Chapter 5 The stairs

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Crystal said "What the hell are you talking about I don't have a father let alone a mother I grew up in an orphanage".

029 said "huh I guess that those scrolls where right if you were raised human then you demonic powers would be contained in that flesh bag you call a body pathetic but don't worry the more time you are around us freaks the more of your powers will come to life. As for you Felix I know your confused by what I said but soon you'll know anyway fare well".

The two girls then left leaving everyone confused by what 029 meant.

Crystal broke the silence by saying "hey guys I'm going to go get Abby, 999, and 079 I have a feeling that we need them for later".

Crystal then walked back in to 682s cell and took them away.

Before she left 682 said "Crystal one day you will know who you are and you will understand what I mean".

Crystal said "listen I don't care what you think I am but I will never harm any human ever but hope that I'll never see you again unless I have to".

Abby then said good bye as well as 079 and Crystal left with them not wanting to see 682 again.

Roger then said "ok now I think the best course of action for us to do is to get this place under control again".

Crystal asked "what do you mean by that Roger"?

Roger said "well getting some of the SCP re-contained".

Felix said "ok I think we should start with 173 it's for the best and the others here aren't causing problems at the moment so we should go for the ones that are causing problems".

Roger said "that's a good idea I might have a hunch where 173 could have gone to I last saw it heading to SCP 087".

Felix felt his heart drop he's hear of that SCP and did not like what her read about it.

Roger then said "but I think we should put 079 and 096 back in their cells no offence but 096 could cause a panic and 079's current transportation can't go down stairs".

079 said "that is understand able I have no intention to go their also I have no intention to contain 173".

Felix said "that's good myself, 035, and 049 will put 096 back in his cell and you guys can put 079 back in his cell".

Crystal said "are you sure about that Felix"?

Felix said "yeah Crystal I'm sure don't worry we'll be fine".

Crystal smiled to that and left to put 079 back in his cell and Abby and 999 as well as Roger went with her.

Later after Felix, 035, and 049 took 096 back to his cell they went to 087 and waited for the others.

Crystal's adventure with the SCP founation Book 1Where stories live. Discover now