
We kept walking until we got to the train, where it was quite crowded, but not nearly as bad as how he explained it could be. We found two seats right next to each other.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" Drew asked.

"Not currently, why?"

"Well if you wanted, you could come over. Some of my friends will be over and I think it might be nice for you to know people outside of your hotel."

"Sounds good. Text me your address later."


I then heard the announcement for my stop.

"See you tonight."

"See ya," he said with a wave.

I strolled to my hotel with ease and excitement for the evening. I don't know why, but I'm always excited when people want to hang out. Usually I'm the one making plans to hang out, so it's nice to not be the host for the night, to be the guest.


Eight o'clock rolls around and I arrived at Drew's apartment. I decided to be casual and wear jeans, a solid green v-neck tee, and my dark brown Uggs.

I knocked on his door and I heard laughter and someone shout, "It's open!"

I opened the door and see a big open apartment with large windows overlooking London, and a group of boys sitting on Drew's navy blue couches with big grins on their faces as they all look in my direction. "Hey guuuuuuurl," one of the boys said in a not-so-good American accent.

"Howdy," I said in an overexaggerated southern accent. They all laughed at my attempt of a southern accent.

"Guys, this is Ali. Ali, these are the guys," Drew introduced.

"Hey," everyone said.

I sat down next to Drew.

"So how are you, America?" one of the boys asked. He had brownish/dirty blonde hair and was sitting next to a guy whom I assume was his brother, for they looked exactly alike. Yeah. Twins.

"I'm alright, yourself?"

"I'm good," he said with a smirk.

I talked to all of the boys, all seemed pretty cool, excluding one who was quite the ass. My inner Drew is obviously coming out.

"So," the ass, otherwise known as Zach asked, "if you were to diagnose me with something, what would you diagnose me with?"

Drew rolled his eyes and some of the guys looked at each other with humor and disbelief. I can tell Zach has been hitting on me and flirting all night, as have the rest of the guys have noticed too, and at this point I am a bit annoyed.

I leaned in towards him. "Zach," I said, "I would diagnose you with overbearing conceded-ness and unnecessary flirting, because it will clearly not work."

The rest of the boys laughed and went "ooh", and Jack, one of the twins shouted, "BUUUUUUURN!"

I said, "Well I'm going to go get some water."

Sam said, "Yeah, for the burn that Dr. Jack just diagnosed."

Everyone laughed, even Zach, who just shrugged off the fact I just rejected him so rudely. But he did deserve it.

In the kitchen, I refilled my water as one of the other guys came in.

"You really showed Zach," he said.

"Really?" I said, "I thought I came off as quite the bitch."

He did a cheeky side-grin as he poured himself some Coke. "I didn't think you came off as a bitch," he said, "I don't know what you came off as. Intelligent, maybe? But you certainly didn't come off as a slut either, which really impressed me."

"How is me not being a slut impressive?"

"Usually girls fall for Zach and his little games, and then they sleep with him."


"Even the smartest of girls would sleep with him. It's just comforting, I guess the word for it is, that not all girls fall for the same thing."

"I suppose I'm not like the rest."

"No, you definitely aren't." He smiled at me. There was a slightly awkward silence.

"You're Marcus, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Marcus. I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself properly," he held out his hand to be shook.

"Ali," I said as I shook his hand.

He smiled at me and we walked to the rest of the group in the other room, and I am suddenly a bit more happy to know that I didn't make too big of a deal about Zach. Another thing that made me happy was the fact that Marcus appriciated that I didn't fall for Zach immediately just because of his charm. I left Drew's apartment that night feeling pretty good.

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