Jeongyeon was surely surprised to see nayein being calm, when she sounded mad earlier.

"baby.. Did i do wrong?? W-why are you mad?" jeongyeon stuttered in fear but nayeon just smiled and walked towards him

"youre so stupid! I wasn't mad, i just acted out to save your ass there" jeongyeon released a long sigh soon as nayeon laughingly smacked him

"oh god thank you!!!" jeongyeon felt relieved and immediately hugged nayeon "they almost got us caught" jeongyeon then mumbled

"right... Im wondering when are we going to tell them that we're dating again?" jeongyeon asked out of the blue, he leaned back and looked at nayeon

"whenever you're ready babe.." nayeon smiled and snaked her arms up to jeongyeon's shoulder

"what about you?? Aren't you feeling nervous?" jeongyeon asked with concern, as nayeon seems to be chill

"im always ready jeongyeon, its you whom im waiting" nayeon smiled and hugged him tightly

"i love you so much, whenever you're ready darling" nayeon added and pecked on his cheek

"i love you too... But why did you called? I was in a meeting with the boys" jeongyeon softly said

"i wanted to check on you since ryujin is looking for you, sorry for interrupting your meeting" nayeon reached her palms up to cup jeongyeon's cheeks then softly kissed the tip of his nose

"aigoo.. Where is she??" jeongyeon softly chuckled and smiled widely at how nayeon suddenly became soft with him

"she's with her nanny, she'll be here later" nayeon smiled and broke their hug when jeongyeon suddenly pulled her and kissed her lovingly

Nayeon didnt protested and just let him be, she closed her eyes and responded to him like she was in cloud 9. She was about to pull him for more when jeongyeon broke the kiss and said

"not here" jeongyeon chuckled and went to the couch to sit

"YAH! Arent you going back to your meeting?" nayeon freaked out when she realized jeongyeon left his meeting for her

"nope, they were the one who told me to go here - so its fine" jeongyeon giggled and lazily leaned back to the couch

"tsk!" nayeon clicked her tongue, this man is seriously unpredictable!

Not long after the door opened showing off ryujin eating her ice cream, but the kid immediately ran soon as she saw her Mr. Ahjussi or her Biological dad. She's really attached to jeongyeon, and nayeon clearly sees it and thought that

This is a nice opportunity to make the two go know each other more, and when things are fine already - i'll tell them the truth.

Nayeon smiled with the thought but smiled more when she witnessed ryujin excitingly ran to her dad, seeing such scene makes her heart happy and somehow - contented. This is the family she dreamt to have, this is everything she wanted and couldn't ask more - this is life!

"mommy! Come here!!!" ryujin happily said and waving her hands

Nayeon smiled and walked towards them to join the two, she sat beside jeongyeon and leaned against him to watch ryujin.

"are you doing well in school?" jeongyeon asked and tucked ryujin's hair behind her ear

Ryujin smiled and continuously nodded, she then showed her stars all over her arm.

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