Chapter 1 The Breach

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(warning unlike my other books this will have alot of violence in it as well as Bloos if thats not you thing pleas leav or contioun with caution with that being said pleas enjoy)

Crystal woke up in nothing but darkness she wandered around a bit and soon she came across a door she opened it and what she saw on the other side freaked her out it was a demon like thing with one eye he also had a chain that had a hook in his back.

He looked at Crystal and said "my first borne child you will come and free me and we will destroy alongside your siblings".

Crystal said "w-what I don't know what you're talking about who the hell are-".

*beeb beeb* Crystal woke up and looked around and was relived she was only dreaming she got up and got a shower after that she got ready for work.

*Crystal's point of view* Hi my name is Crystal I'm 26 years old I work for a video game company and I'm signal I live in a big city I'm just your average Joe I go to work come home after hanging with my friends after work and talk to my friends over the phone. I'm also an orphan I never had parents in my life so I don't know my family well also all my life I felt like I was different like I'm not quite human but I got no clue why but I didn't care.

I just do the normal thing that any other human would do but one day my life was going to change.

One day I was going out for a walk but while I was walking I heard fighting and saw a man holding a knife to woman.

In an attempt to save her I charged at the man and talked him.

The two of us fought the woman tried to leave and call the cops but another man who I didn't see stopped her and stabbed her and killed her.

Blood got on me I was knocked to the ground and the two men then ran off and I was left sitting on the floor with the body of the woman.

I crawled to her body and took the knife out I looked at her I didn't know her but I still wanted to help her.

Then I her men scream freeze when I turned around I saw the police I tried to explain what happened but because I had the knife in my hand they thought I killed her and I was sent to prison.

Soon I was sent to death row but this faculty took me instead I didn't know who they are.

They did have an acronym SCP to which I don't know what it stands for.

We got to the place that we were going to I was given a new prison outfit and a tattoo.

During the process of the tattoo it was accepted as much for me not to feel the pain.

Not like I can't feel pain I can but whenever I get hurt the injury heals immediately like it never happened even when I broke a bone it would heal at once. The doctors don't know what the cause of this is but they just decide that I was a special case.

Crystal's adventure with the SCP founation Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz