Chapter 6 ~ Growing Concerns

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(The Wall-Castle Black)

Jon was not expecting such a cold reception when he got here. While he didn't expect any kind of party or celebration, Jon didn't expect a lot of scornful looks aimed at his person. Ned had warned him the previous day before they all left Winterfell, but even with all the warnings, the former Bastard of Winterfell was not welcome by many of the members of the Night's Watch, and those who were going to become members of the Night's Watch. The only two people to actually welcome his presence the best was the Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and the older blind man, Maester Aemon.

As he walked around Jon noticed many of the Night's Watch members and their future members were those of the dishonorable persuasion. From what Tyrion had been able to learn from being his usual self, many of the people here were given the choice to take the Black, or have their heads taken off a the neck. Many of the men here had murdered their neighbors or random people, had raped women as young as 15 years old, and even stolen things they didn't need simply because they thought no one would catch them. For these men to see a former bastard rise to the ranks of being recognized as son of a High Lord made their blood boil.

Jon almost wished Tyrion was still here, but the imp of House Lannister had done what he set out to do, and left a two days ago back for Winterfell.

Currently, the angriest of all the Night's Watch members on the Wall was First Ranger Alliser Thorne. The man looked like he had never known a happy moment in his life and probably didn't if he had been up here on the Wall for most of it. The very moment Jon had arrived, Alliser instantly targeted him with an intense degree of distain, and he made it perfectly clear to Jon that he was not welcome on the Wall. Bastard or not.

Until finally, Jon had enough of the glaring, jabbing words, and decided to get straight to the heart of the matter.

"Why? Why do you dislike me Alliser? What have I done to warrant your hatred of me?" asked Jon after having enough of the man's angry attitude.

"Why? Why not? You are a bastard of a High Lord. You have had a cushy lifestyle where others here have had to claw and fight for what they have now. To make things worse, you were legitimized by your Father to further secure your fancy title of Lord when you deserve to be in the dirt with the rest of the bastards here. You walk around like nothing can hurt you. Nothing can touch you. Simply because you are now named the son of a High Lord of Winterfell. As far as I'm concerned, you Jon Stark are a Snow, and I will never consider you anything more then a bastard. I don't care if you take the Black or not, but if you do try to become one of us, I will make sure your time here is not one where my fellow brothers and I wait on you hand and foot," said Alliser with Jon glaring back and got in the man's face.

"I did not ask to be a bastard of Ned Stark. I was one for the first few years of my life and it was not all pleasant. It took me years for the woman I would eventually call Mother to accept me as her son. It took a near death experience before I was granted the honor of being made an official member of House Stark. But I never took what they gave me for granted. Never! If I became a member of the Night's Watch, it would be to help defend the Wall against whatever threat resided there, and I could care less what you or anyone else thought of me. My duty is to the defense the realm. Not winning a popularity contest with the rest of the members here. If you have a problem with my existence First Ranger, then perhaps you would like to settle this with our swords and fists?" challenged Jon with Alliser narrowing his eyes at him.

"As if I want to stain my sword with your bastard blood," remarked Alliser angrily.

"And I assure you First Ranger, I would rather not stain my blade with your blood either if possible. I would have to melt the sword down into nothing after I ran it through your tiny bitter heart," countered Jon coldly with Alliser looking enraged by this.

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