Chapter 8 The problome

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Crystal got up from her set and said "what I'm the daughter of what"?

D said "the scarlet king is your father kid".

Crystal said "I'm an adult and I don't believe you because of you sending 939 out on us Clara is dead".

D said "ug I knew that you wouldn't believe me so I brought something to prove it Cobra do you have the photo"?

Cobra said "yes I do here it is".

Cobra then pulled out and old crinkly photo that had two women in it. Crystal's eye opened wide when she noticed one of the women.

She said "T-That's Miss Clara she had worked at my orphanage when I was a kid she was going to adopt me but she died in a car crash before she could but who's that other woman".

D said "That's Miss Clara's sister your mother Janice".

Crystal said "what that's my mother and if she's Miss Clara's sister then that means that".

Cobra said "yes Crystal Miss Clara was your ant they had both worked for this foundation".

Ray said "hold up how do we know you two aren't just lying after all 953 you have mind altering properties and not to mention all the things you both had done".

D said "that's understandable you all don't have any reason to trust us but what we are saying is true".

Felix said "still you two still can't be trusted also what were you talking about my grandfather".

D said "your grandfather was known as the phoenix because he had this sword he was a brave worrier and garden even saved me and Cobra one time and he did kill Frostbite until this stupid foundation brought her back by restoring the one thing that's keeping her going".

Felix said "what really he was that but what did he do to Frostbite".

D said "he took out her heart and hid it but this foundation found her and her heart they put them back together and she started from square one of her plans to find the scarlet kind fist born child to her path of lies began and her work".

Cobra said "um we'll need to cut this conversation short one of Frostbites creations are coming this way".

D wiped around and said "WHAT".

She then pushed Cobra out of the way and saw that indeed one of Frostbites ice monsters where coming this way it must have fallowed the scent of Crystals blood.

"Oh Sh**t you guys got to go we'll hold it off" D said.

Before anyone could respond both D and Cobra pushed them all out of the room and D gave the crown to Crystal and the sword to Felix.

Crystal's adventure with the SCP founation Book 1Where stories live. Discover now