Chapter 23- One Step, Two Step

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(A/N): So I forgot to mention in the previous chapter that I changed both Annabeth and Percy's birthdays because it fits in better with the story

Annabeth POV

Wednesday 16th September

"What can I get you?" I smiled at the old couple sitting across from each other at table number four. They ordered two coffees and I smiled with a nod before turning to go make them.

"So...I haven't seen Percy in a while." Izzy said casually but I could see right through her act. "Are you two still friends?"

"Uhuh." I replied, not turning to look at her as I switched the coffee machine on and held the two mugs beneath it.

"Well when is he gonna come here again?" She asked twirling her hair in her fingers as she doodled on her notepad. I'd gotten so used to doing most of the work around here, that I didn't even bother to ask her to help me anymore.

"I don't know." I shrugged, placing the coffee mugs on a tray.

"Well, he's your friend. Ask him to come over." She frowned.

"Look." I sighed. "If you want to talk to him, then call him. You have his number."

"It doesn't work, he must have mistyped something." She shrugged. Or...maybe he purposefully gave you the wrong number. I smiled at that. "What?" She frowned again.

"Oh, nothing." I smiled even more, grabbing the tray and taking it over to table four.

I was wiping the surface of the bar when a familiar face came into view. "Hey, Grey eyes." He grinned, coming over to stand the other side of the bar.

"Luke." I smiled.

"I didn't know you worked here." He said with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, it'll be two weeks running this Thursday." I shrugged, spraying a little disinfectant on the marble top.

"Cool." He smiled.

"Did you want anything?"

"Just a coffee to go thanks." He smiled, typing something on his phone.

"Sure." I smiled turning to make his coffee. Izzy had disappeared again, probably to go fix her makeup in the back or watch the next episode of 'Pretty Little Liars' on her iPad.

"Here you go." I smiled, setting his coffee down in front of him.

"Thanks." He smiled. "So when does your shift end?"

"Um..." I looked at the clock. "In ten minutes?" I said, sounding more like I was asking a question because I was confused as to why he wanted to know.

"Do you walk to school?" He asked curiously. I gulped, starting to realise what was coming next but my brain was slower than my mouth and I'd already said yes.

"Well then, Grey eyes," He flashed a bright smile. "You won't be walking today."

" really, it's fine. I like walking." I tried to sound confident but my voice was wavering. It wasn't that I didn't like him, he was a nice guy but I just wasn't comfortable around people I didn't know that well.

"Aw come on." He pressed. "I've got a car and it's a long walk to school from here."

"I like long walks." I said a little too hastily.

"Look...I'm really trying here Annabeth. I feel awful for what happened at the party because it is partly my fault."

"No, Luke—"

Memories (A PERCABETH AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora