Chapter IV: An Unforgettable Discussion

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Meanwhile, as Mixy was leading Harry down the numerous hallways that lead back towards the wing in which Tom resided, and to the study to meet her master for the evening meal; one Tom Marvolo Riddle was having what one would have considered a minor mental breakdown, if not for the blank face he owned. He stared to the tome on his desk; as if unable to believe what he was reading.

He leaned against the edges of the desk as he stood there and stared to the pages with near disbelief. His hands beginning to shake with fury; mostly at himself for now what he believed was his own doing, and something he deserved if it were true.

How could he have been so blind? How could he have gone ahead and done all of this without double and triple verifying his information. How had he not seen what was right in front of him; so blatantly obvious? Had he really been that desperate to prove he was better or that he was the only one who could test the boundaries of magic?

Had he been so focused on this one aspect of his goals that he had ignored the others and allowed Albus to manipulate the situation to his favor? Or had the corruption-caused insanity made it impossible for him to see; that he only saw whatever it was he wanted to?

It now seemed very likely that he had; if what he had read was true and he had interpreted it the correct way.

His magic was bubbling underneath his skin; waiting to erupt due to how furious he was at both himself and also at Albus. As he kept reading, his eyes grew colder and harsher as he got more and more sure that what he suspected and what had actually happened were in fact one and the same.

Angry magic exploded as he yelled out in fury to one Albus Dumbledore; the master manipulator of this whole farce. He then let loose another surge of angry raw magic as he swiped his hand clear across the desk and pushed everything off with a satisfied malicious smile. The sound of glass shattered, tumbling books, and more easing his tension.

"Tom!" Harry's voiced suddenly called, "Tom?! Answer me! Are you alright? Why are you so angry; my scar nearly caused me to collapse to the floor."

Tom then stilled to that; he had caused him to...

His eyes closed with regret for the first time in a long while as he breathed through his nose. He tried to calm his nerves; though that was difficult now. He hadn't wanted Harry to feel this anger; he didn't deserve to suffer anymore from either him or Albus. But it seemed like it was inevitable that they would cause the other pain in some way; they were bound after all, and now he knew that it was in more ways than one.

At least, he highly suspected that it was.

He walked to the door and stepped out as Harry watched in worry and concern. Something in Tom constricted to the sight; it was unfamiliar but not exactly unwelcome.

"I am fine; though rather angry at the moment. My office probably needed repaired now due to the two rather large bursts of magic that I emitted, so instead of eating there like we were supposed to...would you like to return to your chambers and eat there with me?" He asked slowly

Harry watched him for a small moment and he saw clearly at exactly how discomfited Tom was no matter how hard he was trying to hide it; whatever he had learned today from his didn't sound too good. Tom, however, seemed to regain his composure quickly as he noticed the clothes Harry wore now and internally groaned; could the boy not have chosen something so utterly sexy?

He felt his cock twitch and harden to the mere thought of ripping him out of those clothes...

Harry all of the sudden stood there frozen to his spot as he felt the magic come off of Tom, and as he now felt the...desire running in it. It was overwhelmingly powerful; daunting and heady...quite unexpected and very nearly so unbelievable. That this insanely powerful and gorgeous wizard would ever want to desire someone as plain as he felt he was.

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