Comic Con Day One

Start from the beginning

"Claire Holt, Ian Somerhalder, Elodie Styles,Phoebe Tonkin and Paul Wesley... They're ready for you." A coordinator of the whole convention announced. He kind of stayed in the room in the corner tapping away on an Ipad the whole time whilst we all talked. His jobs was to get us all to the correct places on time. So far he's doing good. 

We all walked out Ian holding my hand leading the way. The fans were screaming like crazy and all sorts were being shouted at us. It was really overwhelming but I smiled and waved. Something we were taught to do in meida training when I was 12 and I had to go to an event with my brother. Media training was probably the most boring day of my life. I would have rather done algbra than sit there. 

Ian pulled my seat out for me. "Thanks." I say taking ym seat letting him tuck me under the table before he took the seat next to me. He looked at the name card realising Paul was meant to sit there but then proceeded to switch the two name cards looking over his shoulder and directing him to the seat. "Sneaky." I comment away from the mics which were in fact on. That was discovered when Claire said shit into the Mic after she nearly slipped off the chair. "Got to do what you gotta do." He said with a smirk. I just shook my head laughing at him. 

He poured us both some water. Paul as well. Paul was basically Ian's husband and I've learnt to accept it. they're in just as much of a relationship as Ian and I. He's his wife according to Paul so my boyfriend is someone elses wife, it's going to be intresting explaining that one to the grandparents. 

The host welcomed us all and got us to do a little intrduction. Pheobe had to go first which I was glad because I had no clue what they wanted us to say. "Hi, I'm Pheobe Tonkin and I play Hayley in TVD part 2." She said sweetly. "I'm Claire  and I play Rebekah." "Hi, i'm Elodie and I play Ava." "I'm I-"He's Ian Somerhalder and he plays my wife in real life and on screen." Paul cut him off. "What he said." Ian said leaning into the mic. So it starts early then. "I'm Paul. I play What my characters name?..." You could practically see the word loading going across his forehead as he was retriving the memory of his characters name. A character he's been playing since he was a teen. "Sefen." I answer for him. "I know. I was just testing you." The crowd laughed. Despite it not being that funny. 

"So Miss Elodie, this is your first comic con? How's it been?" "Well we arrived last night-"And she was being boring and went to bed." Claire answered for me. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I can't drink in the states, and because the cast were I just thought it would be wisers to head to bed and get some rest." "So you're the mom of the cast." "She's the baby." Phoebe said. "You get looked after a lot?" "Yeah, it's all new so I'm still learning the ropes." "You've been acting for about a year and a half now." I nodded. "How has to been the change from school to this hetic life?" He read from his cards in front of him. "I wasn't in school when I auditioned. "Cause she's a smarty pants." "Are you going to let me finish a question today?" I asked Paul looking over at him he shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe not. What you going to do about it?" He asked jokingly trying to provok me. "Mate, you know she'll beat your ass." Ian said defending me. Paul just looked at the table and the crowd laughed once again. "I wasn't in school because my brother is my brother so school was hard to do... Um so not much changed other than having these incredible fans in my life. And my new family." I say pointing to the people I was sat along side. 

"So Ian, you Paul and Nina all decided not to go ahead with any further production of TVD's what made you change your mind for this spin off?" "Um, I just think at the time we had been filming since I was 17 and we filmed 8 seasons in five years. I just wanted to take some time out for myself. I was in a relationship at the time that was moving pretty fast I wanted to focus on that. Um so it just not the time to continue. The show was at a point where we could finish and it make sense. And we all had other things we wanted to pursure." The host nodded. "So why did you come back for this show?" "Yeah answer the question gosh Ian." Paul sassed. He was in the mood where he was going to annoy everyone until someone tackled him to the floor. I was here for it as long as it wasn't me he was annoying. "I read the script and I fell in love with Damon the first time and I felt all the emotions of playing him rush back as I read the script. And I missed these guys." He answered softly. 

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