5. Interruptions

Depuis le début

What was he? Was he a threat? Did he have anything to do with the security guard's death?

He raced out of the room as soon as the bell rang. I'd expected it. It was clear that he wasn't interested in getting to know me any longer. As I walked to Gym, Mike talking at my side, I had mixed feelings about Edward ignoring me. It was probably for the best, but the thought irritated me.

My spikes and serves were harsher than normal.

Bobby was still at the house when Sam and I got back from school. As soon as he saw us come in, he left the kitchen table and one of his ever-present books to put his coat on. "I'm gonna take a look at that truck," he said before heading outside.

I wandered over to the table, glancing down at the open pages of Bobby's light reading. The book was in Latin.

Considering everything Bobby knew about the supernatural, I decided to see if I could somehow get an idea about the creature that had killed that man at the Mill. Maybe even learn what Edward was... without letting Bobby know why I was asking.

Grabbing a can of beer from the fridge, I headed outside.

The truck's hood was up and Bobby was leaning over the exposed engine. I lifted the beer as I approached. "I come bearing gifts."

"Bribes, more like," Bobby retorted. He still took the beer, though. The can cracked as he pried open the top. He took a deep drink.

I leaned against the side, peeking over at the Ford's guts. Unfortunately, I wasn't a gearhead like Dean. Apart from changing the oil and a tire, I was mostly in the dark when it came to cars. "What's the verdict?"

"Nothin' wrong that I wouldn't expect in an old truck like this," Bobby replied after wiping his mouth off with his sleeve. "Spark plugs could use replacing. Radiator hose has seen better days."

"Thanks for letting us use it."

Bobby shrugged off my gratitude. "Was gathering dust." He returned to working at a bolt beside what I assumed was the radiator hose. "We gonna talk about what happened?"

I blinked. "What happened?"

"Don't play dumb." The wrench stilled as Bobby met my stare. "Yesterday at the hospital. You and Sam disappearing on the staff."

Damn. I'd hoped his silence the night before meant he was going to let that go. "Oh. That."

Bobby fixed me with another look. "Yes. That."

Lips pressed into a thin line, I shrugged.

"Wouldn't have anything to do with that animal attack the next county over, would it?" Startled, my eyes widened as I shifted. Bobby snorted before turning back to the engine. "I've been at this game a lot longer than you, Nancy Drew." He arched a brow at me. "So what d'you find?"

Lips pressed together in a grimace, I acknowledged defeat. At least he didn't know about Edward. "Apart from the guy's neck having been ripped open? A ton of human bite marks."

Bobby frowned and turned back to the engine. "Hm." He gave the bolt another crank.

"I mean, that's not a ghoul, is it?" I yammered. Bobby slid a side-eyed glance my way before his sights fell away. "They wouldn't leave so much flesh on the bone." Or so I understood.

Bobby grunted, "You ain't wrong."

Lips pursed and eyes narrowing, I realized the too-relaxed expression on his face as he peered into the inner workings of the Ford had to be a farce. "That's it?" I loosed an disbelieving huff. "I tell you something with human teeth bit into this guy, ripped his neck out, and that's all you have to say about it?"

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