5- Ready to Run

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Chapter 5
(Liam's POV)

What was she doing? Would they calm the PDA down? But why should I care? Because I didn't know they were dating that's why!

"Hey Liam, you okay?" One of my other British friends, Harry, asked.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine." I focused my attention back on Niall and Louis who were sitting there laughing for the past 3 minutes.

Grace never said she had a boyfriend! Then again we never talk so-

"Hey Zayn, do you know if the blonde who just left the shop is dating the boy with his arm around her shoulder?" I asked my best friend Zayn, he's also really good with knowing people.

"Umm, no they're not dating. As far as I know they're best friends, all three of them." He answered, I sigh in relief

But why does it matter?!

"Forget about the blonde, I think the brunette is the cutest." Niall commented after calming down.

"Whatever man, the guy in the middle is the hottest." Louis said, making everyone laugh.

"Lou you need a girlfriend!" I said between laughs.

"Yeah man I know! I'm having a party this weekend, maybe I'll meet my girl." Louis replied.

"Maybe you will!" Niall says.

"Maybe you won't!" Harry teases.

"You know what c'mere you." Lou grabs Harry and diggs his knuckles into Harry's curls.

"Ow! Stop you're messing up my hair!" Harry struggled to get out of Louis grip.

"You guys are a mess." I said, pulling out my phone.

"Hey it's 5:09, we should get back to Zayn's house for practice." I said, looking at my phone.

"Yea good idea lets go." Everyone answer something along those lines.

We threw out trash away and all piled into Zayn's car.


When we got to his house, we headed straight to the basement (Other than stopping to say hi to his family and getting some snacks).

"So lads, has anyone written anything new?" Niall asked as he plopped down on the nearest bean bag. No one said anything so I figured if break the ice.

"Um... I wrote a little something." I timidly raised my hand. Still feeling a bit insecure about it, I handed the sheet into Niall's outstretched hand.

"Ready to Run. Thanks Liam!" Niall looked over the sheet of lyrics.

Harry leans over Niall's shoulder, reading the lyrics,"This time I'm ready to run, escape from the city and follow the sun. These are really good lyrics!"

I smile, "Thanks guys. It's not completely finished yet, I figured you guys could help me."

"Yeah totally! What's it about?" Louis asked from the chair across the room.

"Getting out of school and running away with you guys." Everyone laughed.

I wasn't joking. I feel like if I stay with these boys, we can go anywhere. Even though we have some criticism, trust me it's not easy, we mostly just like to write songs and record them. As soon as we get the chance, I really am ready to run.

"Well all we need is a closing. How about we just remove the accompaniment and have Harry's voice, since he's one of the strongest, sing the first verse of the chorus, then just repeat it with the music behind it and bam!" Niall smiled. I'd have to say, it didn't sound so bad.

"I love it when you talk music to me." Harry jumped beside Niall on the bean bag hugging him and Niall laughed.

"Ugh. Narry." Zayn rolled his eyes playfully, a smile still on his face.

"I love you boys." Louis said, "But must you be so special needs?"


A/N: Yay an update!!! I'm so glad this story is finally getting somewhere.

How do you feel about 1D being a real band? How about Liam's jealousy?

I'm gonna double update today because this chapter was so short so get ready 😁😁😘


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