Chapter 3 The revil

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Crystal asked "whose 682"?

Felix then explained that 682 are known as the hard to destroy reptile he's a large reptile like creature with regeneration and adaptation.

He's also a keter class SCP because of his powers.

After Felix finished explaining what 682 is it made Crystal wonder why 049 believes that 682 will know by what 029 had said.

049 then said "ok well there are some SCP's that we should get it should help keep 682 calm enough to answer our questions".

Crystal asked who they are but 049 said that shell see when they find them.

They all soon leave Felix seemed anxious because he knew that something was going to go wrong.

Soon they found SCP 999 the tickle monster it was one of the few SCP Felix felt calm around.

They then went to the contaminate chamber of SCP 053 AKA Abby Crystal knew what she does she might look like a little girl about 3 but she somehow doesn't age.

Another thing about her is that when someone look at her in the eye touch her or spend more than 10 minutes with her they become very angry and try to kill her but them suffer from a heart attack and die.

When Crystal brought her food one time she ask her if she could play dolls with her Crystal decided that there was no harm playing with a little girl she.

After two hours of them playing a guard was sent to see what was taking her so long and was shocked to find crystal in the room with Abby playing with her.

The weird thing is that when the guard came in the room he looks Abby strait in the eye but nothing happened to him the facility was still trying to find out what happened that day and why Abby's powers didn't work when Crystal was with her.

When Abby saw Crystal she said "Mommy is that you I missed you".

Crystal was a bit taken aback by what Abby called her she really called Crystal mommy.

Crystal said "no Abby I'm not you mom it's me Crystal".

Abby said "Oh sorry you just reminded me of my mommy it's been a long time since I last saw her I know you don't understand how it feels because you don't have a mom".

Crystal said "yeah I don't know how you feel but hey what to see your friend SCP 682".

Abby said "you mean Atanty sure I would love to see him again".

049 then used a card he had to open the cell and Abby jumped in Crystals arms and hugged her and Felix looked at her in the eye and nothing happen to him he remained as him.

Crystal's adventure with the SCP founation Book 1Where stories live. Discover now