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A night ago, San Francisco.

There were only reasons for celebration from this point onwards. Finally, after decades of waiting, she will finally get around to having some fun. Her eyes subconsciouly went to the sky a full moon was fast approaching. They would need to find refuge in Beacon hills before then. Those dirty wolves might try to pull a nasty trick on her. She would win, but she wanted to avoid any confrontation till he was ready.

Tina decided she had stayed outside too long, she should probably go in before Chloe got too cozy with the Nogitsune. She barely moved from the stone she sat on when she felt a presence behind her. It was too close. She should have felt it sooner. Turning slowly, she halted quickly as she felt the cold steel lean wickedly on her neck.

"Anata wa anata no haka no kodomo ni arukimasu. [you walk into your grave child]" The voice said calmly.

The surprise creeped up her spine. Who would dare sneak up on her? How did she not sense this person? For her voice Tina knew it was female, she spoke Japanese with a thick accent no one uses anymore. Could it be? Tina smirked and relaxed her tensed body.

"Rōjin dake ga wakamono wa fuchūida to omou [only the old think the young are careless]," Tina slipped out quickly and jumped backward quick enough to dodge the blow that followed her.

"Watashi wa wakamono ga yori yūnōda to omoimasu [I believe the young are capable]." Tina said and pulled out the Sai in her boots.

"Anata wa don'na kitsunedesu ka? Misete! [What kind of fox are you? Show me!]" Her attacker came into the light and took her stance.

It was too dark to see her attacker's face. Tina wasn't interested in her looks, she was more concerned with how old this person was that they could conceal their presence. She hasn't learned to do that yet. With a big grin, Tina spun her Sai on both hands between her fingers, getting ready. They both jumped towards each other, releasing their fox fire.

Tina gasped. This person had fox fire more powerful than hers. Her power was unlike anything she has ever read about. She tried taking a step back, but it was too late. Surprised, Tina took the enormous blow of lightning rolling a few feet away from her attacker. Her weapons were lost to her, but it was easy to retrieve. He used her power to sermon them as though she was a magnet. They landed on her palm.

"Don't lose your focus," Her attacker said when she got to her feet.

Her English was so good you would say she was American and definitely not the person who spoke to her earlier. This person fighting her was a fox too, not just any fox, she was a thunder kitsune just like her. She was faster and smarter so she must be older or she learned quickly. They say a kitsune is smarter depending on how old they were. This kitsune might be older than she was, or maybe just smarter.

They launched another attack, this time knowing what to expect from each other. Their clash raised orange against yellow flames of fox fire into the air. Kira's fox fire was orange and Tina's was Yellow. They dance with each other to the music their weapons made when they clashed. Anyone who looked outside would know something was going on but with how much fire there was no one would see the human or fox like figures.

Tina was struggling, they were outdoors, but she felt trapped in a small space. Everywhere she turns, this fox was there. This place was becoming too hot for her. How was she doing this? It was like she was controlling all the energy, including her fox fire. Could it be she had other powers she did not know of?

Tina had never met a fox before, neither had she fought one. This was a new sensation. Her attacker landed another blow, knocking the wind out of her. She fell to her knees to cough blood as she gasped for air. What is this? Her blood? She had never bled so easily before, even when she was being trained. Tina learned from the best martial artist and the top scholars; she was rarely defeated. Who was this woman?

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