Life Goes On

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~ 1 Year Later~

My mother passed away recently and I grieved for her. I isolated myself from everyone I needed to clear my head. The training room we have in the house was a good way for me to let off the anger inside me.

My mother left me a letter it said:

My Little Star

If you are reading this then it means I passed away and you are angry. I do not know what you are angry at but Little Star you need to let it all out. Don't bottle up your emotions it is not good for you mostly with your magic since reacts to high emotions.
I know it is difficult for you now that I am not there for you no more. But I need for you to let everything out cry or be angry. Once you do that you will be free. And then I want you to help and protect your father. I know my death will hurt him immensely but please help him don't let him go off the deep end would you.
I know you love your magical education that's why I with your father have signed you up to stay in the school dorms until you are 16. That way you can get your magical and mundane education. I want you to experience high school as a mundane. I know you will enjoy it. You don't have to go to Forks High if you don't want you can go to another one. But I just want you to have a normal life but I know that's impossible.
One thing that I did not tell you was that I am a seer. And I saw that a war was coming but not here in the states but in England. I need for you to go to Gringotts and ask for an inheritance test. And I will need for you to take up all the rings of the houses you belong too. Once you do that I will need for you to end the war. And I know war may sound horrible or even killing people but if you do end up killing people I need you to know that I will still love you. You are my Little Star and I won't think any less of you and I'm sure your father won't neither.
We may have more family in England and I want you to protect them even if it means you have to kidnap them. It's Family Above All Else.
One thing is for sure DO NOT TRUST DUMBLEDORE. That senile old man cannot be trusted at all. Once you get your Ladyships if he has done something to someone from our family declare a Blood Feud with him the goblins will help.
I know I'm asking for a lot from you but there's is no one in this world I trust more than you or your father. So please Little Star help.
Know that I love you and that I am watching over you.
I wish you all the best

That's when I felt every emotion in me. All my walls came crumbling down. I just broke down. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry no more. Then I got so angry that I couldn't help my mother get better. There were a lot of explosions in the training room. Good thing for magic.
After I let everything out I composed myself and went out the training room looking for my dad. When I found him he was drowning himself in work.
"Dad I know something that'll make you feel better just follow me" he looked at me for a moment and followed me to the training room and I told him "Here mom wrote this to you everything in here get repaired after you destroy it so it's okay. Read this letter and I'll leave you alone when you are ready I'll be in my music room." With that I walked out and let him read the letter mom left for him and let him grieve properly.
I went to my music room and started singing.

As I was singing I could feel my tears. Then I hear clapping behind me and I turned and saw my father his eyes were still red and puffy from all the crying. I just smiled at him and gave him a hug and said "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you dad."
"No it's okay sweetheart I understand but now we only have each other." He said
"Your mother told me in a couple of years you will go to war with the people in England so am going to enroll you in self defense classes and I will teach you how to shoot a gun since I know the magical in England are way behind in time"
"Okay dad thank you. But I want to say I'm sorry that I might need to kill people when I'm older" I sounded so insecure and vulnerable. He just looked at me and gave me a soft smile and said "I know sweetie no matter what happens I will always love you and you will always be my little girl. I know your mother told you that you are going to stay at the dorms but that won't be until you are 11 so in the meantime you will get your self defense lessons and any other martial arts you want. That way you can kick some English ass." I looked at him surprised since he cursed and I just started laughing then he joined in the laughter.
We just started talking about anything and then that's when I remembered I had to go to Gringotts tomorrow.
"Dad can you come with me to Gringotts tomorrow mom said I had to go get a inheritance test and we might get some more people in the house. There's the inn grandpa and grandma had I was thinking of renovating it and opening back up what do you think ?"
He thought for a moment and said " Okay we can go tomorrow and about the inn that is up to you since your grandparents left it for you. I will support you with whatever you want to do."
I smiled at him and then I started to yawn and told home good night. I went to bed finally being able to sleep without anything on my mind.

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