Chapter 14: The Report

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"Who are we waiting for again?" Hitoshi asked. A group consisting of Neito, Kamino, Momo, Sero, Kumo, and himself were waiting in the backseat of a limo.

"Just for Tenya to get the a-okay to leave the hospital," Neito recalled.

"Yeah, so, remind me why I'm here again?" Sero said, fiddling with the controls on his hearing aids. "I mean, I'm not even a part of AFO: HM yet."

"Why, you're a converter! All converters are AFO: HM as soon as they give in, whether they like it or not. Take Momo for example." Kumo said, gesturing to the black-haired girl, whose hair has still not grown back in.

"He's here." Kamino opened the door, and there was Tenya.

"Alright! Hold up your butts people, cause Tenya Iida is ready for his epic entrance!" He exclaimed while flipping his hair, smiling a perfectly symmetrical smile that stretched across his face. Iida was carrying a box of takoyaki in his right hand, his skewer in the other.

"Just get in." Sero groaned. To be honest? He was a little unnerved that their normally strict and stoic friend had become this... monstrosity.

"Right... Let's get down to business. How're your deployments going?" Hitoshi asked.

"Wonderful! No one suspects a thing." Tenya said while thrusting his skewer at Kamino who was sitting next to him. She blocked every attack while reading her book.

"Hold on, I'm still confused. What's this about deployments?" Sero asked, short hair swishing as he leaned in closer.

"A deployment is essentially when AFO: HM decides to send previous Hunger Games victors or Super High School Levels to different hero schools in Japan. Their jobs are to make training heroes convert to AFO: HM." Kumo explained.

"And you're happy leaving your homes?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, I'm freaking ecstatic! My heart is beating a mile a minute." Tenya said before chomping down on another takoyaki.

"Eh. Can't really do anything about it anyway." Neito shrugged, leaning over Hitoshi to trying to grab one of Tenya's takoyaki, only to nearly get stabbed by the sharp skewer in his hand.

"Wait a second. What's a Super High School Level?" Sero asked once more.

"I'll spell it out for you so your remaining brain cells don't burst from the exertion, okay? Super High School Levels are the best of the best." Tenya cut in.

"A Super High School Level is a person that excels more than the average person. For example, I'm the Super High School Level Reader." Kamino explained to the person on her left, putting her book away for the first time since the conversation had started.

"What's the others' Super High School Levels?" Momo couldn't help asking.

"That's a secret!" Tenya said, smiling that unnerving symmetrical smile.

"Whatever. You'd probably be something crappy like the Super High School Level Mechanic." Sero muttered under his breath.

"Uh, NO! I'm not a massive simp, thank you very much." Tenya harrumphed before eating another ball of takoyaki. His accent seemed to have changed at that moment, from a bratty voice to a more mellow and masculine one. Momo stared dumbfounded at the magic box containing Iida's food, as she realized that NONE of the balls had been taken.

"Never mind that guys. Tenya, you ran into the Hero Killer, and knowing you, you probably told him the truth mixed with a heavy dose of lies." Kumo said.

"Wow! You really do know me! Alright. For one, I told him a bit about Project Zetsubou, punishments, and the Broadcast. I did lie to him about that SHSL Nobody, though." Tenya said, once again smiling that odd smile.

"I'm getting bored of you talking like a maniac. Do someone else please." Hitoshi groaned, leaning back in his chair.

"Whatever you say, Hitoshi," Tenya said, now with a French-ish accent.

"Where are we even going?" Sero said, remembering that they were inside of a limousine.

"Why, the League of Villain's base, of course! I need to report back." Kumo exclaimed, throwing an arm around Momo and Sero. "Today's the day you meet All For One! Isn't that special?"

"Okay, geez, calm down already! You almost knocked out my aids!" Sero said, wiggling out of Kumo's grip.

"Hanta, where's your bird?" Kamino asked. Sero shrugged. "I honestly dunno. I saw Arch yesterday, but today, she was gone!" He rubbed the top of his head, only for him to come back holding his silver bird. "What the-"

"NO CURSING ON MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER!" Tenya exclaimed with his accent changing to be more masculine and rough, throwing his hands up, narrowly missing Hitoshi.

"Hey, watch it you baka!" The angry Shinsou exclaimed.

"We're here guys. Now stop fussing about." Neito said, opening the door to the unknown.




"Greetings, Kumo. How has your mission been going?" The eyeless All For One 'stared' through the screen at the group of teenagers.

"Perfectly fine, Father! No one understands nor expects my motives!" The tall girl exclaimed.

"And how is Project Zetsubou?" 

"Nobody suspects anything, and even if they did, they would be promptly eliminated." Tenya said, switching to a formal voice.

"Understood. Report over." The screen switched off.

"So... Now what?" Momo asked, twirling her finger around the side part of her hair.

"OMG! Momo, I never noticed your ahoge? Are you a protagonist or something?" Tenya exclaimed, switching back to his bratty voice. Suddenly, he turned into a book.

"He was being too loud." Kamino said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Kamino Shinsou! Quirk: Reader! If she touches you, she gains a book that depicts your life story! If she touches you with her hair, however, you yourself turn into a book! If she writes in either of those books, those words will appear in your mind. As well as this, anything she reads in a book, she immediately memorizes, which is why she carries a book on hand at all times!

"Now, we need to head back and finish our internships. The pros will be looking for us soon enough." Neito said. The team briskly nodded before they each summoned an Uber. Sero, not having his holochip yet, simply went with Kamino.

"Um, what's going to happen to Iida?" Sero said.

"He'll be dealt with properly."

Arachnophobia (BNHA x OP OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz