Chapter 1

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Taehyun counted down the minutes til his 18th birthday. He was pretty excited, being 18 years old came with so many privileges. Although they where all cool, there was one he deeply wished didn't exist.
When you turn 18 years old, you are able to physically feel any pain your soulmate does.
The thought of feeling someone else's pain and not knowing the reason why, or how they got hurt, worried Taehyun.
His best friend, Beomgyu (who is a year older than him) was staying the night.
Beomgyu told him that,
"feeling your soulmates pain may sound bad, but it's actually really cool to make up theories about how they got hurt."
"That's a weird way of coping with someone else's pain, but alright.." Taehyun had responded to him.
"No! It's not! I promise, I just think it's cool! This one time I felt a sharp pain in my knee..."
Taehyun stopped listening after that, he had enough of Beomgyu's rambling, and spaced out on the digital clock on his nightstand that read
"11:58 pm"


Beomgyu screeched at the top of his lungs when the 12 am alarm went off.
"SHUT UP!! YOU'RE GOING TO WAKE UP MY PARENTS!" Taehyun whisper-yelled, tossing a pillow at Beomgyu.
"Sorry! So how does it feel to be 18 years old?" Beomgyu said, hugging the pillow Taehyun had thrown at him.
"I dunno, nothing really feels different" Taehyun said, shrugging.
"So, do you feel anything yet? Any pain?"
Beomgyu said, poking Taehyun in the shoulder.
Taehyun gave Beomgyu a very concerned look, and responded
"Why are you so excited about this? I'm honestly terrified! I'll never know when I'm gonna be in pain, I'll never know why I feel that pain, and I can never help my soulmate who is the actual one in pain"
Beomgyu's shoulders sank, and he rested his chin in his hands.
"Well when you put it that way, it's not as fun"
"How is it at all fun to you?! Knowing your soulmate is in pain and there's nothing you can do to help them? You're really crazy Beomgyu, you know that?"
"Yeah yeah whatever"

"So you haven't felt anything yet? Not even like a jab?"
"Sorry! I'm just curious!!"

I never meant to hurt you (as well as myself)Where stories live. Discover now