A Knock at the Door and a Little Surprise

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Sirius woke up to the sound of frantic knocking coming from his front door. He tumbled out of bed and whacked his head against the floor with a loud THUD. He stood up quickly and grabbed his red fluffy robe and slippers. Sirius's hair was all over his face each strand shooting in different directions. He swiftly walked down the stairs trying to fix his hair with his hands. When he got to the door he tightened his robe, lifted his wand and unlocked the door.

He swung the door open and saw a tall woman in a navy blue robe with half-moon spectacles on the bridge of her crooked nose. She was staring at her clipboard and tapping her foot impatiently. In front of her was a tiny 6-year-old boy, the resemblance between him and Sirius except was uncanny except his hair was much shorter and his grey eyes had tears glistening in them.

Sirius lowered his wand down and Remus waltzed down the stairs and wrapped his arm around Sirius's tense shoulder.

"Good morning, how may we help you?" Remus said in a tired voice.

The woman looked up from her papers and said shortly "You must Mr Black and Mr Lupin, I hear to drop off little Orion-"

Remus cut her off and said, "So why is he here?".

The woman rolled her eyes and said "Orion Sirius Black's mother is dead and Mr Black is the only family this boy has. If you don't believe me here are the papers," she held the paper in front of their faces.

Sirius had gone as stiff as a board, his face was frozen in shock. The lady placed her papers back onto her clipboard and tapped the boy on the shoulder. Orion wiped his tears away and looked at Sirius and screamed "Paddy! Paddy!" and hung onto Sirius's legs.

Remus smirked at Sirius, turned to the lady and said: "Who is the mother? Because there are many options".

Sirius glared at Remus and muttered "Jane Mulberry, we went to Hogwarts with her."

Orion let go of Sirius' leg, looked at him and said "My mummy is in heaven now,"

Sirius muttered, "Or in hell".

Remus grabbed Sirius shoulder, turned him around so they were now face to face.

Remus trying not to lose his temper growled: "How do you know who the woman is?"

Sirius looked down to the ground and replied "Lucky guess?"

Remus raised his voice slightly "Okay then, how does he know your nickname?".

Sirius shrugged his shoulders and quietly said: "I don't know".

The lady looked up once again and said "What do you mean you don't know, Orion said he has pictures of you together! Isn't that right Orion?"

Orion nodded his head frantically. Remus hit his head against the wall, sighing he gestured to the boy to walk in, Orion gripped his backpack and skipped into the house. Remus knelt to Orion and said calmly "Go up the stairs and then into the room on the left."

The boy nodded and jumped upstairs. Remus rose and turned to the woman only to realise she had already disapparated, he shook his head and slammed the door shut and stared at Sirius with his honey brown eyes.

A few minutes past and Remus looked at Sirius with a crumpled red face and shouted: "How could you do this?!"

Sirius looked up at him with puppy dog eyes "I am sorry Moons. I really am."

Remus shot back "Don't Moons me! How could you not of told me you have a secret son?"

"But-" Sirius started.

"No!" Remus cut him off sharply, "You better tell me the truth right now Sirius Orion Black!"

"Okay!" sighed Sirius, "It was 6 years back before we were dating, I was dating Jane Mulberry. She was a bit... obsessed over me... Anyway, stuff happened," Sirius said blushing slightly, "And then Jane was pregnant with Orion, but I swear I only see him once a year, sometimes not even that! It was a mistake. I..." Sirius trailed off, seeing the look of disgust on Moony's face.

"Oh well, now your little mistake is living in OUR house, your little mistake is going to cost us money, we have to get him toys, feed him, clothe him. He'll have to go to Hogwarts..." Remus was more talking to himself now than to Sirius, "Oh god, wait till the news gets out about this, I..."

"Remus calm down!"

"How can I calm down? Huh? I just found out my boyfriend has a secret son!"


"We'll what!?"

Sirius shrugged his shoulders, refusing to meet Remus' gaze, the stood there for what seemed like ages before Remus quietly said: "You are unbelievable." He shoved Sirius out of the way and stomped upstairs slamming the bedroom door after him.

Sirius sighed, sat down on the bottom step, like a naughty kid put in time out and buried his head into his hands.

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