Start from the beginning

They would leave for Beacon Hill soon and Android n that happens, they would disappear from those who sermon them. This new host only needed protection until the bonding was complete, but after that he would need an army, and this Kitsune had one.

"Why do you fight?" They asked Tina.

She looked at them and scoffed, then pulled on her boots.

"I got bored," Tina answered. "I have had to watch people get born, grow up and die. I had to learn to get used to it by not getting attached. When I met Chloe, I was happy. Truly happy that I found a new toy that won't break easily."

"We are much stronger so we should warn you, you may not survive this if you come along. Beacon hills isn't friendly towards your kind. "

"What do you take me for? Even without my fire I can hold my own."

"You still haven't fully recovered." They taunted her.

"I will heal before we get there."

"Fight like that and you will face defeat. If you are bored, then you should die now."

"Watashi wa tatakai de watashi no shi ni chokumen shimasu. [I shall face my death in battle]"

Tina walked away.

                               * * *

This endless cycle of kill of be killed was beginning to bore Peter. It was part of the reason he Joined Scott's crusade. They didn't always win, but he was competent enough to be his daughter mate. He'd always known they were mates and how powerful he would become if he had his daughter. Years ago, he would have convinced her to leave Scott. It should have been easy, but his daughter did not trust him.

Peter had been living this life since he was turned. He loved the thrill it gave him since he was the predator, but there was only so much fun a person could have. He suffered a coma for years. Killed his own niece for power and several other for revenge, yet he wanted more. He wanted hat his daughter had now. He gave everything up to defend this town he has come to love. Beacon Hills. Peter never imagined that there would come a day when he would crave peace, but here he was doing as Scott desired.

War was his way of things. He loved to destroy his enemy, and maybe that is what Monroe deserved. Scott refused to kill her, but she has done so much to hurt them. There it was again, this endless cycle. He wanted to see it to the end. Who would win? The Alpha wanting to end the cycle of death and pain or the hunter fighting t be the predator.

Peter found Monroe thanks to Noshiko's help in less than 24 hours after Scott gave the order. He did not like the idea of working with a fox, but his people feared the evil fox and working with a less evil one would help. According to her, Monroe was running an underground fight club with one of the bunkers she stole from the Argents. He had two purposes, to stop her and to shut it down.

What Peter did not know till he got here was that all the fighters were people with supernatural gifts. She captured them and brought them down here to fight their own kind. So many she starved from the moon and restores so much they would rip each other apart to survive. The thought of what she had done disgusted him to the bone, and he hated he could not drench her filthy blood on his claws.

He sat in the darkness of what he was sure was her office while he adjusted his plans for her to suit the crime. It did not matter what Scott said, this was war and in war people died. The generals are no exceptions. Scott did not know what she had run here, but Peter wondered if he would finally shed blood if he did. A part of him wanted to see just just how inhumane these hunters were, but he was sure he already knew that. He had seen the Argents cut people in half as a young wolf. Slavery was way worse. His species will never succumb to that level.

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