💖💚 The Bartender In The Mountain~

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Notes at the bottom of the Oneshot.
Escanor X Reader

(Y/N) = Your name.
(F/A/B) = Favourite alcoholic beverage.

Reader POV:

The walkway into the mountain was dim, even with the brilliant sun shining a few steps behind. The cave-like hallway always seemed to somehow push away any light, as if rejecting the sun, denying it entry. Ironic, seeing as the bar awaiting at the end of said hallway was nothing if not welcoming.

I knew the walkway well, I knew the bar at the end of it even better. My Sweet Gluttony. I had come here once every few days for the last year or so.

It was no less than a mystery as to why the charming barkeeper chose such a remote location to house his bar. The food was good, the ale was magnificent and the barkeeper himself was perfect in every conceivable way.

Although, technically the last point was an opinion. Or was it? I couldn't name a single thing wrong with the shy man who owned the bar. Did a lack of obvious flaws mean perfection? Who knows.

I continued my walk until I reached the messily painted door. My Sweet Gluttony was scrawled over the door in red paint. Without a second thought, I opened the door and walked in.

Once my eyes had adjusted to the change of lighting, I found that the bar was just as empty as ever, save for the barkeep of course. He stood behind one of the tables, wiping it down.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Hello there." He said, a slight smile gracing his face, "Your usual?"

"Yes please, thanks!" I said, walking forward and sitting at one of the bar stools. I always ordered the same drink when I came by.

He walked around to where the (F/A/B)s were kept before taking one and handing it to me with a smile.

"Enjoy, Miss/Mr (Y/N)."

"Thank you, Mr Barkeeper!" I responded, looking down at my drink and finishing my sentence off with a light chuckle. Still, after all this time, he refused to tell me his name.

It went quiet after that. I looked up to see his blue eyes staring through me, as if trying to read me like I was one of his poems.

"Are you alright, Miss/Mr?" he asked, his eyes showing his concern more than words ever could. It made me feel silly, being upset over such a little thing.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I replied. I knew that he wouldn't be satisfied with that, but we'd talked many times about his name, I knew my disappointment wouldn't do anything other than make him feel bad.

There was silence again, our eyes locked together. I doubt either of us really knew what to say.

I was the first to look away, choosing instead to gaze into my drink. An idea forming in the back of my mind even as I felt his unwavering stare.

"How about we drink together this time?" I ask, still too scared to meet our eyes again. I wanted to know more about the man in front of me.

"Only a round or two, nothing major." I took a sip from my drink and for a brief moment, my confidence seemed to return. I looked up and once again met his gaze.

"Hmm, it sounds alright, " He said after a moment of hesitation. "But I get to decide when we stop."

"Of course, " I replied with the brightest smile I could muster, "That's probably for the best!"


This will most likely have two parts, I just wanted to get something out!

I had a bit of writer's block but now I'm overflowing with ideas, so this may have multiple part 2's that go in different directions? I'm not sure as of yet.

Thanks for reading,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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