Chapter 10 The Story

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(With the main group)

SCP 173 was brought into a containment chamber while it was still frozen. Felix, 035, and Cobra 

had brought it in while everyone else was comforting Crystal as she was in horror and shook as what had just happened to her.

Abby then said "Mommy are you ok".

Crystal said "I'm fine Abby just disturbed is all".

D said "yeah kid also Crystal isn't your mother".

Abby said "She might not be but she reminds me of my mommy".

D sighed and said "Ug kids this is why I'll never become a mother but never mind that Crystal I think you want explanations on everything and how both me and Cobra know you".

Crystal said "yes I would like that a lot please".

D then said "Ok is there a cafeteria anywhere by any chance I don't want Frostbite to come here and find us she'll do who knows what".

Ray said "yes there's a café not too far from here".

D said "Ok lead the way".

Ray then led them to the cafeteria. Once they got there everyone sat down while 049 had started making something.

D said "ok so let's start with your mother and how I and Cobra had met her".


D and Cobra where hiding from Frostbit they had just gotten out of her prison and needed to find a way to get back home. Cobra was in her fox form and D had her in her arms she was covered in burses and cuts form all the torture Frostbite had her minions do to her.

D was sitting in a dark small cave it was freezing outside but her super human abilities helped her from freezing and Cobras fur helped keep her warm. All D hears were the wind blowing and the snow falling. The she hears a foot crunching the snow D bolts up thinking its Frostbite again but she sees a woman in heavy winter gear.

D keeps her gar up and asks "who are you your not with Frostbite or the foundation".

The woman took off her helmet and said "My name is Janice and I do work for the foundation but I don't like the idea of amazing creatures like yourself and your friend being contained I think that we all should be treated fairly".

D said "really"?

Janice said "really so what happened to you and your friend".

D said "Me and Cobra where going to visit our friend Frostbite when we overheard a conversation she was having and apparently she was only using us to find the carrier of the scarlet kings first born child. Me and Cobra tried to run but Frostbite heard and caught us she then locked us in a cellar. She was asking us questions nonstop and of I didn't give her an answer she would have one of her minions hurt Cobra and made me watch we've been there for three days and while I don't need food Cobra needs something to eat badly".

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