Tension and Christmas Day

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Thanks all of you for getting Sirius' Little Secret to 500 views. It's been really fun to write this and I hope you've all enjoyed the story so far. Read on and follow to see what happens next.

Harry woke up to the feeling of someone shaking him vigorously.

"Harry!" the person yelled in his ear, "Blimey Harry, wake up!"

"Shut up Ron, it's too early," muttered Harry, pulling the blanket over his head.

"Harry," Ron said again, "It's Christmas!"

Harry threw off his covers and grinned at Ron.

"Merry Christmas Ron."

"Merry Christmas to you too," Ron said impatiently, "Come on, we got to open presents!"

The two boys raced down the stairs and burst into the living room.

"Took you long enough!" yelled the twins.

"Yeah, thanks sleepyhead," said Ron, giving Harry a half-hearted glare.

Molly Wesley started passing out the presents.

"Here, Harry," said Molly, passing the boy a wrapped up gifts.

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley. You really didn't have to." Harry replied gratefully.

"Nonsense," she scoffed.

Molly stopped at the twins swapping the presents round in her hands before giving up with a sigh and throwing them at Fred and George.

"I give up," she said with an exaggerated sigh.

Everyone laughed and started opening their presents. Harry got a diary looking thing from Hermione that screamed out phrases when you opened it like "do it today or you'll pay price." A brown wallet with fangs from Hagrid. Lupin and Sirius got him a set of books on defence, from Tonks a model firebolt. Ron also got him a giant box of Bertie Botts every flavoured bean and Mr and Mrs Weasley gave Harry a jumper and mince pies. 

After they had all opened their presents and thanked each other, everyone sat down in the small dining room for a Christmas breakfast. 

Mrs Weasley past around plates of food, there was sizzling bacon, fried eggs, buttered toast and steaming sausages. 

The group tucked into the delicious food, piling their plates high with it. 

"Ron!"  said Ginny, smacking her brother on the arm, "Stop eating so fast, you look like a pig." 

Ron looked up at Ginny, "It's not my fault I'm hungry, is it?" he replied, spitting bits of food everywhere. 

Ginny wrinkled her nose, picked up her plate and sat on the empty chair next to Harry, the pair smiled at each other than carried on eating. Hermione raised her eyebrows at the two of them, earning a glare from both of them. 

The rest of the day flew by and soon it the sky turned from a cloudy grey to pitch black. They had all had a wonderful Christmas, they played games like Wizard's Chess and stuffed their face with mince pies, turkey, Yorkshire puddings and lots more. 

Right now everyone was sitting in the spacious living room, Hermione was already getting started on reading her new books and Ron was getting started on eating the leftovers. Above them, the twins (with Harry's help) were watching a horror movie and Harry was watching his model firebolt fly around. 

Sirius came and sat next to Harry, Harry stared into the distance, ignoring Sirius completely. 

"Hi Prongslet," said Sirius quietly. 

"I'm going to go and watch the horror movie with Fred and George," Harry said bluntly. 

He gathered up his Christmas presents and walked quickly out of the living room and walked up the stairs. 

Ron continued to shovel mince pies into his mouth until Hermione nudged him, gesturing to follow Harry. 

"Oh, right," said Ron quickly putting the plate of food on the table and chasing after Harry. 

Ron walked into the small room with the TV in it to see Harry and the twins laughing over the movie. He came into the room and sat next to Harry.

"You okay Harry?" Ron asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied.

"You sure?" Ron asked again.

"Ron," said Harry turning towards, "I. Am. Fine."

"Okay," said Ron unconvincingly, deciding not to press the matter further.  

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