Chapter VIII: Of Preparations and Possessiveness

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The next several days before the beginning of August; was spent mostly at the bank and ensuring that the Potter/Peverell fortune was secured, and firmly out of any reach from Albus, his Order or anyone else that they had found out to be using it illegally while conspiring with either of the two.

Harry had emotionally bordered upon not at all surprised to somewhat stunned to learn and to find out just how many of those he once cared for had been stealing from him; for years and years now, or had been pretending to be close in order to be paid from his money.

Silverfang, Lyall, and Harry had worked for hours over several days to make sure everything was put back to rights without the notice of those they wanted to remain ignorant of their doings, and that they had no way to again access the fortune as they had before.

Lyall and Tom both overseeing all that was documented to ensure that there were no more secretly hidden, yet visible loopholes for others to use behind the scenes, and that the papers would all be properly fit for use in court with wizard law if needed. That the documents could not be exploited for the changes that were made, while Silverfang ensured each change was put to action as soon as it was finished.

Harry had spoken to Silverfang of options about how to fully secure the vaults remained untouched by anyone other than himself or those he granted access to, and eventually he had decided on investing in making all of his numerous vaults contain a blood-locked vault door. The doors also had updated and newer wards to add extra security. He made sure all of the former illegally doled-out vault keys were useless and that if the people who owned them needed new ones; they would have to personally ask him for permission on paper for them.

Especially now with the new doors due to the new keys needing special enchantments from the key-master to bypass the blood-lock.

Harry had smirked to that; there was no way Ron, Hermione or Ginny would ever ask him for them. Thereby admitting without actually saying that they had indeed been stealing from him for all the years they had known each other. As far as they knew, he had no idea they were 'borrowing' from his fortune, so asking him was out of question. The same could be said for Molly Weasley, though Harry needed to find out how much her husband knew of her thefts.

As for the artifacts that had been taken from him and his assets; Harry had become enraged to see exactly how much Albus had taken and likely had no desire to ever return. The sheer listing of them had been staggering to both Tom and Harry; the amount of books that appeared in the room when the recall ritual was done was enough to stun anyone.

Harry had betted Tom that Albus's office in the castle was now looking rather bare; a bet to which Tom smirked at, but knew better than to take because both knew that Harry was likely correct. Then Harry had seen the gemstones, precious metals, potions ingredients, and jewelry; piles of them, and all of it having come from either Albus, Hermione, Molly or Ginny.

Harry had seen some of the pieces before; he had thought perhaps that those particular items...that they had been heirlooms left from Molly's Prewett descent, but no...all those pieces had belonged to his family and they had had the gall to steal them and to wear them as if they were theirs.

All the other items had been hidden away; to hide the fact that they were stolen and 'potentially' not as poor as they made the family seem to be.

One piece in particular had caught his attention and he had eyed it with softness. One that hadn't been in any of their hands, thankfully. Harry couldn't have said what he would have done had he known any of them had taken that piece and worn it so brazenly before him. Even if he hadn't known of his family's wealth; he would have automatically recognized the fine necklace.

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