Chapter 2: A Recipe for Disaster

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Kumo heard that it was time to make cavalry teams, and her heart dropped. She hadn't interacted with anyone for the past week, and she knew that no one would want to be on her team, with her having the 10 mil.

"ASHI! OVER HERE!" A familiar voice shouted, and Kumo turned to see Shinsou standing beside a blonde-haired boy with white irises...

Kumo completely ignored Shinsou and bolted for Monoma. "Otouto! Where were you? I was so worried! You didn't call! You didn't fly! You didn't text, and you don't have an excuse for that, cause your phone is ATTACHED to your eye!" Kumo began. She started poking him with one of her hands, with another slapping him on the back of the head. The last two were giving him a hug.

Monoma soon got away from the wrath of an angry spider, and started laughing

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Monoma soon got away from the wrath of an angry spider, and started laughing. "I'm sorry, but with me visiting big sis from time to time and Japan able to track me, it's hard to keep in touch with you guys. Though I promise I'll visit for the weekend, and bring Ne-san as well!"

Kumo's face softened under her mask. "I know sweetie, but I need VIEWS!" Her peppy demeanor came back. "And you BRING THEM! So I must have you! That, and I care about you, but that's less significant."

Shinsou then coughed, making his presence noticed. "I brought you here to form a team, not to make chit chat. Now shut up and let's make a plan."

"As sister always said-" Monoma began.

"I need more blood, PLEASE!" Kumo imitated Monoma's crazy older sister, and they both laughed again. Hitoshi allowed a faint smile to pass before returning to his normal stoic manner. "Right. Kumo, I saw you used some Bender Balls. What's in them?"

Kumo giggled. "This edition is called Living Death; It's very strong, Doctor Tsubasa actually helped me with it. It's got some of my paralyzing venom in it, lionfish venom for a 'bit' of pain, umbra metal surrounding it like usual, and a bit of itching powder for an extra kick!"

Shinsou paled. "You didn't."

Kumo laughed. "I did. But that's beside the point. We have ten seconds remaining, and a smart plan. Anything else?"

Monoma raised his hand. "Yes, Neito?" Kumo asked. "Are we allowed to use all quirks and possibilities from the Hunger Games to the fullest?"

Kumo smiles. "No. Let's surprise them later."


As the group was casually dodging attacks from the left and from the right, they decided to engage in a friendly conversation.

"Hey Kumo, why do you have that mask?" Monoma asks after dodging yet another attack from Bakugou's group.

"I wore it because I thought I would scare people. But I'mma take it off after the cavalry battle." Kumo smiled. Shinsou looked at her concerned, before remembering how she sees. She uses the hairs on her arms to sense her surroundings. Although having revealing clothing worked a lot better than a winter getup, either would suit her just fine when it came to combat.

"Blind as a bat still?" Monoma asks.

"That's offensive! I'm a spider. Ya see?" Kumo says as she jumps over an angry Bakugou. Monoma groans. "I'm getting tired of this. Can we kill him now? My spear is at the ready." Monoma's left eye flashes a quick red before disappearing. He stares at Shinsou in annoyance. "Are you SERIOUS? Bro, that's not cool."

"You heard what Ashi said," Shinsou said. "No Hunger Games weapons..."

"...Unless absolutely necessary, yeah yeah yeah, I get it. But don't you enjoy some good old fashioned manslaughter?" Monoma said, his eye flashing red again.

"Neito, you're pushing my limits. Try me again, and I'll have your head rolling through the fields of South Dakota." Shinsou said, his eyes flashing a very bright purple.

"You wanna go?" Monoma said, his eyes fully turning red. A ruby spear appeared in his hand, clearly polished and sharpened to a fine point.

"Try me 1 eye," Shinsou said, brandishing an amethyst ax. His eyes gleamed a very bright unnatural purple. As they engaged in battle, they failed to notice that they had dropped Kumo in the process

"Welp I'm dead now," Kumo said as she fell. She summoned the wind and stopped. She started flying around and collecting people's headbands. She then looked back to see a sight. Shinsou had a gash on his right bicep, while Monoma's left eye was gone. Not a weird sight to see, but Japan would be concerned, and paperwork is hard

"ENOUGH!" Someone shouts. The battling boys turn to see Kumo, a silvery black throwing knife in each of her four hands.

"Monoma! Chill. And Shinsou! Chill. If you both don't CHILL OUT, I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL PUT YOU IN MY NEXT HUNGER GAMES!" Both boys froze before bowing to the tall floating girl.  Monoma picked up his eye and tenderly placed it back into it's socket, and Shinsou conjured some bandages for his bicep.

"Times UP!" Midnight shouted, and everyone that was watching the speculation began walking back to the cafeteria to eat, clean up, get checked out if they need it.

"Right. You boys need to fill up, but since I can't trust you on your own, so...." Kumo reaches into her gym uniform and pulls out two Bender Balls. The boys visibly pale. Kumo sees this and laughs. "Lighten up a bit. Neito's has some blood in it, to fill his insatiable needs, and Shinsou's has a good old Pepsi. For home's sake."

Monoma eagerly grabs the Bender Ball and grabs a tray before running over to an empty table. Shinsou takes the other Bender Ball and watches it warily. "Are you sure you didn't put itching powder this time?"

Kumo laughs. "Don't worry, Toshi, it's just a Pepsi. I know how much you need caffeine to function, so I brought some old fashioned American soda."

Shinsou grabs another tray and sits next to Monoma. Kumo follows suit and sits down next to Monoma, who's already filling his flask to the brim with the thick red liquid.

"Neito, how long have you gone without this? You know it's not good for you." Kumo says. Monoma shrugs. "I dunno, a couple of months? It's hard taking blood when you're training to be a hero. But don't worry! I've been sucking on pennies to satisfy myself."

"And pennies have no nutritional value whatsoever," Shinsou says after drinking a bit of Pepsi. "You know how dangerous it is! Remember what happened last time?"

Kumo stiffens a bit as the memory resurfaces.

"N-neito? Is that you?"

"What would Father say?"

"What would your SISTER say?"

Monoma laughs. "Just chill out everyone! My track record for Japan has been pretty stable, so there's no need to fuss over me like this!"

Kumo hits him in the back of the head before picking up her glass full of Coke. She presses it to her mask, not realizing that she never took it off, and spills it all over her clothes.

"HAH!" Shinsou shouts. Kumo gives him a dirty look before splashing the liquid off of her clothes and into his eyes using her quirk. 

"BAKA!" He shouts once more as he claws at his eyes. Kumo then proceeds to take her white mask off, showing off her face.

She blinks and turns around, catching the attention of many people. "Man, I haven't seen color since America!" She smiles, showing off her VERY sharp teeth.

"Woah, watch where you're putting those things!" Monoma dodges her flying hands. She glares at him as 2 of her eyes turn red, and he shuts up quickly.

"Hey boss, for the 1v1s," Shinsou starts. "How are we allowed to win?"

Kumo gives a sadistic grin. "Any means necessary."

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