xxxviii. | the savior

Start from the beginning

"How many others are in the woods?"

"Just us three, I promise. Tell him to not shoot her, please."

Diyoza held the radio to her lips. "Fire at all." she ordered.

"She went behind those twin rocks!" a man shouted from the radio. "Falk, take her on the other side."

Clarke widened her eyes. Madi was being smart right now, but it might as well get her killed. "She's leading them into a trap."

Diyoza didn't move an inch.

"Listen to me! If they don't stop right now, those men will walk right into a trap!" Clarke shouted in desperation for Diyoza to stop.

A man spoke up. "I believe her."

"It's the truth!" Clarke hissed. "If you let her go, I'll tell you everything!"

Diyoza pursed her lips, bringing the radio to her lips. "All units stand down, now."

Relief washed over Falo. Madi was going to be safe.


"COLONEL, WE HAVE FIVE MORE HOSTILES. AT LEAST ONE IS ARMED," a man spoke into the radio. "Are we still playing nice?"

Shocked, Falo stared at the radio. She was at a loss for word's. Could it have been Octavia, or even Raven? Or were there more survivors from Praimfaya? Falo cursed in her head, she wished they didn't arrive when they did.

"Find out where they are and reinforce their position, but not you McCreary," Diyoza spoke into the radio as she turned to Clarke and Falo. "What did I tell you if you lied to me?"

"I didn't lie! I told the truth!" Clarke protested, fear striking her face as her hands shook and her voice cracked.

Diyoza suddenly punched Clarke in the face. Falo gasped, lurching forward as her lips parted in shock. "Take them outside. Use the collar." Diyoza ordered.

Falo's stomach churned. Whoever was outside just earned Clarke and Falo some torturing, and the worst part was that not even Clarke or Falo knew what was happening. They were innocent in all of this mess.

"I thought you'd never ask." McCreary grinned from ear to ear.

The man in the black suit held his hand out to Diyoza, his eyes full of pity. "Colonel, they're cooperating."

"Which is why they'll live. Their friends on the otherhand. . . they killed four of ours," Diyoza snapped at the man. "It's time to even the score."



Electricity shot through them. Falo fell to the ground, her breathing coming out in shallow and bated breaths, her face covered in beads of sweat and blood from McCreary beating her and Clarke almost to death.

Clarke was on the ground next to Falo, but she was more in shock than Falo was. Clarke hoped whoever caused this torture that they would save her and Falo.

"I don't even know who these people are." Clarke whispered.

The collar shocked them both again. Falo writhed on the ground, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. The pain was excruciating, it was nothing compared to anything else she went through in her life.

When it stopped, Falo coughed up spurts of blood. Clarke scooted closer to Falo and pulled her head into her chest. "It's gonna be okay." Clarke whispered to Falo.

Falo nodded.

Lights from the rover blinded Falo and Clarke, before the engine turned off and the vehicle halted to a complete stop inches away from them.

"Madi." the two whispered in unison. The passenger door opened and out came a tall figure. Falo tilted her head in confusion.

"Unarmed!" the man said. Falo widened her eyes as the familiar voice sang in her head. "I just wanna talk."

Tears broke from Falo. She was so happy to see Bellamy Blake. He made it to space, that meant the others did, too. Falo almost smiled.

"Talk?" Diyoza scoffed. "Give me one good reason to not kill you where you stand."

Bellamy held his hands up. "How about I give you two-hundred-and-eighty-three?" he offered. "That's how many of your people are going to die if you and I can't make a deal right now."

Bellamy approached a crestfallen Clarke and Falo laying on the ground. He looked down at them, before Diyoza stopped him.

Two-hundred-and-eighty-three lives for two?" Diyoza smirked. "They aren't that important, are they?" she asked.

"They are."

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