Chapter 7: AFO Industries

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And as the platforms rose the faithful end of the Sports Festival, the viewers watched a Neito Monoma close to strangling a Hitoshi Shinsou on the same 2nd place pedestal, Katsuki Bakugou watching them with a bewildered expression on the 3rd place pedestal, and a smiling Kumo Ashi, completely ignoring the utter filth beneath her in 1st place. All Might looked at the disarray that the podium was on and sweatdropped, as well as most of the stadium.

"Right, uh. Young Bakugou, you fought well and hard, but remember that not everyone is your enemy." All Might said while holding out the medal. Bakugou took it without saying anything and went back to staring at the 2nd place podium.

"Um... Young Shinsou, Young Monoma, congratulations." All Might tried to evade the flying hands of the two boys. They soon realized that he was there, and scoffed.

"Do I know you?" They said in sync. Everyone sweatdropped again as they took the medals and proceeded to beat each other with them.

"Young Ashi. Congrats on winning 1st place. You are an amazing fighter, and worthy of being called a-"

"Just give me the medal All Might. I have a flight to catch." Kumo said while beckoning with one of her hands. All Might handed off the medal to the tall girl and she put it around her neck, then kept on smiling.


Momo Yaoyorozu was recommended to UA. That meant that she ultimately was better than most of the people there. But she wasn't very good when it came to combat. Although she was one of the smartest people in the class (Second only to Kumo), when it came to physical ability, she was down in the dumps. So when she saw Shinsou, Monoma, and Ashi completely dominating the field, she couldn't help but be inspired. Not only that, but Momo had spotted some of the stuff that AFO: HM had requested her parent's support company to build. It was amazing and complex, and not to mention HUGE! So that day, she went up to Monoma.

"Hey... Monoma, right?" She asked hesitantly. Momo didn't know if he'd reject her or not, so best to go in safe.

"Hm?" Neito responded. He was preparing to head to the meetup area where Kumo's Corvette would drive them to the airport.

"U-um, you seemed r-really strong out there, and I was w-wondering if you could t-teach me." Momo stuttered, then mentally scolded herself. She had never stuttered in her entire life! Why was she doing it now?

Neito smiled. "I'd love to. Now hurry up, or we'll be late." He started to walk away, and Momo ran after him.

"Wait, training starts now?" She asked.

"Of course! Time is of the essence."


When they arrived in America 4 hours later, Momo couldn't help but gawk at the tall buildings and shiny windows of New York City. There was lots of honking and people, but none recognized her from the Sports Festival, strangely.

"In here." Neito gestured to the tallest building in the city, labeled AFO INDUSTRIES. They walked in, and Monoma scanned his fingerprint before registering hers.

"That way if you want to come when I'm not around," Neito explained, and Momo nodded, still gawking at all the high-tech stuff. She came from a rich family, but this? This was INSANE.

They took the elevator down to the basement and opened a masterpiece.

"This is the training grounds," Neito explained. "It's where most people in the army, important officials, and the Secret Service trains every day. I assume you want to start here?" He gestured to a punching bag near them, and she nodded.

"Right. You'll need a uniform. ATTENTION!" Monoma shouted. All the ranks came together.

"This is my legion. I lead them, train them, all that sort." Then he shouted. "YOU HAVE A NEW RECRUIT! BE NICE, OR IT'S OFF TO THE MANGLER! DISMISSED!"

They all ran back to where they were training. "What's a mangler?" Momo asked. Neito looked at her. "You'll learn later. I'm horrible at explaining things."

L a t e r . . .

"You said you wanted to hone your combat abilities. Well, you've come to the right place. Create a weapon." Neito said to Momo while they were standing in front of a dummy. They were both clad in black jumpsuits.

Momo created a pole, and it got snatched straight out of her hands.

"This, Momo," Momo blushed at the fact that he said her first name. "Is not a weapon." He snapped it in half with his bare hands and threw it to the ground. "Try again."

She created another pole, and this one also got snatched and broken. "Reach deep into your soul and create one. Each person has a weapon design for them. Like my spear." He opened his hand, and a gleaming red 6-foot tall spear appeared in his hand before disappearing. "Try again."

Momo tried, REALLY tried, and she felt a presence in the darkness of her mind. She grabbed onto it and was brought back to reality. In her hand was her pole. But on the edges were two dangerous blades, curved to a fine point. It also was green, with a hole in the tips.

Monoma nodded in approval. "Nice double-bladed scythe. And looks like a poison type. Wonderful."

Momo gazed at her newfound weapon in wonder. She never knew she could create such a big thing without ripping something! She tried to slash the dummy, and it was cut clean in two. She turned back to Monoma, who grinned.

"Looks like we have some work to do."

H o u r s   L a t e r . . .

"Are you tired, Yaoyorozu?" Monoma asked while gazing over her kneeling, sweating body. She was slightly disappointed that he didn't call her by her first name, but nodded nonetheless.

"Take this." Monoma held out his hand, and in it was a pill. Not that big, maybe the size of a button, with two sides. One black, one white.

Momo took it dry and immediately felt more energized. "What is this?" She asked in wonder.

"Caffeine on steroids," Monoma responded. Then he laughed, a hearty, beautiful sound. Momo blushed again, then scolded herself for doing so.

"No but seriously, it's a pill that our scientists have perfected. It gives you the equivalent of a full 10-hour nap." Neito explained.


Neito waved his hand over his left eye and the beeping noise stopped. "Ah, looks like our time is up." He touched the iris, which looked painful, and a holo-screen showed up out of the blue. He tapped some stuff on it and a portal appeared. Momo, not knowing what it was, prepared to attack it, her scythe already spinning at an incredible rate.

A person in a suit walked out. "Yes, sir?" They asked.

"I need you to teleport this poison user back to their estate at XXX XXXX," Monoma said. The portal user's eyes brightened before they snapped their fingers, and a portal appeared in front of Momo. Before she could act, Neito kissed the top of her head, causing her to turn bright red, and shoved her through the portal.

She appeared on the other side in front of her estate, still wearing her black jumpsuit. But instead of holding her scythe, she was holding a bottle of bleach with a note on it.

Drink at least a cup of this every week sweetheart~


Momo Yaoyorozu, the most proper girl in Class 1-A, said a phrase that pretty much sums up her experience in America.

"What the hell?"

Arachnophobia (BNHA x OP OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα