Chapter XIV: The War of Blood and Magic Begins Part I

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Lucius had had much to consider heavily as he went about the rest of his day working inside the Ministry of Magic; especially after the fateful Wizengamot hearing that now had tipped all of the wizard community, or soon to be, on its proverbial head.

So many different people; all high-ranked and all very much opinionated, now sought to act where they once failed. Yet, most of them could not even agree together on how to begin, and thus the arguments began.

The same reasons for their downfall and failure in the past; an unwillingness to set aside their differences and to work for the common grounds they shared.

He internally winced; he never foresaw himself as becoming a major leader or actually being one of the overall leaders to Tom's forces for any one reason. He had never really desired to be the Minister of Magic or some other power. He valued his power and his place in society; especially with his place as Tom's second, but he was also content with where he was.

Now, all of that was in question, and he didn't like it.

'It will be fine.' A feminine voice whispered, 'You will gain far more respect from your fellow Death Eaters once this is done and Tom returns with Harry. After Harry proves he can stand alone and be of use to you all."

There was a pause as Lucius gathered himself from his internal shock.

"Lady Magic?" He queried to himself, "I thought you were to have disappeared? Not that I am not grateful to know you haven't?"

A light laugh sounded to his ears inside his head.

"I am no longer physically present with a corporeal form; that was for the hearing in order to spare Harry being subjected to more of Albus's oversight. And while the feel of magic is practically non-existent; I can still reach out like this, which benefits you."

She hummed, "I have...bent the stipulations a bit around the classification of the hearing for today towards you. You will need to speak to both Narcissa about perhaps becoming a full-time healer for both Tom and Harry when they re-emerge.

And your son; he will play an integral role later for the world that is to be built. As such, you must be able to speak to him and to get him to see reason. To set aside his petty jealousies towards Harry for things that either do not exist or were done but not ever in his control."

She paused before she made hesitant sound, "And you will need to...dissuade him. Dissuade him from trying to pursue Harry for his own. Draco has hidden for years of the fact that he harbored interest to him; so much so, that most believed it was the rivalry.

Yet, to harbor interest after both Tom and Harry come back home would be a death sentence if he rebelled and tried to act upon it. Tom would not hesitate to punish Draco for stepping on grounds he knows he shouldn't even dare to tread. The severity of the punishment would depend on how far Draco tried to push.

Death would be...merciful in some cases."

Lucius was still now to this news; he had known of course as had Narcissa, that Draco was bisexual. Yet, he had not known of his son's interest in Potter like that. Draco always seemed so...furious whenever he spoke of him. His son had also confided that while he could be with women; he felt more at ease and more comfortable with a male partner.

Neither he nor his mother had really cared or minded; why would they when their marriage was forced upon them without their parent's thoughts on what their child might have desired. Lucius had come to care and to love Narcissa; after years of being together through a lot of hardships, but both still had others when they couldn't handle each other.

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