Chapter 35

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Amiyah eventually screamed which caused Dominic to come into the room. He had a towel wrapped around his waist. He saw her having a panic attack and crying. He hadn't seen her have one since high school.

"Hey, hey", he said as he went to her and got on his knees to calm her down. He didn't notice Kaden was gone until he looked over at his crib then he looked back at Amiyah. He honestly didn't know what to do or say.

"I'm going to call the police. Just please, Amiyah calm down", Dominic said as he wiped her tears.

"This is him. He took my fucking baby!", Amiyah shouted.

Dominic didn't understand how he could break out of jail if her statement was true. He proceeded to get off his knees and walked out of the room

Amiyah saw something in his crib and got up and walked to it. By this time she was started to calm down but her heart was still racing. She picked up a sticky note. It had the number 25 on it. It reminded her of the number 12 she saw in her shoe before she went to the hospital to give birth to Kaden.

"12 and 25?", Amiyah said to herself trying to understand. "1,225?"

Amiyah continued to think about what it could mean.

Dominic walked back into the room. Amiyah back was facing him.

"They're on the way", Dominic said.

Amiyah put the sticky note in her front pocket and turned around with her hands in her robe pockets.

Dominic walked to her and grabbed her hand. "Listen, Kaden will come back safe and sound", Dominic said.

Amiyah took her hands out of her pocket. "Dominic I told you about giving me false reassurance because we don't know that", Amiyah said.

Dominic looked down.

"I feel like this is my fault" , Dominic said

"Why do you think that?", Amiyah asked.

"If we didn't have sex then maybe -"

Amiyah interrupted him. "No. You are not to blame", Amiyah said. "He is my son and this is my fault. I wasn't thinking"

Dominic really felt bad.

"Just don't worry about it. I'll talk to the police and I'll handle things", Amiyah said.

"I'm helping", Dominic said.

"...okay", Amiyah said.

The police came and they took a report. They also had the CSI and officers walking around the house for clues and evidence. The officers did say that Lamar did break out of prison a little over a month ago.

Amiyah stood in Karen's room, holding his blanket as she watched one of the forensic scientists. She couldn't help but think about Lamar.

"Have you found anything?", Amiyah asked.

"No...who ever this was, was clever", he said.

"...he was also worked as a forensic maybe look for clues that you guys wouldn't normally look for", Amiyah said.

"You may be on to something", he replied. "But um is there anything else that you may have seen?"

"...well...about a month ago I saw this sticky note that said 12 on it but I didn't pay it any mind because I have sticky notes around the house all the time but when I saw that Kaden was gone I saw another one with the number 25 on", Amiyah said. "Am I paranoid or do you think that means something"

"It could. Do you have the sticky note?", he asked.

"Yea", Amiyah said as she went into her pocket and then gave it to him.

"Thank you", he replied.

"Just find him. please", Amiyah said.

"Listen, we are going to use whatever we can get so we can find Kaden. Kaden is his name right?", he asked.

"Yes", Amiyah replied.

"I like that name", he said.

Dominic walked into the room.

"How's everything going?", Dominic asked as he put his arm around Amiyah's waist. "Find anything?"

The guy was startled a little because he didn't see Dominic walk in.

"I was just telling your..."

"Girlfriend", Dominic said.

"I was just telling your girlfriend that hopefully we can get Kaden back to here safe and sound", he said.

Dominic nods.

The get walks back to what he was doing.

Dominic held one of Amiyah's hand. "How are you feeling?", he asked.

"My son is with his unstable father and I feel great", she said sarcastically.

"Don't do that", he said.

Amiyah sighs. "I'm sorry", she said. "Does 12 and 25 mean anything to you?", Amiyah asked.

"Umm...the best time of year?", he said. "Christmas"

Amiyah made a face as she Began to think. She then realized that, that is when Lamar proposed.

"But why?", she said to herself out loud.

"What?", Dominic asked.

"... I think we need to go to Los Angeles", Amiyah said.

"Why? We can't until we find Kaden", Dominic said.

"I think that's where we'll find him", Amiyah said. "Lamar proposed to me in my house on Christmas Day"

"You think that we'll find them at your old house?", Dominic asked. "Amiyah its been like five months. People have moved in there. You're renting it out"

"So what does 12 and 25 mean then because that is the only thing I can come up with!", Amiyah shouted.

The people in the room looked at Amiyah and Dominic.

Dominic walked out in the hallway with Amiyah.

"What are you talking about?", Dominic asked.

Amiyah explained things to him.

"Miayh, you have sticky notes all around this place with numbers and words. That could be something you don't even remember you wrote", he said.

"You're right. That's what I thought but I don't think I did this", Amiyah said. "I think he's trying to say something in code or something"

"...okay. If you think we need to go to Los Angeles, we can go", Dominic said.

"...thank you", Amiyah replied.

"Go get ready. I'll handle it from here", Dominic said.

Amiyah kissed his cheek and walked into her room to get some clothes to walk into the bathroom with.


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