girl.

"I think she should be. She's got the mindset and determination of a true AFO: HM member." Kamino put in before continuing to eat her ramen

"I mean, Project MJ has yet to find a proper host, so maybe she could help us with that." Hitoshi explained. Ochako was beginning to regret ever coming there. She didn't want to be the subject of some experiment.

"Well let's ask her. Ochako, do you want to change the world for the better, get some new add-ons, and become part of AFO: HM?" Kumo said with a mischevious flint in her eyes.

"Um... I..."

"Please Ochako? We need another UA kid on our side." Momo said pleadingly.


"What was that? We need to hear the pledge."

"I pledge to be an official and permanent member of AFO: HM." Ochako said with her eyes squeezed shut. 

"It has been done."

Arachnophobia (BNHA x OP OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang