His father nodded back at him, and Shen Yuan almost felt happy about the small accomplishment.


The omnipresent gaze that Mu Liyue shot at him burned his back. He was sure that he would be roast chicken if he stood there under her gaze awhile longer. A nervous bead of sweat started forming. Shen Yuan just wanted to go forward with all of this speedily and just enjoy the nice meal.

But alas, ancient etiquette requires you to greet both of them. Shen Yuan almost wishes to just be able to turn to dust instead of dealing with this. 

Gradually standing up straight again, Shen Yuan stood and faced towards his sister. Doing the same bow and stuff.

“This little brother greets elder sister.” Hands a bit more shaky than before. Hands, now is not the time to do that, stop it.

Going against all of his instincts, he couldn't help but take a peak. Sneaking a wayward glance at his sister.

Of course the only thing he was greeted with was no other than icy coldness, but seeing as they were in public now, Mu Liyue didn’t dare sacrifice her face. And so she merely nodded, not wasting much of her breath on him as usual.

Other than the usual icy glare shen usually gave him, Shen Yuan saw a bit of confusion and surprise under her mask of indifference, uhh... was he not supposed to be here? It was his father who invited him here in the first place. 

She was always a dilemma to him. Why does she keep avoiding him? Was she just a random nonsensical third grade villain the system had cooked up for funsies? Or does she have a motive for all of this? No, it was more likely the former, who knows what happens in this stupid world with even stupider worldbuilding. The only great villain had been Shen Qingqiu, but even then his motives were fuzzy. 

As Shen Yuan sat on the low table, he began diverting his attention towards his food instead.

The food looked absolutely delicious. Cut up meat of peking duck with a crunchy skin, a deep golden color with a tasty smelling soup, spread neatly on the table Ah yes, the only thing he came here for, food! Delicious food, as it had always been. He couldn't expect less from his house’s kitchen. 

He gingerly sat down, almost forgetting his manners. 

In that moment, as Shen Yuan reached out to grab his chopsticks. Something was burning behind his back, and after a while of searching, he was hit with Mu Liyue’s burning gaze, surely after all these years he would’ve gotten used to it, but no.

Oh come on! Please just let a man eat. Why was he so hated here? Shen Yuan had never remembered anything that he did was particularly bad, and even if he did, he was far too young back then!

Inwardly, he sighs under the poker faced mask he had on, stopping his musings concerning his weird sister. Whatever big appetite he had before was almost nonexistent now; Instead, Shen Yuan diverted his attention towards the person next to him.

The man was no other than Mu Liheng, a rather plain but elegant looking guy. Clad in a dark blue robe and a strange colored white underneath all of the other layers. What a strange color cream colors aren’t meant to be worn at occasions like these. He couldn’t help but feel a strange deja vu of where he had seen that color before....

Shen Yuan slightly shook his head, why should he care about what his father wore?

Instead, he delved into a different topic. From his observations, in this -nonsensical- xianxia world, guys were separated into two categories. The absolutely stunning ones are most likely to be villains, and the normal-ish ones are just background NPCs part of Shen Yuan's pile of evidence in his hypothesis that he himself wouldn’t be a major character anytime soon.

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