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Tina frowned, knowing where the question would lead to. She was going to get what she came for. There was no way this woman was smarter that her. However, when she thought about her question, the closest she had come to a life and death situation was the last time she fought this woman.

Kira removed her Katana from the display structure close to the wall and walked to the far end of the room.

"Brace yourself," Kira announces as she drew her sword.

Tina attacked first, running in with a smile on her face. She came here to defeat the one woman to ever defeat her. Tina held nothing back, revealing her fox fire and channeling it to her blade.

Kira received her attacks gracefully, and she avoided Tina's flames while refusing to let her Kitsune out. If she did that, the battle will end too quickly. Kira pushed back against Tina with her blade and Tina stood her ground. She was faster and had grown stronger since their last battle, but she still had a lot to learn.

"You should have gone out of your clan more often. Your technique is caged. Yurumeru! [Loosen up!]"

Kira still could not speak Korean or Japanese. Whenever she did, she knew it was her Kitsune speaking. The fight was becoming boring to both of them. Tina got the message and took a few steps back. She was panting heavily from her powerful attacks.

"Shut up and fight me!" Tina screamed and rushed into another wave of attacks.

A normal pair of eyes would barely see where the blades met. They moved so fast in the small training room. Kira jumped when Tina aimed her blade high and she kicked low when Tina aimed for her side. Kira saw an opening and kicked Tima's sowed hand, causing her sword to fly out of her hand.

Tina sprinted backwards, doing somersaults to follow her sword, and she caught it before it landed on the wall. But that was just a distraction for Kira's proper move. Kira rushed forward and kicked Tina's head. She had not timed to avoid the blow.

Tina moved back from the impact. She coughed, looking up at Kira. Kira's eyes bore flame warmer than any she had ever seen.

"Watashi wa anata ni keikoku shimashita, anata wa watashi ga nandearu ka o shirimasen. [I warned you, you do not know what I am.]"

"Son'nani namaikideatte wa naranai, [one should never be so cocky]" Tina spat.

She used her sword to pull herself up, taking another stand for battle.

"Prepare yourself," Kira warned before she attacked again.

This time, she let the fox out. Her body was engulfed in the flames of her power. It was warm, comforting, and powerful. Tina's flame came back on as well. Her ears were visible above her head and Kira could see lights of her tails. She had four of them.

Tina fought with a smile on her face. There were no words shared between them, just the clink of their so word greeting each other run the brutal way. Kira attacked with her entire body twisting and turning where necessary. The skin walkers taught her to be flexible.

She sliced through Tina's body in her attacks, and Tina blocked some of them. Her body bled where she could not protect hit even with her blood eating, Tina was relentless and focused on the battle. Everything about her attack and defense showed she wanted to kill Kira. It was a blood lust Kira could smell from far away.

Thunder clapped above them, and that brought Kira to her senses. The battle needed to end soon. Isaac would've needed her help fighting the demon. Kira paused her attacks and took a deep breath. Tina gasped for whatever air she could take in. She was covered in cut marks, yet there were fewer ones on Kira.

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