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Lyrics: This slant thing-
Their dialoges: This normal thing-

Jirou: Yeahh!!!!
Kaminari: Damn, Jirou you're now one of them?
Mina: Who cares? That's Deku on stage!
Uraraka: But it's a different version of him..
Uraraka: But I'm fine with it! I'm just shocked and suprised at the same time!
Kaminari: It's the same thing-
Iida: No, it does not. Shocking means-
Jirou: Shush! There's people other than us here and the beat is starting!

We were both young when I first saw you,
I closed my eyes and a flashback starts,
I'm standing there..

Jirou: Deku knows this song?! And He changed his voice! It almost resemble the original singer.
Bakugou: Of course he knows earphones! This is very famous. We even listen to this togeth-
Kirishima: Whoa, Bakubro! I didn't know that you two were that close.
Momo: Wow, There's gas around the stage!
VD: Oh, that's DD's quirk. Illusion. He can show someone's own memory or what he desires to the people. Drawback is that he can also fall by the illusion itself and he can't limit the target so.. that's it I guess.
Iida: Thank you for telling us. Is the illusion starting?
VD: Yeah-

  On a balcony of summer air,
See the lights see the party, the ball gowns
See making your way through crowd, and say "Hello"

A/N: Two figures were highlighted in the crowd at the illusion. One approaching the other and saying hello. Their face was not shown.

Mina: Awww.. That's cute! I already ship it!
Shoji: Their size are for kids.
Aoyama: I like their dresses. Especially the singer. Its fabulous!
Momo: Maybe they are kids.

Little did I know,
That you were Romeo,
You were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"

A/N: The scene is shown that the boy was throwing pebbles at the seashore with the girl beside him. The girl's father walked by and pulled his daughter at his side while banning the boy to see 'Juliet'.

Jirou: Aww.. That's sad..
Kaminari: I thought you already know this.
Tokoyami: I just noticed, when did Iida arrived?
Asui: About 5 minutes ago, kero.
Tokoyami: Oh okay..

-Meanwhile on the adults-

All Might: Young Midoriya's singing is not bad!
Yamada: I agree! His voice turned into something girly.
Aizawa: That's his quirk, dumbass.
Midnight: His costume made him hot.. Don't worry, Mrs. Inko. Nothing will happen to him.
Inko: I know, but you still seem suspicious.
Power loader: Gas were surrounded the stage.
VWD: Oh, it's DD's quirk. Since his MPDs has quirks, he has one too. It's called illusion.
Power Loader: Okay.

And now I'm crying on the staircase,
Begging you please don't go~

A/N: It was now shown that the greenette was weeping silently in the staircase, begging the boy to not leave her through the phone.

Kaminari: Well, that's sad.
Jirou: So the girl has green hair too!
Momo: Yeah, almost like Deku's.
Mina: What if it is Deku? But a female version of course. Eek! I wonder who's the man.
Uraraka: Why is the rest silent? It creeps me out.
Bakugo: Shut up Round Face! The story seems familiar.. I think the shitty nerd told me about it..
Mina: Then tell us!
Bakugo: I don't fucking want to. I can't even remember who the couple is! I just know that its not shitty Deku. It's a relative of his.
Aoyama: I'm starting to envy his dazzling outfit. I'm sure it will look more dazzling as me.
Todoroki: Maybe its Deku's secret love child. *tries to get his soba*
Todoroki: Oh yeah, I already ate it.

And I said,
" 'Romeo' take me somewhere we can be alone, "
" I'll be, waiting
All there's left to do is run. "
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story baby just say 'yes'.

A/N: The illusion faded temporarily to make the user rest for a bit. It is in the choreography. Stage light were directed to the greenette while happily singing the song. Then, there was a Deku playing an electric guitar at the side of the stage. Some not noticing it, but Jirou did.

Jirou: OWO! There's a Deku there! Look! *Tilts her closest companion's head to the direction where she points her finger*

A/N: Unfortunately, it was Denki's.

Kaminari: Ow Ow! Are trying to kill me?!
Momo: Oh yeah. I guess Jirou wasn't wrong.
Kirishima: Whoah.. That Deku is so manly! *cries manly tears*
Kaminari: But, why is he in the corner? Is he hiding?
Asui: Maybe he doesn't want too much attention, kero.
Iida: I agree with Asui.
Asui: Please call me Tsu.
Iida: Very well. I noticed that there are a ton of Deku's here. Based on my observations, I think 35 percent are not so confident, like scared of socializing like our Deku before.

A/N: The teachers are not so far beside the student.

Aizawa: Is this really true Inko?
Inko: About what?
Aizawa: Is Deku is scared of socializing?
Inko: O-Oh.. Yeah he is.
Nezu: May I ask why?
Inko: E-Ehm.. Well, in his middle school years, he is known to the the only "quirkless" in the whole school. He made friend on his first week but they turned their backs on him when they discovered that he is quirkless..
Aizawa: That's why..

So I sneaked out to the garden to see you,
We keep quiet coz were dead if they knew,
So close your eyes,
Escape this town for a little while

A/N: The gas substance came back showing a pitch black background with fireflies flying freely. The greenette was on her pajamas on her way to their garden. As she arrived, she saw his man sitting in the bench, moving his legs back and forth. Her eyes lit up and walked faster and silently. The boy looked back and gave her his brightest smile he could ever make.

Momo: That smile..
Jirou: It's too bright!
Kaminari: Reminds me of someone..
Todoroki: We all know who's that 'someone'.
Mina: The garden was beautiful!
Koda: I-It's full of fireflies.
Aoyama: I like their style!
Jirou: What style?
Aoyama: Their pajamas.
Jirou: Oh, okay.


1047 words

I forgot to continue this one so, there will be part two of this.. The song just came into my mind randomly so sorry if you didn't like the song.

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