Ministry of Magic and Death

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Thank you to everyone who has read our story, we are so proud to get to 1k readers and are so grateful for all of the views and vote. Enjoy!

Harry held out the prophecy reluctantly to Lucius Malfoy, just as he was about to drop it into his hand, lights of silvery mist came down showing beaming white figures. The figures brightness slowly revealing people, it was the order. Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Mad-Eye and Kingsley. 

Sirius walked up to Lucius, "Get away from my godson," he said, Sirius swung his fist towards Lucius and punched directly in the jaw. 

The duelling then started, spells were flying in all directions and rocketing off the walls. 

"I don't need your help Sirius" yelled Harry. 

"Harry, why are you so mad? I understand you didn't get the letter inviting you to Christmas but I thought we sorted that out," Sirius shouted back over the noise. 

"It's not that, I saw you and Orion and Remus all laughing together and I guess I just felt... jealous," said Harry, waving off a spell, "No, not jealous, maybe just... abandoned... you're the last family I have left for myself."

"Oh, Harry," Sirius said, "I should have thought about how you feel with Orion and not just of assumed or hoped you two would get along." 

"I'm sorry," they both called out at the same time, looking directly into each other's eyes. 

"Avada Kedavra!" yelled Bellatrix. 

The green light hit Sirius in the chest and he fell to the ground, dead with a thump. Harry ran over to Sirius' dead body.

"No!" Harry screamed.

He started to run towards the fleeing Bellatrix, Remus grabbed him around the waist and pulled him back. Harry struggled against Lupin before breaking free of Remus's arms and sprinting in the darkness following Bellatrix Lestrange.


It was a few days after Sirius' death, Harry stood outside staring at the Black Lake, his face blank and empty. He looked up and after a few moments decided to go to Hagrid's house. Harry reached the small hut and knocked on the wooden door, he heard the giant stomping around inside his house before opening the door a crack.

"Harry!" he exclaimed, "Come in," Hagrid opened the door wider, allowing Harry inside. 

Harry sat down on one of the big chairs next to the vast table. 

"Do you want a rock cake?" Hagrid asked. 

Harry shook his head. 

"So, what brings you here?" the giant questioned as he sat down. 

"I-" Harry started before getting interrupted before hearing an owl hooting. 

"Oh!" said Hagrid, quickly standing up. 

He walked over to the window where an owl was pecking at the glass, the bird had a jet, black feathers like a raven and a pale pink beak. Hagrid opened the window and the owl stepped into the small house. 

"Harry, I would like you to meet Storm because I found her in a storm, poor little thing's wing was broken," Hagrid said proudly. 

"Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed, "That's Remus' and Sirius' owl, they lost it ages ago, I've been here loads of times and never seen him." 

"Well, he lives in the forest but Stormy comes and visits me sometimes. Don't you?" he said cooing at the owl, "But anyways how do you know he's Remus'?" he bluffed. 

"Because, they sent me a photo of her to see if he turned up at Hogwarts, plus I doubt there are many black owls. L" Harry explained. 

"Oh," Hagrid said, "Well, I suppose he will want him back." 

Harry laughed, "Stormy seems to take a liking to you, keep him." 

The giant grinned at Harry, "Thanks."

"Anyways Hagrid, I've got to go," Harry said before Hagrid could reply the boy ran out of the hut and towards the castle. 

Everything made sense now! Harry thought in his head, they did send a letter, it's just Marlene got caught in the storm and was lost. 

Harry ran up the stairs and into the Gryffindor common room when he arrived no one was there, he stood in the common room, his heartbeat slowly returning to normal. 

How could I have been so stupid? Now Sirius' is dead and I spent the year I could be getting to know him, hating him.  Harry's head said to him, suddenly grief overwhelmed him, he hadn't cried about Sirius' death, he had only felt empty and hollow inside, that was until now. 

He headed upstairs at rapid speed and threw himself on his bed, bawling his eyes out, until Ron came and found him.     

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