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Third person's POV

Deku is in 2nd year now. You can see him patrolling down the streets with his hero costume. He is now known as the sunshine and innocent hero. Well, in his first year, only UA knows but since villain attacks always stayed with them, his softheartedness to the villains went public. So back in reality, He always received greetings and compliments from people around him. He sometimes receive love letters in his mail which is creeping him out. He didn't tell the class about it because he is worried that jealousy will grow in their hearts or he will be teased because of this. While he was in a random rooftop mumbling about a creepy love letter he lately received wants him to be stabbed or wanting him swim in his own pool of blood. You know who wrote that. He was sitting so he felt the ground grumbling louder and louder the suddenly, the villain that has clones well not exactly clones but Izuku thinks it is. I T I S W H A T I T I S.
Of course, Izuku being Izuku, he jumped out into action. He uses One for All 5℅ to sprint where that villain attacked. Luckily, it was not far from where he was patrolling. He didn't see any pro heroes around. And an idea popped out in his mind. He decided to to call his sensei since he's an underground hero that patrolls at night.
Izuku: " Hello? Sensei? "
Mr. Aizawa : " What do you want problem child? "
Izuku : " Hehe- sorry for disturbing you but I encountered a attack near me and I can't see any pro heroes around- "
Mr. Aizawa :" Get to the point. "
Izuku. : " O-Okay.. I kinda need your help here please. "
Mr. Aizawa : " Send me your location. "
Izuku : " Thanks sensei! "

5 minutes later
Aizawa: Problem child. Wheres the villain?

???- Well Eraserhead, sorry to tell you that Hero deku failed.

Aizawa: who are you? Don't hide on the shadows. Show yourself!

V. Deku: Hai! I'm Villain Deku. I was bored in out dimension so I went out and help Hero Deku. The villain was already sent to the Police station.

Aizawa: What the fuck?! You're a villain?!

V. Deku : Nope. You already heard me.

Aizawa: Ugh. What now?

V.Deku: Since you're asking. I'll just drag you with me! (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aizawa: Wha-

As V.Deku snapped like Thanos, then they arrived in front of a small town full of Deku's walking inside.


Iida: Bakugou! That is not appropriate to shout and curse in late in the morning!

Uraraka: Aizawa-sensei! Why are we here?

Momo: Why are there Deku's everywhere?!

Kaminari: Cool! It's already morning-

V.Deku: Shat ap! Can't you see am talking?!

Kirishima: D-Deku?! Is this the real you?!

V. Deku: Nani?? Of course not. You'll just meet Au's of him and I am one of them..


To be continued

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