"Yes...you did", Dominic said but this his voice sound hurt. Like he could barely get the words out. "He killed Bianca...and you still wanna help him. We were together and you still went back to him"

"Don't you think I know that! Everyday I have to look at him knowing that he killed my best friend! The one person I could really use right now because my other friend won't even talk to me...but I understand why. I just...I'm helping him because I feel like he genuinely wasn't in control of his actions and I don't want this to happen to anyone else. Nobody. He needs help and if I'm the only person that can motivate him to get some then so be it..and I'm not with him and I don't wanna be with him for that matter. I just wanna help him", Amiyah said.

"Bullshit", Dominic said. "Fuck him and at this point fuck you"

"Really?", Amiyah asked. "That's really how it's going to be?"

"Yea. This. Us having a negative relationship is the very thing I wanted to avoid, but now that's what we got because I was fool", Dominic said.

"...I think you should get back to your company", Amiyah said before walking to her car.

Dominic watched her get in the car and then he went back inside. He walked into his room and the girl was laying on the bed.

"You can go now sweetheart", Dominic said.

"So it's like that?", she asked. "What? Was I bad in bed or something?"

"No, you were great. I'm just heading out", Dominic said as he sat on the edge of the bed and put his shoes on.

"Well then...round two tomorrow?", she asked with a smirk as she put her arms around him from the back.

"No", he replied.

The girl stopped touching him. "Well damn", she said. "I take it that your conversation with your friend didn't go well. I hope I didn't- wait were you guys dating?"

"No. But like I said you can leave", Dominic said as he got up and grabbed her clothes and tossed it on the bed.

"Fine", she said as she grabbed her things and put her clothes on.

As she did that, Dominic put a hoodie on and grabbed his phone, wallet and keys.

"Don't call me again", she said.

"Okay", he said.

She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes as she walked out then she walked back in.

"...you brought me here so..can you take me home?", she asked.

Dominic nods.

They both left and Dominic went to see Jax after he dropped her off.

Dominic told Jax about Amiyah and his conversation.

"I just can't believe she had the nerve to show up at my house. I mean how did she even know where I-"

Dominic paused for a moment.

"You told her, didn't you?", Dominic asked.

"Yea", Jax said. "You come to my house and we can be talking about one thing then next thing I know we talking about Amiyah. What she did was fucked up but she told me why she did it and I kinda understand...kinda"

Dominic shook his head.

"You gotta look at it man. You're not the only person going though a bad time. She is too. She feels the blame for Bianca's death and she just wants to make it right but preventing any other people or women from getting hurt by Lamar", Jax said.

"...she said that they aren't dating", Dominic said. "I thought they were but I guess they aren't. Unless she lying... I didn't realize how much of a lair she was"

Jax shook his head.

"At this point, she's a high school crush for a reason right", Dominic said.

"Just shut up", Jax said. "Damn, you're the one that's supposed to be talking sense into me, not the other way around. Damn"

Dominic looked at him.

"She loves you, man. I mean have you known for Amiyah to come to me out of all people? I had to listen to her cry, you know I ain't good with that. All I did was look at her", Jax said. "That made her feel even worse because I wasn't any help"

Dominic looked away.

"If she talks to you again or calls you...tell her how really feel. I get you're upset, but don't be an asshole", jax said.

"...I was kinda rude to her today", Dominic said in agreement.

"I can't believe you said fuck her out of all people", Jax said.

"Me neither", Dominic said. "I regretted it honestly"

"You should", Jax said. "All this damn whining you do"

"I don't whine", Dominic said.

"Well shit. You fooled me", Jax said. "...smoke?"

"Nah. I don't do that anymore", Dominic said.

Jax lit his blunt and smoked it.

"You better than me, I'll tell you that", Jax said.

Dominic smiled a little as he shook his head.

"But umm...I'll talk to her tomorrow", Dominic said.

"Iight. Do you. I just don't need both of y'all coming to my house and shit talking about each other", Jax said. "Shut Brazy"

Dominic chuckled. "Shut up", he said.

Jax chuckled.


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