Chapter VI: Apologies with a Moment of Intimacy

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Tom hardly slept later that night; he stayed up far later simply lying restlessly in his bed while his mind was too burdened on what would happen in the coming hours. He wanted to know the truth of all this; yet at the same like Harry for differing reasons, he didn't because he did not wish for Harry to part from him. Which was likely if the boy wasn't bound to him; he had already admitted the possibility that it was possible vaguely despite the words of wanting this to work.

Without the bond pushing them any further; Harry and he had the choice to walk away from this. From each other; to spare themselves the pain and the hurt it could cause. Away from a path of hardship due to an already rocky road from a violent past with the other. A past that kept resurfacing in small doses no matter how they tried not to let it.

On top of their separate and individually bad childhoods and lives as they grew older and learned more.

On top of their separate and individually bad childhoods and lives as they grew older and learned more

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(Tom's Bedroom)

Red irises hardened as he stared to the ceiling of his darkened room; his nails also gripping onto his pillows and the sheets with slight anger to the mere idea of the teen sleeping across the wing being allowed to go to another. Hints had already been made that Harry had in fact allowed himself to seek pleasure from others before; not fully, but still...

It was irrational. Tom knew inside that he was being irrational; before the acknowledgment of the horcrux inside of Harry and the presence of a bond that was not broken before its placement, he wouldn't have ever even thought remotely of the idea that he and Potter would ever work in such a manner.

Yet the slightest images of hands that were not his own on that pale, but slightly sun-kissed skin was enough to send his mind into the depths of red fury. Never-mind anything else being allowed to happen to him from someone else. Or Harry performing such acts on someone not himself.

A flash of crimson appeared in his eyes while he breathed ragged; trying to calm himself. Harry wasn't the kind of person to be unfaithful to his partner, so Tom knew that if he had decided to be with him for the moment...he would stay until proven that he couldn't.

Tom didn't want to give Harry more reasons to walk away; he knew how many of the pure-bloods would welcome his accompaniment during the dark hours; despite his being half-blood. Harry's very blood was partially of the old lines in the Potter heritage, and the boy had already proven himself as resourceful, powerful and determined.

A snarl formed to edges of his lips while nails poked and tore through the bedding while his eyes became luminous in the dark; magic reacting to his anger. Images of Lucius clear in his head from the teasing of the earlier hours and knowing Harry wouldn't turn the man away.

The blonde man might care for Narcissa as little more than simply a friend, but Tom was quite aware that they shared no love between them that most spouses did. Draco was born of obligation to family traditions, not passion.

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