Chapter 12 ~ Deadly Interaction

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Naruto was in the North. Or to be more accurate, he was in Winterfell seeking out one Bran Stark. Word had reached him by raven from Maester Luwin that Bran was showing some strange abilities and having strange dream like visions. Given how Naruto was part of the magical and supernatural realm from which Luwin himself had no real experience, he felt it was best if the Sage paid the boy a visit. While the Maester of the North didn't have the experience personally, nor understood how Naruto did what he did, the elderly man knew when to call for help from someone who did know.

Hence why Naruto was here.

"Hello Bran. Working hard I see," said Naruto when he walked into the main hall of the castle of Winterfell to see Bran was surrounded by book, Maester Luwin, and Jon Stark with the dire wolf Ghost and Summer in the corner watching everything.

"Hello Great Sage. Thank you for coming at my Maester's request," replied Bran politely while seeing Jon also giving a nod of respect to the masked man who helped get him to be a legitimate member of House Stark.

"When the Maester wrote to me about your unique abilities, I felt it was my duty to see just what they were exactly, and decide on how to proceed following what I learn. Now, tell me in your own words what it is you are doing during these dreams or what you see happening in your dreams?" questioned Naruto with Bran nodding.

"Well...sometimes, I dream I'm Summer, my dire wolf. I see myself through his eyes and we are hunting as one. I see everything he sees. I feel what he feels when eating the prey captured during the hunt. Other times, I see...I see strange things. I'm not part of it, but I see shapes or animals moving around the world. I sometimes see a Kraken attacking the North with what looks like a near empty wolf's den being flooded. I see three dragons flying around a desert area with broken chains while shooting fire on the chains to make them melt. I see the wolves who were from the North killing most of the lions in the West and a Stag made of fire burning another Stag with roses on top of its antlers to ash. And recently I saw...I saw...," said Bran while hesitating.

"You saw what?" asked Naruto frowning.

"I see a three eyed raven. It speaks to me saying to find him. In the far North...beyond the Wall. I also saw...I also saw...the White Walkers," said Bran with Naruto frowning.

"Are you sure Bran?" asked Naruto with Bran nodding.

"Yes. While it was only for a brief moment. But it was one of them. He might even be the leader of them. He has a crown of horns made of crystal like ice coming out of his head. It looked like he could see me with the way his eyes stared into mine. He actually reached out to grab my arm, but thankfully I woke up before it happened," replied Bran with Naruto frowning.

"If this White Walker does exist, I won't let him hurt you Bran," said Jon to assure his brother's worries for the future.

'So they made their own King. It figures since they need a leader. It only took them at least a thousand years. Still, I have to investigate this after I deal with Bran,' thought Naruto before refocusing himself on Bran.

"The White Walkers can't get through the Wall. The magic residing in it prevents them from entering," said Bran knowing the stories about the Wall and how it kept the White Walkers from heading South.

"True. But let's leave the White Walkers alone for the moment. They clearly know of you and your existence, but getting over the Wall is just not possible for them at the moment. Even with their army of the undead. As for your dreams of being your dire wolf, I would say you my dear boy are...a Warg," replied Naruto with amusement at the end.

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