I- hey Scott

Sc- oh hey guys !

Th-Scott what's wrong with y/n she is not herself today?!

I- yeah she seems anxious and she lied to both of us that she was fine

Sc- I...honestly don't know in the morning she was completely fine I mean....stiles?

St- y-yeah?

Sc- what happened in the car on your way here ?

St- n-nothing .....yeah nothing specific

Sc- stiles I can hear you heart rate!

St- oh my gosh ! Fine I'll tell you but if y/n knows that I told you you are in big trouble

I- we won't say a word just tell us

St- so yesterday I was at the grocery store and I think I might have or am sure that I saw tony y/n's abusive ex but he isn't human anymore and also I promised her not to tell you

Sc- what the hell ! What does he want didn't he learn his lesson

St- Scott my friend you need to chill that's the reaction we don't want!

I- what the hell is he doing here? What does he want

St- well I believe that he is here for a reason and that reason is y/n ......

Th-you just said he is of the supernatural right

St- yeah....

Th- which means he might no he will definitely for sure try and hurt her

Sc- if he comes close he is dead

Th- Scott y/n is headed here so you need to chill

Y/n's pov
I was at my locker and Theo appeared he felt something was wrong he asked me and I said I was fine same thing with Isaac but when it came to the girls they pulled me into an empty class room where I burst into tears I told them everything

L-what?! The hell he want

Y- I don't know

Ma- you said he is of the supernatural right

Y-*sniff* yeah that's what stiles told me

A- you need to tell the others y/n it's dangerous for you especially if he has a reason to be here it's most probably you

Y- Ik I'll tell them you score a point oh and you guys thank u

Ma- anytime

I went out to find my brother,boyfriend and friends as I walked through the hall towards them yara pops out of nowhere

Ya-surprise cousin !!!

Y-*surprised gasp* *falls down *owwwww that was painful but anyways hi you scared the hell out of me

Ya- hahahaha as always

We hugged honestly it was a relief that she's here

Sc- sis you okey?

Y- yeah don't worry but I have something to tell you

Sc+I+Th- we know

Y-*shocked*ok but-

St-I told them

Y- thank u stiles I was pretty worried of how I was supposed to tell them

St- oh ok you're welcome

Y- now one person left to know yara?

Ya-I overheard the guys convo so I also know


Sc- now security first plz if you're anywhere and you see him or feel watched or unsafe you can call me

St- what if the danger is here right know

L-huh-?!oh god....

My secret girl✨| Isaac lahey (teen wolf fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin